Камені Життя (LS) на Masterwork

Базова інформація

Камені Життя (Life Stones) — один із способів покращити вашу екіпіровку та отримати додаткові параметри і(або) всіння. Окрім того, вставлений камінь життя захиститьт вас від втрати екіпіровки після смерті від іншиї гравців.

Спеціяльно для серверів Masterwork система аугментації була перероблена для зручності гравців. В базовій Lineage 2 Камені Життя відрізняються по рівню, на Masterwork ми відмовились від цьоого розділення. Тепер існує єдиний вид Каменей, які можна використовувати для аугментаціі на будь-якому рівні.

Основний спосіб отримання Камені Життя — проходження інстансів та вбивство босів будь-яких рівней. В нагороду за вбивство босів, та з низьким шансом монстрів, ви отримаєте Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG , який містить Камені Життя усіх видів:

Повний список монстрів для видобутку Камені Життя шукайте на сторінці Вікіпедії Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG .

Бойові вміння від Камені Життя процюють згідно механіці High Five, однак мають обмежені по Силі та Рівню, в залежності від етапу розвитку сервера. Вміння від Каміння Життя розбито за рівнями — 56, 60, 64, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 83.

Після зміни етапу вміння автоматично підвищують рівень до максимально доступного. Пасивні та активні покращуючи вміння одразу мають 10 рівень.

Вставка та вилучення

Більше не потрібно шукати коваля, щоб вставити Камені Життя — використання нового клієнту дозволяє аугментувати екіпіровку прямо у інвентарі.

  • Натисніть кнопку Зачаровать (Augment) у вікні інвентаря
  • Виберіть Камінь Життя
  • Виберіть зброю. У нижній частині вікна буде вказана кількість і тип самоцвітів, необхідних для аугментації
  • Вставте камінь. Якщо результат вас не задовольнив — ви можете одразу вставити наступний. Додатково потрібна адена для автоматичного вилучення невдалого Каменя

Для видалення Каменю життя без встановлення нового зверніться до коваля в будь-якому місті

Епічна біжутерія

На Masterwork доступна вставка Каміння Життя для аксесуарів в Епічну Біжутерію.

Включно з персональною біжутерією, яку можна отримати за проходження серії квестів Сім печаток.

Епічна біжутерія розділена на 3 категорії. Категорії визначають вартість вставки та вилучення Каміння Життя.

Біжутерія Категорія Вартість вставки Вартість вилучення
Ring of Core Ring of Core C 3 Gemstone S Gemstone S NG x 3 Adena Adena NG x 1 500 000
Enchanted Ring of Core Enchanted Ring of Core B
Earring of Orfen Earring of Orfen C
Enchanted Earring of Orfen Enchanted Earring of Orfen B
Frintezza's Necklace Frintezza's Necklace A
Freya Necklace Freya Necklace S84
Refined Ring of Core Refined Ring of Core A 2 Gemstone S Gemstone S NG x 7 Adena Adena NG x 3 500 000
Physical Ring of Queen Ant Physical Ring of Queen Ant C
Magical Ring of Queen Ant Magical Ring of Queen Ant C
Refined Earring of Orfen Refined Earring of Orfen A
Zaken's Earring Zaken's Earring A
Enchanced Frintezza's Necklace Enchanced Frintezza's Necklace S80
Blessed Freya Necklace Blessed Freya Necklace S84
Enchanted Physical Ring of Queen Ant Enchanted Physical Ring of Queen Ant S80 1 Gemstone S Gemstone S NG x 15 Adena Adena NG x 7 000 000
Enchanted Magical Ring of Queen Ant Enchanted Magical Ring of Queen Ant S80
Ring of Baium Ring of Baium A
Enchanted Ring of Baium Enchanted Ring of Baium S84
Beleth's Ring Beleth's Ring S
Blessed Baylor Earring Blessed Baylor Earring S
Enchanted Zaken's Earring Enchanted Zaken's Earring S80
Earring of Antharas Earring of Antharas S
Supreme Frintezza's Necklace Supreme Frintezza's Necklace S84
Necklace of Valakas Necklace of Valakas S

Камінь Життя з вміннями

На Masterwork додано новий вид Life Stone — Superior-Grade Life Stone Superior-Grade Life Stone NG .

При вставці цього Кам'я Життя зброя гарантована (100%) отримує 2 параметри:

  • Бонус до параметрів чи базових характеристик персонажа
  • Пасивне, активне чи шансове предметне вміння

Вартість вставки та зняття:

  • Вставка — х8 від звичайної вартості для певної зброї
  • Вилучення — х8 від звичайної вартості для певної зброї

Superior-Grade Life Stone Superior-Grade Life Stone NG можна обміняти у Dwarf Pushkin Master Blacksmith (Pushkin) та в інших ковалів.

Вартість обміну:

Отримуваний предмет Камені життя Адени
Superior-Grade Life Stone Superior-Grade Life Stone NG Life Stone Life Stone NG x 100 Adena Adena NG x 750 000*
Mid-Grade Life Stone Mid-Grade Life Stone NG x 80 Adena Adena NG x 500 000*
High-Grade Life Stone High-Grade Life Stone NG x 40 Adena Adena NG x 350 000*
Top-Grade Life Stone Top-Grade Life Stone NG x 10 Adena Adena NG x 250 000*
* Вартість в Адені вказана без урахування оподаткування замку, зазвичай +15%.

Вміння зброї

Перераховані вміння розбиті на рівні та покращуються автоматично при підвищенні максимально доступного рівня персонажа.

Підсилюючі вміння доступні відразу максимального рівня.


