На серверах Masterwork E-Global реалізована спеціальна система, яка дає можливість полегшити і урізноманітнити
ігровий процес гравцям — Клуб MW (Masterwork).
Спеціальний NPC
Adventurers' Guide MW Club Manager надає доступ до різноманітних сервісв, які допоможуть вам в процесі гри.
Знайти Помічника можна в кожному місті на площі та біля Хранителя Порталу.
Клуб Masterwork пропонує вашій увазі наступні можливості:
Глобальний чат золотого кольору (символ >) для гравців усіх рівнів. Доступний тільки при наявності
Карти Клубу MW
Магічна підтримка для персонажів та улюбленців. Доступна усім гравцям до певного рівня, в залежності
від стадії сервера. Гравцям високих рівнів доступна тільки при наявності Карти Клубу MW
Клубний телепорт. Доступна усім гравцям до певного рівня, в залежності
від стадії сервера. Гравцям високих рівнів доступна тільки при наявності Карти Клубу MW
Магазин Ivory Coin. Доступний усім гравцям
Інформація з описом сервера Доступна усім гравцям
Карта Клубу MW
Club Card30 DaysNG (Club Card) — спеціальний предмет, який дає можливість користуватись повним
функціоналом Клубу MW.
10 Master Coin = 1 Долар. Отримати Master Coin можна за пожертвування у Особистому Кабінеті на нашому сайті.
Магічна підтримка
Доступ на різних стадіях сервера
Сервери Masterwork розвиваються разом з вами — ми підлаштовуємо допоміжні сервіси під гравців на кожній стадії
розвитку сервера.
Для кожного этапу сервера встановлений окремий діапазон рівнів для безкоштовного доступу до сервісу:
Назва патча
Доступ до безкоштовного бафу та телепорту
Cruma Tower
До 40 рівня
Frozen Labyrinth
До 40 рівня
Devil's Pass
До 48 рівня
Forest of the Dead
До 52 рівня
Blazing Swamp
До 56 рівня
Tower of Insolence
До 60 рівня
Hot Springs
До 64 рівня
Varka & Ketra
До 66 рівня
Imperial Tomb
До 68 рівня
Hellbound, part 1
До 70 рівня
До 83 рівня
Безкоштовний баф
Клуб Masterwork підтримує гравців початківців і пропонує свою магічну підтримку. Безкоштовний баф для персонажа
і улюбленця доступний гравцям низького рівня у NPC Помічник Мандрівників. Скористайтесь готовими наборами
бафів або виберіть необхідне із запропонованого списку.
Баф для персонажів вище рівнем
Досвідченим гравцям команда E-Global пропонує розширений доступ до магічної підтримки. Він включає в себе
стандартні ефекти максимального рівня, комбобафи, ритми і можливість створити персональний профіль бафів.
Список і рівень доступних ефектів залежить від стадії розвитку сервера.
Скористатись розширеним доступом можуть тільки власники
Карты Клуба MW будь-якого рівня.
Ритми — нова система, яка об'єднує сонги і денси для зручності граців. Кожен ритм поєднує в собі декілька
стандартних ефектів.
Магічна підтримка Клубу Masterwork пропонує гравцям ослаблені варіанти ритмів, що дозволяє бардам залишитись
актуальними в ігровому процесі. Список ритмів Клубу Masterwork:
MP Regeneration Bonus +10% P. Skill Reuse Time -10% M. Skill Reuse Time -10% MP Consumption when using a P. Skill -2.5% MP Consumption when using a M. Skill -7.5% MP Consumption when using a Rhythm -2.5%.
Additionally increases MP Consumption when dancing while Rhythms is in effect.
M. Skill Crit. Rate +50% P. Skill Reuse Time -5% Rhythm Reuse Time -5% MP Consumption when using a P. Skill -10% MP Consumption when using a Rhythm -10%.
Additionally increases MP Consumption when dancing while Rhythms is in effect.
Зверни увагу!
Ритми в клубному бафі доступні лише на пізніх етапах розвитку сезону та на сервері Eternal.
Персональний профіль
Сервіси Клубу Masterwork призначені для комфортної гри на нашому проєкті. Членам Клубу доступна функція
"Клубний профіль" — створіть персональний набір бафів і ставайте сильніше в один клік!
Персональний профіль створюється за 3 кроки:
Натисніть кнопку "Почати запис"
Перейдіть до списку бафів і виберіть потрібні
Натисніть кнопку "Зупинити запис"
Готово! Тепер ви можете отримати вибраний набір бафів одним кліком на кнопку "Клубний профіль".
Редагувати збережений профіль нескладно — запишіть новий набір і збережіть його.
Клубний Телепорт
Команда E-Global цінує кожну мить гри і потрбувалась про те, щоб гравці нашого проєкту не витрачали час дарма.
Членам Клубу Masterwork доступні списки безкоштовних телепортів в популярні локації — міста і арени, катакомби
некрополі і зони для полювання, зібрані по рівням.
Клубний телепорт доступний:
Усім гравцям до 40-75 рівня (залежно від етапу)
На будь-якому рівні за наявності Карти Клубу MW
Щоденні завдання
Плач сотень гравців, котрі забували взяти або здати щоденні завдання досяг сердець розробників. У липні 2023
року ми перейшли від щоденних квестів до системи місій.
Тепер вам не потрібно бігати до NPC, щоб взяти щоденний квест — завдання місій зараховуються автоматично. Вам
тільки залишається отримати нагороду. Для цього відкрийте меню місій через
Меню швидкого доступу в правій частині екрану та виберіть завершені. Не забудьте натиснути кнопку
"Refresh" у нижній частині віконця, щоб оновити стан прогресу місій.
Ivory CoinNG — івентова валюта проєкту. Монети видаються за отримання досягнень, виконання щоденних
завдань, участь в акціях на форумі і в соціальних мережах проєкту. Монети персональні — їх неможна передати,
продати чи купити.
Обмінюйте зароблені Ivory Coin в клубному магазині на корисні предмети — Руни Досвіду і Sp, витратні матеріали,
тіньову зброю, сорочки, сувої і камені для зачаровування зброї та обладунків. Асортимент та ціни магазину
Ivory Coin залежить від етапу сервера.
Personal Greater Healing Potion NG
Personal Greater CP Potion NG
Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL Levels
60 minutes NG
Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL Levels
5 hours NG
Spirit Ore NG
Soul Ore NG
Energy Stone NG
Dimensional Diamond NG
A Bottle of Souls NG
Full Bottle of Souls - 5 Souls NG
Summoning Crystal NG
Einhasad's Holy Water NG
Giant's Codex - Discipline NG
Instant Haste Potion NG
Charm of Courage (A-Grade) A
Charm of Courage (S-Grade) S
Ancient Cloak NG
Ancient Cloak NG
Silk Shirt - PvE C
Silk Shirt - PvP C
Thin Leather Shirt - PvE B
Leather Shirt - PvP B
Scale Shirt - PvE A
Scale Shirt - PvP A
MW Ivory Wizard's Tear
Acumen B
MW Ivory Themis' Tongue
Acumen A
MW Ivory Damascus Sword
Focus B
MW Ivory Sirra's Blade
Health A
MW Ivory Art of Battle Axe
Health B
MW Ivory Deadman's Glory
Haste B
MW Ivory Barakiel's Axe
Focus A
MW Ivory Kaim Vanul's Bones
Mana Up B
MW Ivory Cabrio's Hand
Conversion A
MW Ivory Star Buster
Haste B
MW Ivory Behemoth Tuning Fork
Focus A
MW Ivory Guardian's Sword
Health B
MW Ivory Sword of Ipos
Focus A
MW Ivory Lance
Critical Stun B
MW Ivory Tiphon's Spear
Critical Stun A
MW Ivory Demon's Dagger
Critical Damage B
MW Ivory Naga Storm
Focus A
MW Ivory Bow of Peril
Focus B
MW Ivory Shyeed's Bow
Focus A
MW Ivory Bellion Cestus
Rsk. Haste B
MW Ivory Sobekk's Hurricane
Haste A
MW Ivory Staff of Evil Spirits
Bless the Body B
MW Ivory Daimon Crystal
Acumen A
MW Ivory Samurai Longsword*Samurai Longsword
Haste B
MW Ivory Tallum Blade*Damascus
Haste A
MW Ivory Colichemarde
Focus B
MW Ivory Éclair Bijou
Health A
MW Ivory Dismantler
Health B
MW Ivory Bultgang
Focus A
MW Ivory Hell Hound
Focus B
MW Ivory Screaming Vengeance
Focus A
Instant Haste Potion NG
Charm of Courage (B-Grade) B
Charm of Courage (A-Grade) A
Charm of Courage (S-Grade) S
Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (D-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (C-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (B-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (A-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (D-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (C-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (B-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (A-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Armor (D-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Armor (B-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Armor (A-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (D-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (B-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (A-Grade) NG
Sage's Shield D
Shield of Solar Eclipse D
Elven Vagian Shield D
Shield of Blessing D
Shield of Silence D
Guardian's Shield D
Masterpiece Shield D
Dark Dragon Shield D
Dimensional Diamond NG
Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall NG
Scroll of Escape: Fortress NG
Scroll of Escape: Castle NG
Scroll of Resurrection NG
Thief Key NG
Personal Greater Healing Potion NG
Personal Greater CP Potion NG
Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL Levels
60 minutes NG
Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL Levels
5 hours NG
Spirit Ore NG
Soul Ore NG
Energy Stone NG
Dimensional Diamond NG
A Bottle of Souls NG
Full Bottle of Souls - 5 Souls NG
Summoning Crystal NG
Einhasad's Holy Water NG
Giant's Codex - Discipline NG
Instant Haste Potion NG
Charm of Courage (A-Grade) A
Charm of Courage (S-Grade) S
Ancient Cloak NG
Ancient Cloak NG
Silk Shirt - PvE C
Silk Shirt - PvP C
Thin Leather Shirt - PvE B
Leather Shirt - PvP B
Scale Shirt - PvE A
Scale Shirt - PvP A
MW Ivory Wizard's Tear
Acumen B
MW Ivory Themis' Tongue
Acumen A
MW Ivory Damascus Sword
Focus B
MW Ivory Sirra's Blade
Health A
MW Ivory Art of Battle Axe
Health B
MW Ivory Deadman's Glory
Haste B
MW Ivory Barakiel's Axe
Focus A
MW Ivory Kaim Vanul's Bones
Mana Up B
MW Ivory Cabrio's Hand
Conversion A
MW Ivory Star Buster
Haste B
MW Ivory Behemoth Tuning Fork
Focus A
MW Ivory Guardian's Sword
Health B
MW Ivory Sword of Ipos
Focus A
MW Ivory Lance
Critical Stun B
MW Ivory Tiphon's Spear
Critical Stun A
MW Ivory Demon's Dagger
Critical Damage B
MW Ivory Naga Storm
Focus A
MW Ivory Bow of Peril
Focus B
MW Ivory Shyeed's Bow
Focus A
MW Ivory Bellion Cestus
Rsk. Haste B
MW Ivory Sobekk's Hurricane
Haste A
MW Ivory Staff of Evil Spirits
Bless the Body B
MW Ivory Daimon Crystal
Acumen A
MW Ivory Samurai Longsword*Samurai Longsword
Haste B
MW Ivory Tallum Blade*Damascus
Haste A
MW Ivory Colichemarde
Focus B
MW Ivory Éclair Bijou
Health A
MW Ivory Dismantler
Health B
MW Ivory Bultgang
Focus A
MW Ivory Hell Hound
Focus B
MW Ivory Screaming Vengeance
Focus A
Instant Haste Potion NG
Charm of Courage (B-Grade) B
Charm of Courage (A-Grade) A
Charm of Courage (S-Grade) S
Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (D-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (C-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (B-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (A-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (D-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (C-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (B-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (A-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Armor (D-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Armor (B-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Armor (A-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (D-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (B-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (A-Grade) NG
Sage's Shield D