Умение Описание
Item Skill: Heal Item Skill: Heal Lv. 10 Active: Immediately recovers your HP. Power 552.
Item Skill: Blessed Body Item Skill: Blessed Body Lv. 10 Active: Increases Max HP by 10%.
Item Skill: Battle Roar Item Skill: Battle Roar Lv. 10 Active: Increases Max HP temporarily and restores HP by the increased amount.
Item Skill: Prayer Item Skill: Prayer Lv. 10 Active: Increases the effectiveness of HP recovery magic by 7% and 20.
Item Skill: Recharge Item Skill: Recharge Lv. 10 Active: Regenerates MP. Power 69.
Item Skill: Blessed Soul Item Skill: Blessed Soul Lv. 10 Active: Increases Max MP by 7%.
Item Skill: Mana Gain Item Skill: Mana Gain Lv. 10 Active: Increases the recharge recover rate of MP by 55.
Item Skill: Ritual Item Skill: Ritual Lv. 10 Active: Regenerates CP. Power 500.
Item Skill: Cheer Item Skill: Cheer Lv. 10 Active: Increases Max CP by 17%.
Item Skill: Might Item Skill: Might Lv. 10 Active: Increases P. Atk. by 8%.
Item Skill: Empower Item Skill: Empower Lv. 10 Active: Increases M. Atk. by 15%.
Item Skill: Duel Might Item Skill: Duel Might Lv. 10 Active: Increases PvP P. Dmg. by 5%.
Item Skill: Shield Item Skill: Shield Lv. 10 Active: Increases P. Def. by 10%.
Item Skill: Magic Barrier Item Skill: Magic Barrier Lv. 10 Active: Increases M. Def. by 12%.
Item Skill: Heal Empower Item Skill: Heal Empower Lv. 10 Active: Increases the power of HP recovery magic by 7% and 20.
Item Skill: Agility Item Skill: Agility Lv. 10 Active: Increases Evasion by 6 and gives a 2% chance to dodge physical and M. Skills.
Item Skill: Guidance Item Skill: Guidance Lv. 10 Active: Increases Accuracy by 10.
Item Skill: Focus Item Skill: Focus Lv. 10 Active: Increases critical rate by 50.
Item Skill: Wild Magic Item Skill: Wild Magic Lv. 10 Active: Increases critical rate of magic attacks by 4.
Item Skill: Kiss of Eva Item Skill: Kiss of Eva Lv. 10 Active: Increases Lung Capacity temporarily.
Item Skill: Acrobatics Item Skill: Acrobatics Lv. 10 Active: Increases the height from which you can jump without sustaining damage temporarily.
Item Skill: Iron Body Item Skill: Iron Body Lv. 10 Active: Increases Resistance to damage from falling.
Item Skill: Recall Item Skill: Recall Lv. 1 Active: Teleports the caster to a village. Cannot be used in special areas, such as the GM Consultation Room.
Item Skill: Recall Item Skill: Recall Lv. 1 Active: Teleports the caster to a village. Cannot be used in special areas, such as the GM Consultation Room.
Item Skill: Vampiric Rage Item Skill: Vampiric Rage Lv. 10 Active: Increases the ability to restore some HP from the damage inflicted on an enemy by 6%. Excludes damage by skill or long-range attacks.
Item Skill: Duel Weakness Item Skill: Duel Weakness Lv. 10 Active: Decreases the opponent's PvP P. Dmg. by 5%.
Item Skill: Aggression Item Skill: Aggression Lv. 10 Active: Increases the target's urge to attack. Power 659.
Item Skill: Charm Item Skill: Charm Lv. 10 Active: Decreases a target's urge to attack. Power 330.
Item Skill: Peace Item Skill: Peace Lv. 10 Active: Puts the opponent's mind at peace and erases the desire to attack.
Item Skill: Trick Item Skill: Trick Lv. 10 Active: Cancels the target's status.
Item Skill: Vampiric Touch Item Skill: Vampiric Touch Lv. 10 Active: Inflicts damage on the target with 105 Power added to M. Atk. Absorbs 40% of the damage inflicted on target as HP.
Item Skill: Mana Burn Item Skill: Mana Burn Lv. 10 Active: Burns up an enemy's MP. Power 140.
Item Skill: Unlock Item Skill: Unlock Lv. 10 Active: Opens level 3 doors with 100% probability and chests below level 72 with 90% probability.
Item Skill: Firework Item Skill: Firework Lv. 1 Active: Ignites a Firework.
Item Skill: Large Firework Item Skill: Large Firework Lv. 1 Active: Ignites a Large Firework.
Item Skill: Lesser Celestial Shield Item Skill: Lesser Celestial Shield Lv. 1 Active: Bestows temporary invincibility for 7 sec.
Item Skill: Stealth Item Skill: Stealth Lv. 3 Active: Temporarily blocks a monster's pre-emptive attack. Fighting ability significantly decreases while in effect.
Item Skill: Resurrection Item Skill: Resurrection Lv. 9 Active: Resurrects a corpse. Restores about 70% of additional Exp.
Item Skill: Skill Clarity Item Skill: Skill Clarity Lv. 3 Active: Temporarily decreases MP Consumption for P. Skills by 15%.
Item Skill: Spell Clarity Item Skill: Spell Clarity Lv. 3 Active: Temporarily decreases MP Consumption for M. Skills by 20%.
Item Skill: Rhythm Clarity Item Skill: Rhythm Clarity Lv. 3 Active: Temporarily decreases MP Consumption for Rhythms by 15%.
Item Skill: All Clarity Item Skill: All Clarity Lv. 3 Active: Temporarily decreases MP Consumptions for M. Skills by 20% and for physical and Rhythms by 15%.
Item Skill: Prominence Item Skill: Prominence Lv. 10 Active: Detonates a fireball by compressing the air around the caster. Power 127.
Item Skill: Hydro Blast Item Skill: Hydro Blast Lv. 10 Active: Unleashes a spray of highly pressurized water. Power 127.
Item Skill: Tempest Item Skill: Tempest Lv. 10 Active: Creates a whirlwind of destruction. Power 127.
Item Skill: Stone Item Skill: Stone Lv. 10 Active: Attacks the target with a stone boulder. Power 127.
Item Skill: Solar Flare Item Skill: Solar Flare Lv. 10 Active: Unleashes a holy attack. Power 127.
Item Skill: Shadow Flare Item Skill: Shadow Flare Lv. 10 Active: Unleashes a dark attack. Power 127.
Item Skill: Aura Flare Item Skill: Aura Flare Lv. 10 Active: Unleashes an elemental attack. Power 127.
Item Skill: Mass Prominence Item Skill: Mass Prominence Lv. 10 Active: Unleashes a fire attack against the enemies near a target. Power 64.
Over-hit is available.
Item Skill: Mass Hydro Blast Item Skill: Mass Hydro Blast Lv. 10 Active: Unleashes a water attack against the enemies near a target. Power 64.
Over-hit is available.
Item Skill: Mass Hurricane Item Skill: Mass Hurricane Lv. 10 Active: Unleashes a wind attack against the enemies near a target. Power 64.
Over-hit is available.
Item Skill: Mass Stone Item Skill: Mass Stone Lv. 10 Active: Attacks the enemies near a target with a stone boulder. Power 64.
Over-hit is available.
Item Skill: Mass Solar Flare Item Skill: Mass Solar Flare Lv. 10 Active: Unleashes a holy attack against the enemies near a target. Power 64.
Over-hit is available.
Item Skill: Mass Shadow Flare Item Skill: Mass Shadow Flare Lv. 10 Active: Unleashes a dark attack against the enemies near a target. Power 64.
Over-hit is available.
Item Skill: Mass Aura Flare Item Skill: Mass Aura Flare Lv. 10 Active: Unleashes an elemental attack against the enemies near a target. Power 64.
Over-hit is available.
Item Skill: Mass Prominence Item Skill: Mass Prominence Lv. 10 Active: Unleashes a flaming attack against on nearby enemies. Power 64.
Over-hit is available.
Item Skill: Mass Hydro Blast Item Skill: Mass Hydro Blast Lv. 10 Active: Unleashes a water attack against on nearby enemies. Power 64.
Over-hit is available.
Item Skill: Mass Hurricane Item Skill: Mass Hurricane Lv. 10 Active: Unleashes a wind attack against on nearby enemies. Power 64.
Over-hit is available.
Item Skill: Mass Stone Item Skill: Mass Stone Lv. 10 Active: Unleashes an earth attack against on nearby enemies. Power 64.
Over-hit is available.
Item Skill: Mass Solar Flare Item Skill: Mass Solar Flare Lv. 10 Active: Unleashes a holy attack against on nearby enemies. Power 64.
Over-hit is available.
Item Skill: Mass Shadow Flare Item Skill: Mass Shadow Flare Lv. 10 Active: Unleashes a dark attack against on nearby enemies. Power 64.
Item Skill: Mass Aura Flare Item Skill: Mass Aura Flare Lv. 10 Active: Unleashes an elemental attack against on nearby enemies. Power 64.
Item Skill: Slow Item Skill: Slow Lv. 10 Active: Temporarily decreases a target's speed.
Item Skill: Winter Item Skill: Winter Lv. 10 Active: Temporarily decreases a target's Atk. Spd.
Item Skill: Stun Item Skill: Stun Lv. 10 Active: Temporarily throws the target into a state of shock.
Item Skill: Hold Item Skill: Hold Lv. 10 Active: Temporarily throws the target into a state of hold. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.
Item Skill: Hold Item Skill: Hold Lv. 10 Active: Temporarily throws the target into a state of hold. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.
Item Skill: Sleep Item Skill: Sleep Lv. 10 Active: Instantly puts a target into sleep. Additional chance to be put into sleep greatly decreases while the effect lasts.
Item Skill: Paralyze Item Skill: Paralyze Lv. 10 Active: Temporarily throws the target into a state of paralysis.
Item Skill: Medusa Item Skill: Medusa Lv. 10 Active: Temporarily throws the target into a petrified state.
Item Skill: Fear Item Skill: Fear Lv. 10 Active: Momentarily throws the target into a state of fear and causes him to flee.
Item Skill: Poison Item Skill: Poison Lv. 10 Active: Temporarily poisons a target.
Item Skill: Bleed Item Skill: Bleed Lv. 10 Active: Temporarily causes a target to bleed heavily.
Item Skill: Silence Item Skill: Silence Lv. 10 Active: Temporarily blocks the target's magic skills.
Item Skill: Doom Item Skill: Doom Lv. 10 Active: Temporarily blocks all of the target's physical/magic skills.
Item Skill: Skill Refresh Item Skill: Skill Refresh Lv. 3 Active: Temporarily decreases the Reuse Delay for P. Skills by 15%.
Item Skill: Spell Refresh Item Skill: Spell Refresh Lv. 3 Active: Temporarily decreases the Reuse Delay for M. Skills by 15%.
Item Skill: Music Refresh Item Skill: Music Refresh Lv. 3 Active: Temporarily decreases the Reuse Delay for Rhythms by 15%.
Item Skill: Refresh Item Skill: Refresh Lv. 3 Active: Temporarily decreases the Reuse Delay for All Skills by 15%.
Item Skill: Mystery Skill Item Skill: Mystery Skill Lv. 1 Active: Increases your head size.
Item Skill: Reflect Damage Item Skill: Reflect Damage Lv. 3 Active: Reflect some of the damage you incurred back to an enemy: 5% of all damage and 15% yet that excludes damage from skill or remote attacks.
Item Skill: Party Recall Item Skill: Party Recall Lv. 2 Active: Teleports party members to a village. Cannot be used in a specially designated place such as the GM Consultation Service.
Item Skill: Music Item Skill: Music Lv. 10 Active: Plays music.