Shield of Solar Eclipse D
Elven Vagian Shield D
Shield of Blessing D
Shield of Silence D
Guardian's Shield D
Masterpiece Shield D
Dark Dragon Shield D
Dimensional Diamond NG
Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall NG
Scroll of Escape: Fortress NG
Scroll of Escape: Castle NG
Scroll of Resurrection NG
Thief Key NG
Personal Greater Healing Potion NG
Personal Greater CP Potion NG
Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL Levels
60 minutes NG
Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL Levels
5 hours NG
Spirit Ore NG
Soul Ore NG
Energy Stone NG
Dimensional Diamond NG
A Bottle of Souls NG
Full Bottle of Souls - 5 Souls NG
Summoning Crystal NG
Einhasad's Holy Water NG
Giant's Codex - Discipline NG
Instant Haste Potion NG
Charm of Courage (A-Grade) A
Charm of Courage (S-Grade) S
Ancient Cloak NG
Ancient Cloak NG
Silk Shirt - PvE C
Silk Shirt - PvP C
Thin Leather Shirt - PvE B
Leather Shirt - PvP B
Scale Shirt - PvE A
Scale Shirt - PvP A
MW Ivory Wizard's Tear
Acumen B
MW Ivory Themis' Tongue
Acumen A
MW Ivory Damascus Sword
Focus B
MW Ivory Sirra's Blade
Health A
MW Ivory Art of Battle Axe
Health B
MW Ivory Deadman's Glory
Haste B
MW Ivory Barakiel's Axe
Focus A
MW Ivory Kaim Vanul's Bones
Mana Up B
MW Ivory Cabrio's Hand
Conversion A
MW Ivory Star Buster
Haste B
MW Ivory Behemoth Tuning Fork
Focus A
MW Ivory Guardian's Sword
Health B
MW Ivory Sword of Ipos
Focus A
MW Ivory Lance
Critical Stun B
MW Ivory Tiphon's Spear
Critical Stun A
MW Ivory Demon's Dagger
Critical Damage B
MW Ivory Naga Storm
Focus A
MW Ivory Bow of Peril
Focus B
MW Ivory Shyeed's Bow
Focus A
MW Ivory Bellion Cestus
Rsk. Haste B
MW Ivory Sobekk's Hurricane
Haste A
MW Ivory Staff of Evil Spirits
Bless the Body B
MW Ivory Daimon Crystal
Acumen A
MW Ivory Samurai Longsword*Samurai Longsword
Haste B
MW Ivory Tallum Blade*Damascus
Haste A
MW Ivory Colichemarde
Focus B
MW Ivory Éclair Bijou
Health A
MW Ivory Dismantler
Health B
MW Ivory Bultgang
Focus A
MW Ivory Hell Hound
Focus B
MW Ivory Screaming Vengeance
Focus A
Instant Haste Potion NG
Charm of Courage (B-Grade) B
Charm of Courage (A-Grade) A
Charm of Courage (S-Grade) S
Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (D-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (C-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (B-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (A-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (D-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (C-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (B-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (A-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Armor (D-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Armor (B-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Armor (A-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (D-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (B-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (A-Grade) NG
Sage's Shield D
Shield of Solar Eclipse D
Elven Vagian Shield D
Shield of Blessing D
Shield of Silence D
Guardian's Shield D
Masterpiece Shield D
Dark Dragon Shield D
Dimensional Diamond NG
Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall NG
Scroll of Escape: Fortress NG
Scroll of Escape: Castle NG
Scroll of Resurrection NG
Thief Key NG
Personal Greater Healing Potion NG
Personal Greater CP Potion NG
Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL Levels
60 minutes NG
Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL Levels
5 hours NG
Spirit Ore NG
Soul Ore NG
Energy Stone NG
Dimensional Diamond NG
A Bottle of Souls NG
Full Bottle of Souls - 5 Souls NG
Summoning Crystal NG
Einhasad's Holy Water NG
Giant's Codex - Discipline NG
Instant Haste Potion NG
Charm of Courage (A-Grade) A
Charm of Courage (S-Grade) S