Умение Описание
Item Skill: Prayer Item Skill: Prayer Lv. 10 Passive: Increases the effect of HP recovery magic by 7% and 20 when equipped.
Item Skill: Mana Gain Item Skill: Mana Gain Lv. 10 Passive: Increases the recharge recovery rate of MP by 55 when equipped.
Item Skill: Might Item Skill: Might Lv. 10 Passive: Increases P. Atk. by 6% when equipped.
Item Skill: Empower Item Skill: Empower Lv. 10 Passive: Increases M. Atk. by 10% when equipped.
Item Skill: Duel Might Item Skill: Duel Might Lv. 10 Passive: Increases PvP P. Dmg. by 5% when equipped.
Item Skill: Shield Item Skill: Shield Lv. 10 Passive: Increases P. Def. by 7% when equipped.
Item Skill: Magic Barrier Item Skill: Magic Barrier Lv. 10 Passive: Increases M. Def. by 8% when equipped.
Item Skill: Heal Empower Item Skill: Heal Empower Lv. 10 Passive: Increases the power of HP recovery magic by 7% and 20 when equipped.
Item Skill: Agility Item Skill: Agility Lv. 10 Passive: Increases Evasion by 4 and chance to dodge P. Skills by 1% and M. Skills by 1% when equipped.
Item Skill: Guidance Item Skill: Guidance Lv. 10 Passive: Increases Accuracy by 6 when equipped.
Item Skill: Focus Item Skill: Focus Lv. 10 Passive: Increases critical rate by 35 when equipped.
Item Skill: Wild Magic Item Skill: Wild Magic Lv. 10 Passive: Increases critical rate of magic attacks by 3 when equipped.
Item Skill: Weight Limit Item Skill: Weight Limit Lv. 10 Passive: Increases the weapon weight limit by 100% when equipped.
Item Skill: Kiss of Eva Item Skill: Kiss of Eva Lv. 10 Passive: Increases lung capacity by 600% when equipped.
Item Skill: Acrobatics Item Skill: Acrobatics Lv. 10 Passive: Increases the height from which you can jump without sustaining damage by 100 when equipped.
Item Skill: Iron Body Item Skill: Iron Body Lv. 10 Passive: Increases Resistance to damage from falling by 40% when equipped.
Item Skill: Skill Clarity Item Skill: Skill Clarity Lv. 3 Passive: Decreases MP Consumption for P. Skills by 10% when equipped.
Item Skill: Spell Clarity Item Skill: Spell Clarity Lv. 3 Passive: Decreases MP Consumption for magic skills by 15% when equipped.
Item Skill: Rhythm Clarity Item Skill: Rhythm Clarity Lv. 3 Passive: Decreases MP Consumption for Rhythms by 10% when equipped.
Item Skill: Clarity Item Skill: Clarity Lv. 3 Passive: Decreases MP Consumptions for P. Skills by 15%, M. Skills by 10% and Rhythms by 10% when equipped.
Item Skill: Reflect Damage Item Skill: Reflect Damage Lv. 3 Passive: Increases the ability to reflect 20% of the damage you incur back to an enemy when equipped. Excludes damage by skill or long-range attacks.


Умение Описание
Item Skill: Aggression Item Skill: Aggression Lv. 10 Chance: Provokes a target to attack during an ordinary physical attack. Power 635.
Item Skill: Charm Item Skill: Charm Lv. 10 Chance: Decreases a target's urge to attack during a general physical attack. Power 318.
Item Skill: Mana Burn Item Skill: Mana Burn Lv. 10 Chance: Burns up a target's MP during an ordinary physical attack. Power 82.
Item Skill: Slow Item Skill: Slow Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily decreases a target's speed during an ordinary physical attack by 30%.
Item Skill: Winter Item Skill: Winter Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily decreases a target's Atk. Spd. during an ordinary physical attack by 23%.
Item Skill: Stun Item Skill: Stun Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily throws the target into a state of shock during an ordinary physical attack.
Item Skill: Hold Item Skill: Hold Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily throws the target into a state of hold during an ordinary physical attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.
Item Skill: Sleep Item Skill: Sleep Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily throws the target into a state of sleep during a general physical attack. Additional chance to be put into sleep greatly decreases while the effect lasts.
Item Skill: Paralyze Item Skill: Paralyze Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily throws the target into a state of paralysis during an ordinary physical attack.
Item Skill: Medusa Item Skill: Medusa Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily throws the target into a petrified state during a general physical attack.
Item Skill: Fear Item Skill: Fear Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily throws the target into a state of fear and causes him to flee during a general physical attack.
Item Skill: Poison Item Skill: Poison Lv. 10 Chance: During a general physical attack, inflicts a poison on the target that reduces HP by 63 per second.
Item Skill: Bleed Item Skill: Bleed Lv. 10 Chance: During a general physical attack, causes the target to bleed, reducing HP by 67 per second.
Item Skill: Silence Item Skill: Silence Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily blocks the target's magic skill during a general physical attack.
Item Skill: Doom Item Skill: Doom Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily blocks all of the target's physical and magic skills during a general physical attack.
Item Skill: Mana Burn Item Skill: Mana Burn Lv. 10 Chance: Burns up a target's MP during magic use. Power 82.
Item Skill: Slow Item Skill: Slow Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily decreases the target's speed by 30% during magic use.
Item Skill: Winter Item Skill: Winter Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily decreases the target's Atk. Spd. by 23% during magic use.
Item Skill: Stun Item Skill: Stun Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily throws the target into a state of shock during magic use.
Item Skill: Hold Item Skill: Hold Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily throws the target into a state of hold during magic use. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.
Item Skill: Sleep Item Skill: Sleep Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily throws the target into a state of sleep during magic use. Additional chance to be put into sleep greatly decreases while the effect lasts.
Item Skill: Paralyze Item Skill: Paralyze Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily throws the target into a state of paralysis during magic use.
Item Skill: Medusa Item Skill: Medusa Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily throws the target into a petrified state during magic use.
Item Skill: Fear Item Skill: Fear Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily throws the target into a state of fear and causes him to flee during magic use.
Item Skill: Poison Item Skill: Poison Lv. 10 Chance: During a magic attack, inflicts a poison on the target that reduces HP by 63 per second.
Item Skill: Bleed Item Skill: Bleed Lv. 10 Chance: During a magic attack, causes the target to bleed, reducing HP by 67 per second.
Item Skill: Silence Item Skill: Silence Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily blocks the target's magic skill during magic use.
Item Skill: Doom Item Skill: Doom Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily blocks all of the target's physical and magic skills during magic use.
Item Skill: Aggression Up Item Skill: Aggression Up Lv. 10 Chance: Increases a target's urge to attack during a critical attack. Power 1.
Item Skill: Aggression Down Item Skill: Aggression Down Lv. 10 Chance: Decreases a target's urge to attack during a critical attack. Power 318.
Item Skill: Mana Burn Item Skill: Mana Burn Lv. 10 Chance: Burns up a target's MP during a critical attack. Power 82.
Item Skill: Slow Item Skill: Slow Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily decreases the target's speed by 30% during a critical attack.
Item Skill: Winter Item Skill: Winter Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily decreases the target's Atk. Spd. by 23% during a critical attack.
Item Skill: Stun Item Skill: Stun Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily throws the target into a state of shock during a critical attack.
Item Skill: Hold Item Skill: Hold Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily throws the target into a state of hold during a critical attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts.
Item Skill: Sleep Item Skill: Sleep Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily throws the target into a state of sleep during a critical attack. Additional chance to be put into sleep greatly decreases while the effect lasts.
Item Skill: Paralyze Item Skill: Paralyze Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily throws the target into a state of paralysis during a critical attack.
Item Skill: Medusa Item Skill: Medusa Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily throws the target into a petrified state during a critical attack.
Item Skill: Fear Item Skill: Fear Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily throws the target into a state of fear and causes him to flee during a critical attack.
Item Skill: Poison Item Skill: Poison Lv. 10 Chance: During a critical attack, inflicts a poison on the target that reduces HP by 63 per second.
Item Skill: Bleed Item Skill: Bleed Lv. 10 Chance: During a critical attack, causes the target to bleed, reducing HP by 67 per second.
Item Skill: Silence Item Skill: Silence Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily blocks the target's magic skill during a critical attack.
Item Skill: Doom Item Skill: Doom Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily blocks all of the target's physical and magic skills during a critical attack.