Ancient Cloak NG
Ancient Cloak NG
Silk Shirt - PvE C
Silk Shirt - PvP C
Thin Leather Shirt - PvE B
Leather Shirt - PvP B
Scale Shirt - PvE A
Scale Shirt - PvP A
MW Ivory Wizard's Tear
Acumen B
MW Ivory Themis' Tongue
Acumen A
MW Ivory Damascus Sword
Focus B
MW Ivory Sirra's Blade
Health A
MW Ivory Art of Battle Axe
Health B
MW Ivory Deadman's Glory
Haste B
MW Ivory Barakiel's Axe
Focus A
MW Ivory Kaim Vanul's Bones
Mana Up B
MW Ivory Cabrio's Hand
Conversion A
MW Ivory Star Buster
Haste B
MW Ivory Behemoth Tuning Fork
Focus A
MW Ivory Guardian's Sword
Health B
MW Ivory Sword of Ipos
Focus A
MW Ivory Lance
Critical Stun B
MW Ivory Tiphon's Spear
Critical Stun A
MW Ivory Demon's Dagger
Critical Damage B
MW Ivory Naga Storm
Focus A
MW Ivory Bow of Peril
Focus B
MW Ivory Shyeed's Bow
Focus A
MW Ivory Bellion Cestus
Rsk. Haste B
MW Ivory Sobekk's Hurricane
Haste A
MW Ivory Staff of Evil Spirits
Bless the Body B
MW Ivory Daimon Crystal
Acumen A
MW Ivory Samurai Longsword*Samurai Longsword
Haste B
MW Ivory Tallum Blade*Damascus
Haste A
MW Ivory Colichemarde
Focus B
MW Ivory Éclair Bijou
Health A
MW Ivory Dismantler
Health B
MW Ivory Bultgang
Focus A
MW Ivory Hell Hound
Focus B
MW Ivory Screaming Vengeance
Focus A
Instant Haste Potion NG
Charm of Courage (B-Grade) B
Charm of Courage (A-Grade) A
Charm of Courage (S-Grade) S
Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (D-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (C-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (B-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (A-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (D-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (C-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (B-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (A-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Armor (D-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Armor (B-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Armor (A-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (D-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (B-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (A-Grade) NG
Sage's Shield D
Shield of Solar Eclipse D
Elven Vagian Shield D
Shield of Blessing D
Shield of Silence D
Guardian's Shield D
Masterpiece Shield D
Dark Dragon Shield D
Dimensional Diamond NG
Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall NG
Scroll of Escape: Fortress NG
Scroll of Escape: Castle NG
Scroll of Resurrection NG
Thief Key NG
Adena NG
Ivory Coin NG
Adena NG
Ivory Coin NG
Ivory Coin NG
Ivory Coin NG
Adena NG
Ivory Coin NG
Adena NG
Ivory Coin NG
Adena NG
Ivory Coin NG
Adena NG
Ivory Coin NG
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Ivory Coin NG
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Ivory Coin NG
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Ivory Coin NG
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Ivory Coin NG
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Ivory Coin NG
Adena NG
Ivory Coin NG
Master Coin NG
Ivory Coin NG
Adena NG
Ivory Coin NG
Ivory Coin NG
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Ivory Coin NG
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Ivory Coin NG
Ivory Coin NG
Adena NG
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Ivory Coin NG
Adena NG
Ivory Coin NG
Adena NG
Ivory Coin NG
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Ivory Coin NG
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Ivory Coin NG
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Ivory Coin NG
Adena NG
Ivory Coin NG
Master Coin NG
Ivory Coin NG
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Ivory Coin NG
Master Coin NG
Ivory Coin NG
Master Coin NG
Ivory Coin NG
Master Coin NG
Ivory Coin NG
Master Coin NG
Ivory Coin NG
Master Coin NG
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Ivory Coin NG
Adena NG
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Adena NG
Ivory Coin NG
Master Coin NG
Ivory Coin NG
Adena NG
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Ivory Coin NG
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Ivory Coin NG
Ivory Coin NG
Adena NG
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Ivory Coin NG
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Ivory Coin NG
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Ivory Coin NG
Adena NG
Ivory Coin NG
Adena NG
Ivory Coin NG
Adena NG
Ivory Coin NG
Adena NG
Ivory Coin NG
Adena NG
Ivory Coin NG
Adena NG
Ivory Coin NG
Adena NG
Ivory Coin NG
Adena NG
Ivory Coin NG
Master Coin NG
Ivory Coin NG
Master Coin NG
Ivory Coin NG
Master Coin NG
Ivory Coin NG
Master Coin NG
Ivory Coin NG
Master Coin NG
Ivory Coin NG
Master Coin NG
Ivory Coin NG
Master Coin NG
Ivory Coin NG
Master Coin NG
Ivory Coin NG
Adena NG
Ivory Coin NG
Adena NG
Ivory Coin NG
Adena NG
Ivory Coin NG
Adena NG
Ivory Coin NG
Adena NG
Ivory Coin NG
Adena NG
Ivory Coin NG
Personal Greater Healing Potion NG
Personal Greater CP Potion NG
Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL Levels
60 minutes NG
Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL Levels
5 hours NG
Spirit Ore NG
Soul Ore NG
Energy Stone NG
Dimensional Diamond NG
A Bottle of Souls NG
Full Bottle of Souls - 5 Souls NG
Summoning Crystal NG
Einhasad's Holy Water NG
Giant's Codex - Discipline NG
Instant Haste Potion NG
Charm of Courage (A-Grade) A
Charm of Courage (S-Grade) S
Ancient Cloak NG
Ancient Cloak NG
Thin Leather Shirt - PvE B
Leather Shirt - PvP B
Scale Shirt - PvE A
Scale Shirt - PvP A
Mithril Shirt - PvE S
Mithril Shirt - PvP S
MW Ivory Sirra's Blade - PvE
Health B
MW Ivory Sword of Ipos - PvE
Focus B
MW Ivory Barakiel's Axe - PvE
Focus B
MW Ivory Behemoth Tuning Fork - PvE
Focus B
MW Ivory Naga Storm - PvE
Focus B
MW Ivory Tiphon's Spear - PvE
Critical Stun B
MW Ivory Shyeed's Bow - PvE
Focus B
MW Ivory Sobekk's Hurricane - PvE
Haste B
MW Ivory Themis' Tongue - PvE
Acumen B
MW Ivory Cabrio's Hand - PvE
Conversion B
MW Ivory Daimon Crystal - PvE
Acumen B
MW Ivory Tallum Blade*Damascus - PvE
Haste B
MW Ivory Éclair Bijou - PvE
Health B
MW Ivory Bultgang - PvE
Focus B
MW Ivory Screaming Vengeance - PvE
Focus B
Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (D-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (C-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (B-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (A-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (D-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (C-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (B-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (A-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Armor (D-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Armor (B-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Armor (A-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (D-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (B-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (A-Grade) NG
Sage's Shield D
Shield of Solar Eclipse D
Elven Vagian Shield D
Shield of Blessing D
Shield of Silence D
Guardian's Shield D
Masterpiece Shield D
Dark Dragon Shield D
Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall NG
Scroll of Escape: Fortress NG
Scroll of Escape: Castle NG
Scroll of Resurrection NG
Thief Key NG
Personal Greater Healing Potion NG
Personal Greater CP Potion NG
Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL Levels
60 minutes NG
Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL Levels
5 hours NG
Spirit Ore NG
Soul Ore NG
Energy Stone NG
Dimensional Diamond NG
A Bottle of Souls NG
Full Bottle of Souls - 5 Souls NG