Умение Описание
Item Skill: Heal Item Skill: Heal Lv. 10 Chance: Restores your 552 HP by using attack rate.
Item Skill: Blessed Body Item Skill: Blessed Body Lv. 10 Chance: Increases Max HP by 10% by using attack rate for a certain amount of time.
Item Skill: Prayer Item Skill: Prayer Lv. 10 Chance: Increases the effect of HP recovery magic by 7% and 20 by using attack rate for a certain amount of time.
Item Skill: Recharge Item Skill: Recharge Lv. 10 Chance: Restores your MP by using attack rate.
Item Skill: Blessed Soul Item Skill: Blessed Soul Lv. 10 Chance: Increases Max MP by 7% when under attack for a certain amount of time.
Item Skill: Mana Gain Item Skill: Mana Gain Lv. 10 Chance: Increases the recharge recovery rate of MP by 55 when under attack.
Item Skill: Ritual Item Skill: Ritual Lv. 10 Chance: Restores CP by 500 when under attack.
Item Skill: Cheer Item Skill: Cheer Lv. 10 Chance: Increases Max CP by 17% when under attack for a certain amount of time.
Item Skill: Might Item Skill: Might Lv. 10 Chance: Temporarily increases P. Atk. by 8% when under attack.
Item Skill: Empower Item Skill: Empower Lv. 10 Chance: Temporarily increases M. Atk. by 15% when under attack.
Item Skill: Duel Might Item Skill: Duel Might Lv. 10 Chance: Temporarily increases PvP P. Dmg. by 5% when under attack.
Item Skill: Shield Item Skill: Shield Lv. 10 Chance: Temporarily increases P. Def. by 10% when under attack.
Item Skill: Magic Barrier Item Skill: Magic Barrier Lv. 10 Chance: Temporarily increases M. Def. by 12% when under attack.
Item Skill: Duel Weakness Item Skill: Duel Weakness Lv. 10 Chance: Temporarily decreases the opponent's PvP P. Dmg. by 5% when you are under attack.
Item Skill: Agility Item Skill: Agility Lv. 10 Chance: Temporarily increases Evasion by 6 and gives a 2% chance to dodge physical and M. Skills when under attack.
Item Skill: Guidance Item Skill: Guidance Lv. 10 Chance: Temporarily increases Accuracy by 10 when under attack.
Item Skill: Focus Item Skill: Focus Lv. 10 Chance: Temporarily increases critical rate by 50 when under attack.
Item Skill: Wild Magic Item Skill: Wild Magic Lv. 10 Chance: Temporarily increases critical rate by 4 of magic attacks when under attack.
Item Skill: Charm Item Skill: Charm Lv. 10 Chance: Decreases an enemy's urge to attack when you are under attack.
Item Skill: Slow Item Skill: Slow Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily decreases a target's Speed when you are under attack.
Item Skill: Winter Item Skill: Winter Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily decreases a target's Atk. Spd. when you are under attack.
Item Skill: Stun Item Skill: Stun Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily stuns the target when you are under attack.
Item Skill: Hold Item Skill: Hold Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily holds the target when you are under attack. Additional chance to be put into hold greatly decreases while the effect lasts.
Item Skill: Sleep Item Skill: Sleep Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily causes the target to sleep when you are under attack. Additional chance to be put into sleep greatly decreases while the effect lasts.
Item Skill: Paralyze Item Skill: Paralyze Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily paralyzes the target when you are under attack.
Item Skill: Medusa Item Skill: Medusa Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily petrifies the target when you are under attack.
Item Skill: Fear Item Skill: Fear Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily instills a feeling of fear on the target that causes it to flee when you are under attack.
Item Skill: Poison Item Skill: Poison Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily poisons the target when you are under attack.
Item Skill: Bleed Item Skill: Bleed Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily causes the target to bleed when you are under attack.
Item Skill: Silence Item Skill: Silence Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily blocks the target's magic skills when you are under attack.
Item Skill: Doom Item Skill: Doom Lv. 10 Chance: Momentarily blocks all of the target's physical and magic skills when you are under attack.

Вміння біжутерії

Два однакові вміння в одному типі біжутерії не підсумовуються — на персонажа діятиме ефект лише одного з них. Наприклад: два кільця за захист від Паралічу не дадуть подвійний захист, працюватиме лише один із двох однакових ефектів, за аналогією з кільцем Королеви Мурах.

Два однакові вміння у різних типах біжутерії підсумовуються — на персонажа діятимуть обидва ефекти. Наприклад: сережки на захист від Паралічу +7% та кільце на захист від Паралічу +5% у сумі дадуть +12% захисту.

Два різні вміння в одному типі біжутерії підсумовуються — на персонажа діятимуть обидва ефекти. Наприклад: сережки на захист від Паралічу +7% і сережки на захист від Шоку +7% в сумі дадуть +7% на захист від Паралічу та +7% до захисту від Шоку.

Зверни увагу!

Бонуси умінь від Каміння Життя сумуються з ефектами рідкісної біжутерії.

Наприклад: рідкісне Tateossian Necklace Tateossian Necklace S (Опір Паралічу +10%) з умінням Necklace Augment - Paralyze Resistance Necklace Augment - Paralyze Resistance Lv. 1 (Опір Паралічу +10%) в сумі дадуть +20% захисту від Паралічу.


Вміння Опис
Necklace Augment - Holy Attack Necklace Augment - Holy Attack Lv. 1 Holy Atk. Attribute +10.
Necklace Augment - Dark Attack Necklace Augment - Dark Attack Lv. 1 Dark Atk. Attribute +10.
Necklace Augment - Fire Attack Necklace Augment - Fire Attack Lv. 1 Fire Atk. Attribute +10.
Necklace Augment - Water Attack Necklace Augment - Water Attack Lv. 1 Water Atk. Attribute +10.
Necklace Augment - Wind Attack Necklace Augment - Wind Attack Lv. 1 Wind Atk. Attribute +10.
Necklace Augment - Earth Attack Necklace Augment - Earth Attack Lv. 1 Earth Atk. Attribute +10.
Necklace Augment - Holy Resistance Necklace Augment - Holy Resistance Lv. 1 Holy Def. Attribute +10.
Necklace Augment - Dark Resistance Necklace Augment - Dark Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance to Dark +10.
Necklace Augment - Fire Resistance Necklace Augment - Fire Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance to Fire +10.
Necklace Augment - Water Resistance Necklace Augment - Water Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance to Water +10.
Necklace Augment - Wind Resistance Necklace Augment - Wind Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance to Wind +10.
Necklace Augment - Earth Resistance Necklace Augment - Earth Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance to Earth +10.
Necklace Augment - Stun Chance Necklace Augment - Stun Chance Lv. 1 Stun Chance +10.00%.
Necklace Augment - Bleed Chance Necklace Augment - Bleed Chance Lv. 1 Bleed Chance +10.00%.
Necklace Augment - Poison Chance Necklace Augment - Poison Chance Lv. 1 Poison Chance +10.00%.
Necklace Augment - Sleep Chance Necklace Augment - Sleep Chance Lv. 1 Sleep Chance +10.00%.
Necklace Augment - Paralyze Chance Necklace Augment - Paralyze Chance Lv. 1 Paralyze Chance +10.00%.
Necklace Augment - Mental Attack Chance Necklace Augment - Mental Attack Chance Lv. 1 Mental attacks Chance +10.00%.
Necklace Augment - Hold Chance Necklace Augment - Hold Chance Lv. 1 Hold Chance +10.00%.
Necklace Augment - Stun Resistance Necklace Augment - Stun Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance Stun +10.00%.
Necklace Augment - Bleed Resistance Necklace Augment - Bleed Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance Bleed +10.00%.
Necklace Augment - Poison Resistance Necklace Augment - Poison Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance Poison +10.00%.
Necklace Augment - Sleep Resistance Necklace Augment - Sleep Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance Sleep +10.00%.
Necklace Augment - Paralyze Resistance Necklace Augment - Paralyze Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance Paralyze +10.00%.
Necklace Augment - Mental Attack Resistance Necklace Augment - Mental Attack Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance Mental attacks +10.00%.
Necklace Augment - Hold Resistance Necklace Augment - Hold Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance Hold +10.00%.