Summoning Crystal NG
Einhasad's Holy Water NG
Giant's Codex - Discipline NG
Instant Haste Potion NG
Charm of Courage (A-Grade) A
Charm of Courage (S-Grade) S
Ancient Cloak NG
Ancient Cloak NG
Thin Leather Shirt - PvE B
Leather Shirt - PvP B
Scale Shirt - PvE A
Scale Shirt - PvP A
Mithril Shirt - PvE S
Mithril Shirt - PvP S
MW Ivory Sirra's Blade - PvE
Health B
MW Ivory Sword of Ipos - PvE
Focus B
MW Ivory Barakiel's Axe - PvE
Focus B
MW Ivory Behemoth Tuning Fork - PvE
Focus B
MW Ivory Naga Storm - PvE
Focus B
MW Ivory Tiphon's Spear - PvE
Critical Stun B
MW Ivory Shyeed's Bow - PvE
Focus B
MW Ivory Sobekk's Hurricane - PvE
Haste B
MW Ivory Themis' Tongue - PvE
Acumen B
MW Ivory Cabrio's Hand - PvE
Conversion B
MW Ivory Daimon Crystal - PvE
Acumen B
MW Ivory Tallum Blade*Damascus - PvE
Haste B
MW Ivory Éclair Bijou - PvE
Health B
MW Ivory Bultgang - PvE
Focus B
MW Ivory Screaming Vengeance - PvE
Focus B
MW Ivory Wizard's Tear
Acumen B
MW Ivory Themis' Tongue
Acumen A
MW Ivory Damascus Sword
Focus B
MW Ivory Sirra's Blade
Health A
MW Ivory Art of Battle Axe
Health B
MW Ivory Deadman's Glory
Haste B
MW Ivory Barakiel's Axe
Focus A
MW Ivory Kaim Vanul's Bones
Mana Up B
MW Ivory Cabrio's Hand
Conversion A
MW Ivory Star Buster
Haste B
MW Ivory Behemoth Tuning Fork
Focus A
MW Ivory Guardian's Sword
Health B
MW Ivory Sword of Ipos
Focus A
MW Ivory Lance
Critical Stun B
MW Ivory Tiphon's Spear
Critical Stun A
MW Ivory Demon's Dagger
Critical Damage B
MW Ivory Naga Storm
Focus A
MW Ivory Bow of Peril
Focus B
MW Ivory Shyeed's Bow
Focus A
MW Ivory Bellion Cestus
Rsk. Haste B
MW Ivory Sobekk's Hurricane
Haste A
MW Ivory Staff of Evil Spirits
Bless the Body B
MW Ivory Daimon Crystal
Acumen A
MW Ivory Samurai Longsword*Samurai Longsword
Haste B
MW Ivory Tallum Blade*Damascus
Haste A
MW Ivory Colichemarde
Focus B
MW Ivory Éclair Bijou
Health A
MW Ivory Dismantler
Health B
MW Ivory Bultgang
Focus A
MW Ivory Hell Hound
Focus B
MW Ivory Screaming Vengeance
Focus A
Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (D-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (C-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (B-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (A-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (D-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (C-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (B-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (A-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Armor (D-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Armor (B-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Armor (A-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (D-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (B-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (A-Grade) NG
Sage's Shield D
Shield of Solar Eclipse D
Elven Vagian Shield D
Shield of Blessing D
Shield of Silence D
Guardian's Shield D
Masterpiece Shield D
Dark Dragon Shield D
Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall NG
Scroll of Escape: Fortress NG
Scroll of Escape: Castle NG
Scroll of Resurrection NG
Thief Key NG
Personal Greater Healing Potion NG
Personal Greater CP Potion NG
Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL Levels
60 minutes NG
Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL Levels
5 hours NG
Spirit Ore NG
Soul Ore NG
Energy Stone NG
Dimensional Diamond NG
A Bottle of Souls NG
Full Bottle of Souls - 5 Souls NG
Summoning Crystal NG
Einhasad's Holy Water NG
Giant's Codex - Discipline NG
Instant Haste Potion NG
Charm of Courage (A-Grade) A
Charm of Courage (S-Grade) S
Ancient Cloak NG
Ancient Cloak NG
Thin Leather Shirt - PvE B
Leather Shirt - PvP B
Scale Shirt - PvE A
Scale Shirt - PvP A
Mithril Shirt - PvE S
Mithril Shirt - PvP S
MW Ivory Sirra's Blade - PvE
Health B
MW Ivory Sword of Ipos - PvE
Focus B
MW Ivory Barakiel's Axe - PvE
Focus B
MW Ivory Behemoth Tuning Fork - PvE
Focus B
MW Ivory Naga Storm - PvE
Focus B
MW Ivory Tiphon's Spear - PvE
Critical Stun B
MW Ivory Shyeed's Bow - PvE
Focus B
MW Ivory Sobekk's Hurricane - PvE
Haste B
MW Ivory Themis' Tongue - PvE
Acumen B
MW Ivory Cabrio's Hand - PvE
Conversion B
MW Ivory Daimon Crystal - PvE
Acumen B
MW Ivory Tallum Blade*Damascus - PvE
Haste B
MW Ivory Éclair Bijou - PvE
Health B
MW Ivory Bultgang - PvE
Focus B
MW Ivory Screaming Vengeance - PvE
Focus B
Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (D-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (C-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (B-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (A-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (D-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (C-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (B-Grade) NG
Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (A-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Armor (D-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Armor (B-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Armor (A-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (D-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (B-Grade) NG
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (A-Grade) NG
Sage's Shield D
Shield of Solar Eclipse D
Elven Vagian Shield D
Shield of Blessing D
Shield of Silence D
Guardian's Shield D
Masterpiece Shield D
Dark Dragon Shield D
Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall NG
Scroll of Escape: Fortress NG
Scroll of Escape: Castle NG
Scroll of Resurrection NG
Thief Key NG
Personal Greater Healing Potion NG
Personal Greater CP Potion NG
Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL Levels
60 minutes NG
Box with Rune of EXP & SP +50% for ALL Levels
5 hours NG
Spirit Ore NG
Soul Ore NG
Energy Stone NG
Dimensional Diamond NG
A Bottle of Souls NG
Full Bottle of Souls - 5 Souls NG
Summoning Crystal NG
Einhasad's Holy Water NG
Giant's Codex - Discipline NG
Instant Haste Potion NG
Charm of Courage (A-Grade) A
Charm of Courage (S-Grade) S
Ancient Cloak NG
Ancient Cloak NG
Thin Leather Shirt - PvE B
Leather Shirt - PvP B
Scale Shirt - PvE A
Scale Shirt - PvP A
Mithril Shirt - PvE S
Mithril Shirt - PvP S
MW Ivory Sirra's Blade - PvE
Health B
MW Ivory Sword of Ipos - PvE
Focus B
MW Ivory Barakiel's Axe - PvE
Focus B
MW Ivory Behemoth Tuning Fork - PvE
Focus B
MW Ivory Naga Storm - PvE
Focus B
MW Ivory Tiphon's Spear - PvE
Critical Stun B
MW Ivory Shyeed's Bow - PvE
Focus B
MW Ivory Sobekk's Hurricane - PvE
Haste B
MW Ivory Themis' Tongue - PvE
Acumen B
MW Ivory Cabrio's Hand - PvE
Conversion B
MW Ivory Daimon Crystal - PvE
Acumen B
MW Ivory Tallum Blade*Damascus - PvE
Haste B
MW Ivory Éclair Bijou - PvE
Health B
MW Ivory Bultgang - PvE
Focus B
MW Ivory Screaming Vengeance - PvE
Focus B
MW Ivory Wizard's Tear
Acumen B
MW Ivory Themis' Tongue
Acumen A
MW Ivory Damascus Sword
Focus B
MW Ivory Sirra's Blade
Health A
MW Ivory Art of Battle Axe
Health B
MW Ivory Deadman's Glory
Haste B
MW Ivory Barakiel's Axe
Focus A
MW Ivory Kaim Vanul's Bones
Mana Up B
MW Ivory Cabrio's Hand
Conversion A
MW Ivory Star Buster
Haste B
MW Ivory Behemoth Tuning Fork
Focus A
MW Ivory Guardian's Sword
Health B
MW Ivory Sword of Ipos
Focus A
MW Ivory Lance
Critical Stun B
MW Ivory Tiphon's Spear
Critical Stun A
MW Ivory Demon's Dagger
Critical Damage B
MW Ivory Naga Storm
Focus A
MW Ivory Bow of Peril
Focus B
MW Ivory Shyeed's Bow
Focus A
MW Ivory Bellion Cestus
Rsk. Haste B
MW Ivory Sobekk's Hurricane
Haste A
MW Ivory Staff of Evil Spirits
Bless the Body B
MW Ivory Daimon Crystal
Acumen A
MW Ivory Samurai Longsword*Samurai Longsword
Haste B