Вміння Опис
Earring Augment - Holy Attack Earring Augment - Holy Attack Lv. 1 Holy Atk. Attribute +7.
Earring Augment - Dark Attack Earring Augment - Dark Attack Lv. 1 Dark Atk. Attribute +7.
Earring Augment - Fire Attack Earring Augment - Fire Attack Lv. 1 Fire Atk. Attribute +7.
Earring Augment - Water Attack Earring Augment - Water Attack Lv. 1 Water Atk. Attribute +7.
Earring Augment - Wind Attack Earring Augment - Wind Attack Lv. 1 Wind Atk. Attribute +7.
Earring Augment - Earth Attack Earring Augment - Earth Attack Lv. 1 Earth Atk. Attribute +7.
Earring Augment - Holy Resistance Earring Augment - Holy Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance to Holy +7.
Earring Augment - Dark Resistance Earring Augment - Dark Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance to Dark +7.
Earring Augment - Fire Resistance Earring Augment - Fire Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance to Fire +7.
Earring Augment - Water Resistance Earring Augment - Water Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance to Water +7.
Earring Augment - Wind Resistance Earring Augment - Wind Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance to Wind +7.
Earring Augment - Earth Resistance Earring Augment - Earth Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance to Earth +7.
Earring Augment - Stun Chance Earring Augment - Stun Chance Lv. 1 Stun Chance +7.00%.
Earring Augment - Bleed Chance Earring Augment - Bleed Chance Lv. 1 Bleed Chance +7.00%.
Earring Augment - Poison Chance Earring Augment - Poison Chance Lv. 1 Poison Chance +7.00%.
Earring Augment - Sleep Chance Earring Augment - Sleep Chance Lv. 1 Sleep Chance +7.00%.
Earring Augment - Paralyze Chance Earring Augment - Paralyze Chance Lv. 1 Paralyze Chance +7.00%.
Earring Augment - Mental Attack Chance Earring Augment - Mental Attack Chance Lv. 1 Mental attacks Chance +7.00%.
Earring Augment - Hold Chance Earring Augment - Hold Chance Lv. 1 Hold Chance +7.00%.
Earring Augment - Stun Resistance Earring Augment - Stun Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance Stun +7.00%.
Earring Augment - Bleed Resistance Earring Augment - Bleed Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance Bleed +7.00%.
Earring Augment - Poison Resistance Earring Augment - Poison Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance Poison +7.00%.
Earring Augment - Sleep Resistance Earring Augment - Sleep Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance Sleep +7.00%.
Earring Augment - Paralyze Resistance Earring Augment - Paralyze Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance Paralyze +7.00%.
Earring Augment - Mental Attack Resistance Earring Augment - Mental Attack Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance Mental attacks +7.00%.
Earring Augment - Hold Resistance Earring Augment - Hold Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance Hold +7.00%.


Вміння Опис
Ring Augment - Holy Attack Ring Augment - Holy Attack Lv. 1 Holy Atk. Attribute +5.
Ring Augment - Dark Attack Ring Augment - Dark Attack Lv. 1 Dark Atk. Attribute +5.
Ring Augment - Fire Attack Ring Augment - Fire Attack Lv. 1 Fire Atk. Attribute +5.
Ring Augment - Water Attack Ring Augment - Water Attack Lv. 1 Water Atk. Attribute +5.
Ring Augment - Wind Attack Ring Augment - Wind Attack Lv. 1 Wind Atk. Attribute +5.
Ring Augment - Earth Attack Ring Augment - Earth Attack Lv. 1 Earth Atk. Attribute +5.
Ring Augment - Holy Resistance Ring Augment - Holy Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance to Holy +5.
Ring Augment - Dark Resistance Ring Augment - Dark Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance to Dark +5.
Ring Augment - Fire Resistance Ring Augment - Fire Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance to Fire +5.
Ring Augment - Water Resistance Ring Augment - Water Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance to Water +5.
Ring Augment - Wind Resistance Ring Augment - Wind Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance to Wind +5.
Ring Augment - Earth Resistance Ring Augment - Earth Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance to Earth +5.
Ring Augment - Stun Chance Ring Augment - Stun Chance Lv. 1 Stun Chance +5.00%.
Ring Augment - Bleed Chance Ring Augment - Bleed Chance Lv. 1 Bleed Chance +5.00%.
Ring Augment - Poison Chance Ring Augment - Poison Chance Lv. 1 Poison Chance +5.00%.
Ring Augment - Sleep Chance Ring Augment - Sleep Chance Lv. 1 Sleep Chance +5.00%.
Ring Augment - Paralyze Chance Ring Augment - Paralyze Chance Lv. 1 Paralyze Chance +5.00%.
Ring Augment - Mental Attack Chance Ring Augment - Mental Attack Chance Lv. 1 Mental attacks Chance +5.00%.
Ring Augment - Hold Chance Ring Augment - Hold Chance Lv. 1 Hold Chance +5.00%.
Ring Augment - Stun Resistance Ring Augment - Stun Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance Stun +5.00%.
Ring Augment - Bleed Resistance Ring Augment - Bleed Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance Bleed +5.00%.
Ring Augment - Poison Resistance Ring Augment - Poison Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance Poison +5.00%.
Ring Augment - Sleep Resistance Ring Augment - Sleep Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance Sleep +5.00%.
Ring Augment - Paralyze Resistance Ring Augment - Paralyze Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance Paralyze +5.00%.
Augment Option - Mental Attack Resistance Augment Option - Mental Attack Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance Mental attacks +5.00%.
Ring Augment - Hold Resistance Ring Augment - Hold Resistance Lv. 1 Resistance Hold +5.00%.

Вартість вставки


Ранг зброї Аугментація Вилучення
Ранг C Gemstone D Gemstone D NG x 20 Adena Adena NG x 210 000
Ранг B (low) Gemstone D Gemstone D NG x 30 Adena Adena NG x 240 000
Ранг B (top) Gemstone D Gemstone D NG x 30 Adena Adena NG x 270 000
Ранг A (low) Gemstone C Gemstone C NG x 20 Adena Adena NG x 330 000
Ранг A (middle) Gemstone C Gemstone C NG x 20 Adena Adena NG x 380 000
Ранг A (top) Gemstone C Gemstone C NG x 20 Adena Adena NG x 480 000
Ранг S (low) Gemstone C Gemstone C NG x 25 Adena Adena NG x 840 000
Ранг S (Dynasty) Gemstone C Gemstone C NG x 25 Adena Adena NG x 840 000
Ранг S80 (Icarus) Gemstone B Gemstone B NG x 36 Adena Adena NG x 920 000
Ранг S84 (Vesper) Gemstone B Gemstone B NG x 48 Adena Adena NG x 1 440 000
Ранг S84 (middle) Gemstone B Gemstone B NG x 29 Adena Adena NG x 1 600 000
Ранг S84 (top) Gemstone B Gemstone B NG x 58 Adena Adena NG x 3 200 000
Ранг S84 (Eternal) Gemstone B Gemstone B NG x 78 Adena Adena NG x 3 200 000

Рідкісна зброя Vesper

На Masterwork для рідкісної зброї Венери (Vesper) діють спеціальні умови для вставляння Каменів Життя:


Accessory Life Stone - Necklace Accessory Life Stone - Necklace NG купуються у ковалів у будь-якому місті за 5 Life Stone Life Stone NG у розділі "Зачарувати предмет".

Де взяти ЛС для біжутерії
blacksmith blacksmith
Ранг біжутерії Аугментація Вилучення
Ранг C (low) Gemstone D Gemstone D NG x 200 Adena Adena NG x 95 000
Ранг C (mid) Gemstone D Gemstone D NG x 200 Adena Adena NG x 115 000
Ранг C (high) Gemstone D Gemstone D NG x 200 Adena Adena NG x 150 000
Ранг C (top) Gemstone D Gemstone D NG x 200 Adena Adena NG x 210 000
Ранг B (low) Gemstone D Gemstone D NG x 300 Adena Adena NG x 240 000
Ранг B (top) Gemstone D Gemstone D NG x 300 Adena Adena NG x 270 000
Ранг A (low) Gemstone C Gemstone C NG x 200 Adena Adena NG x 330 000
Ранг A (TW) Gemstone C Gemstone C NG x 200 Adena Adena NG x 390 000
Ранг A (top) Gemstone C Gemstone C NG x 200 Adena Adena NG x 390 000
Ранг S (TT) Gemstone C Gemstone C NG x 250 Adena Adena NG x 480 000
Ранг S (Immortal) Gemstone C Gemstone C NG x 250 Adena Adena NG x 480 000
Ранг S (Dynasty) Gemstone C Gemstone C NG x 250 Adena Adena NG x 480 000
Ранг S80 (TW) Gemstone C Gemstone C NG x 250 Adena Adena NG x 480 000
Ранг S80 (Moirai) Gemstone C Gemstone C NG x 250 Adena Adena NG x 480 000
Ранг S84 (Vesper) Gemstone B Gemstone B NG x 480 Adena Adena NG x 1 400 000
Ранг S84 (Vorpal) Gemstone B Gemstone B NG x 480 Adena Adena NG x 2 800 000
Ранг S84 (Elegia) Gemstone B Gemstone B NG x 480 Adena Adena NG x 3 600 000


Accessory Life Stone - Earring Accessory Life Stone - Earring NG купуються у ковалів у будь-якому місті за 5 Life Stone Life Stone NG у розділі "Зачарувати предмет".

Де взяти ЛС для біжутерії
blacksmith blacksmith
Ранг біжутерії Аугментація Вилучення
Ранг C (low) Gemstone D Gemstone D NG x 150 Adena Adena NG x 72 000
Ранг C (mid) Gemstone D Gemstone D NG x 150 Adena Adena NG x 86 000
Ранг C (high) Gemstone D Gemstone D NG x 150 Adena Adena NG x 112 000
Ранг C (top) Gemstone D Gemstone D NG x 150 Adena Adena NG x 157 000
Ранг B (low) Gemstone D Gemstone D NG x 200 Adena Adena NG x 180 000
Ранг B (top) Gemstone D Gemstone D NG x 200 Adena Adena NG x 202 000
Ранг A (low) Gemstone C Gemstone C NG x 150 Adena Adena NG x 247 000
Ранг A (TW) Gemstone C Gemstone C NG x 150 Adena Adena NG x 292 500
Ранг A (top) Gemstone C Gemstone C NG x 150 Adena Adena NG x 292 500
Ранг S (TT) Gemstone C Gemstone C NG x 185 Adena Adena NG x 360 000
Ранг S (Baylor) Gemstone C Gemstone C NG x 185 Adena Adena NG x 360 000
Ранг S (Immortal) Gemstone C Gemstone C NG x 185 Adena Adena NG x 360 000
Ранг S (Dynasty) Gemstone C Gemstone C NG x 185 Adena Adena NG x 360 000
Ранг S80 (TW) Gemstone C Gemstone C NG x 185 Adena Adena NG x 360 000
Ранг S80 (Moirai) Gemstone C Gemstone C NG x 185 Adena Adena NG x 360 000
Ранг S84 (Vesper) Gemstone B Gemstone B NG x 360 Adena Adena NG x 1 050 000
Ранг S84 (Vorpal) Gemstone B Gemstone B NG x 360 Adena Adena NG x 2 100 000
Ранг S84 (Elegia) Gemstone B Gemstone B NG x 360 Adena Adena NG x 2 700 000


Accessory Life Stone - Ring Accessory Life Stone - Ring NG купуються у ковалів у будь-якому місті за 5 Life Stone Life Stone NG у розділі "Зачарувати предмет".

Де взяти ЛС для біжутерії
blacksmith blacksmith
Ранг біжутерії Аугментація Вилучення
Ранг C (low) Gemstone D Gemstone D NG x 100 Adena Adena NG x 47 500
Ранг C (mid) Gemstone D Gemstone D NG x 100 Adena Adena NG x 57 500
Ранг C (high) Gemstone D Gemstone D NG x 100 Adena Adena NG x 75 000
Ранг C (top) Gemstone D Gemstone D NG x 100 Adena Adena NG x 105 000
Ранг B (low) Gemstone D Gemstone D NG x 150 Adena Adena NG x 120 000
Ранг B (top) Gemstone D Gemstone D NG x 150 Adena Adena NG x 135 000
Ранг A (low) Gemstone C Gemstone C NG x 100 Adena Adena NG x 165 000
Ранг A (TW) Gemstone C Gemstone C NG x 100 Adena Adena NG x 195 000
Ранг A (top) Gemstone C Gemstone C NG x 100 Adena Adena NG x 195 000
Ранг S (TT) Gemstone C Gemstone C NG x 125 Adena Adena NG x 240 000
Ранг S (Immortal) Gemstone C Gemstone C NG x 125 Adena Adena NG x 240 000
Ранг S (Dynasty) Gemstone C Gemstone C NG x 125 Adena Adena NG x 240 000
Ранг S80 (TW) Gemstone C Gemstone C NG x 125 Adena Adena NG x 240 000
Ранг S80 (Moirai) Gemstone C Gemstone C NG x 125 Adena Adena NG x 240 000
Ранг S84 (Vesper) Gemstone B Gemstone B NG x 240 Adena Adena NG x 700 000
Ранг S84 (Vorpal) Gemstone B Gemstone B NG x 240 Adena Adena NG x 1 400 000
Ранг S84 (Elegia) Gemstone B Gemstone B NG x 240 Adena Adena NG x 1 800 000

Зміни в ефектах

Команда Masterwork працює над різноманіттям та зручністю гри, не забуваючи підтримати баланс. Одним із результатів цієї роботи стали перероблені вміння від Каменей Життя:

might Might:
  • Active / Chance: +8%;
  • Passive: +6%.
shield Shield:
  • Active / Chance: +10%;
  • Passive: +7%.
empower Empower:
  • Active / Chance: +15%;
  • Passive: +10%.
magic_barrier Magical Barrier:
  • Active / Chance: +12%;
  • Passive: +8%.
focus Focus:
  • Active / Chance: +50 од.;
  • Passive: +35 од.
wild_magic Wild Magic:
  • Active / Chance: +4 од.;
  • Passive: +3 од.
prayer Prayer (повышает силу лечения тебя):
  • Active / Chance: +7% и +20 од.;
  • Passive: +7% и +20 од.
prayer Heal Empower (повышает твою силу лечения):
  • Active / Chance: +7% и +20 од.;
  • Passive: +7% и +20 од.
ls_refresh Refresh:
  • Active: 15% (всі 4 варіанти);
ls_reflect Reflect:
  • Active: 15% від ближньої атаки, 5% від усіх типів пошкоджень (вміння, рендж автоатака і тд);
  • Passive: 20% від ближніх атак.
clarity All Clarity:
  • Active / Chance: 15/20/15%;
  • Passive: 10/15/10%.
clarity Skill Clarity:
  • Active / Chance: 15%;
  • Passive: 10%.
clarity Spell Clarity:
  • Active / Chance: 20%;
  • Passive: 15%.
clarity Music Clarity:
  • Active / Chance: 15%;
  • Passive: 10%.
ls_heal Heal:
  • Active / Chance:: 552 HP. КД 30 сек.
ls_ritual Ritual:
  • Active / Chance: 500 CP. КД 30 сек.
ls_resurrect Resurrect:
  • Active: 70% exp.
boost_cp Max. CP:
  • Active / Chance: 17%.
boost_hp Max. HP:
  • Active / Chance: 10%.
boost_mp Max. MP:
  • Active / Chance: 7%.
  • Active / Chance: +6 к ухилення, +2% ухилення від фіз. та маг. умінь;
  • Passive: +4 к ухилення, +1% ухилення від фіз. та маг. умінь.
guidance Guidance:
  • Active / Chance: +10 до точності;
  • Passive: +6 до точності.
vampiric Vampiric Rage:
  • Active: +6% вампиризму від ближніх атак за виключенням умінь.
duel_might Duel Might:
  • Active / Chance: +5%;
  • Passive: +5%.
mana_gain Mana Gain:
  • Active: +55 од;
  • Passive: +55 од.

Крім того, деякі вміння отримали нові іконки, ефекти таких умінь не змінені:

Відео гайд



Masterwork Mechanics Оновлені бонуси комплектів рангу S+ , Бонуси модифікації комплектів рангу D/C/B/A/S , Пона: Улучшение бижутерии , Бонусы редкой экипировки , Iгровий календар , Академія на Masterwork , Клан на Masterwork , Пасивні вміння загонів , Активні вміння клану , Квест Драгоценная душа, часть 4 (дворянство) , Autoloot Agathions Masterwork , Синтез поясів , Підкласи на Masterwork , Олімпіада Masterwork , Бібліотека: Книги Досвіду , Парные кинжалы и топоры , Территориальные войны на Masterwork , Арбитр - основной класс. Квест Семена Хаоса , Тренировочная олимпиада , Остров Ада: Эпидос , Інстанс-Бос Ядро , Инстанс-босс Орфен , Питомцы: новый внешний вид , Инстанс-босс Королева Муравьев , Камені Життя (LS) на Masterwork , Цикличные макросы в Lineage 2 , Инстанс-босс Траскен , Миссии на Masterwork , Стартовый квест Eternal , Изменение стоимости крафта (сезон 2024) , Обновленные эффекты SA , Команда .lock — защита вашего персонажа , Mid Company на Masterwork , Трансформации Саммонеров , Фортеці на Masterwork , Игровое событие: Хот спот
Items Оновлені бонуси комплектів рангу S+ , Бонуси модифікації комплектів рангу D/C/B/A/S , Blacksmith of Mammon: Weapon Upgrade/Exchange , Бонусы редкой экипировки , MasterWork Crystals: Equipment Upgrade , Hellbound: Caravan Certificates , Зброя Вічності: Кристали Душі та бонуси модифікації , Система Энергии (Vitality) , Autoloot Agathions Masterwork , Розширення слотів та ліміт ваги , Синтез поясів , Питомцы: Волк и Фенрир , Бібліотека: Книги Досвіду , Питомцы: Кукабарра. Кугуар. Буйвол. , Парные кинжалы и топоры , Прокачка Кристалла Души (SA) , Питомцы: новый внешний вид , Камені Життя (LS) на Masterwork , Обновленные эффекты SA , Обновленные бонусы комплектов рангов C/B/A , PvP вставка , Уникальное Оружие Боссов , Как заработать адену на продаже сосок , Талисманы на Masterwork , Добыча и улучшение доспехов Ворпал , "Покровители Вечности". Eternal доспехи , Гайд по тату
For Newbies Пона: Улучшение бижутерии , Iгровий календар , Академія на Masterwork , Клан на Masterwork , Masterwork Club , Преміум Акаунт та VIP , Ігрова Біржа Masterwork , Система Энергии (Vitality) , Autoloot Agathions Masterwork , Розширення слотів та ліміт ваги , Корисні доповнення інтерфейсу та ігри , Питомцы: Волк и Фенрир , Підкласи на Masterwork , Квесты на 1, 2 и 3 профессии , Путь новичка 1-40 уровень , Бібліотека: Книги Досвіду , Питомцы: Кукабарра. Кугуар. Буйвол. , Тренировочная олимпиада , Камені Життя (LS) на Masterwork , Цикличные макросы в Lineage 2 , Миссии на Masterwork , Стартовый квест Eternal , Обновленные бонусы комплектов рангов C/B/A , Команда .lock — защита вашего персонажа , PvP вставка , Полезные болезни Горячих Источников , Система Атрибута , Как заработать адену на продаже сосок , Гайд по тату