Quest Fate's Whisper (subclass) 52+

"Are you sure you want to listen to my sad story? You want to know about the past of the grand master, who failed into so deep that lost his good name and was expelled from the guild and sold his soul out to the demons?"

Maestro Reorin

Basic information

Fate's Whisper — one time quest by the end of which you unlock the ability of subjob opening. Special for Masterwork the quest was reworked for more earlier ability to get the subjobs.

More detailed info about reworked subjobs on Masterwork read below Subcluss on Masterwork.

Pay attention!
In basic game version Fate's Whisper available for characters of level 75 and above.
On Masterwork servers it is available for players from level 52

Quest tips

Maestro Reorin

Talk to Dwarf Reorin Maestro who lives in the mountains to the east from Oren to start the quest.

O-o-oh... That was dozens years ago... Those times I was the youngest from the guild members. But without any regret I must say that I was the best!

I was honored to make the greatest weapon for the mighty heroes of those times. Sedricks and Atebatl's swords, Leon's Blackbird spear - all of those are my creations! The Reorin's name was known belong the whole continent! Made at night weapon already was sold in the morning.

Everyday young smiths came to me to have lesson of my mastery. But I couldn't take them... By that time I already had three dozens of students!

I also married to the first beauty of Schuttgart...But it wasn't enough for me...Do you understand? Yes, I had everything - richness, fame, love, honor, everybody's respect... But still I wasn't happy. It felt like the fire burnt inside me. I deside to make the greatest weapon - the masterpiece, that would make my name memorable through the centuries! Posessed by this idea I lost my dreams and piece. I was working all the time... I was at my blacksmith every day, forgetting about everything. Beloved work played with it's master evil trick. That was the moment when the demons came to me. It was so seductive...

Death Lord Hallet came to me. He was the general of the dark army, the great conqurer, the main Angel's Enemy. He made me such an offer that I couldn't resist. He told me that he'll give that chance to make my masterpiece. I didn't listen to my wife and made the deal with Hallet... In the end I was tricked and trapped...And my sin fell on my wife's shoulders...

Everything was in vain! The one way to make my name again clean - is to break the deal with the demon. But I... I just can't disobey... Cause he took my wife's soul for this!

Ghost Knight Kabed

Now listen to me attentivly! Ghost knight Kabed — it's an evil spirit, who captures souls of the dead in this world and didn't realease them for the piece. He is dangerous for pure and clear souls... And now his collection is fullfiled with my wife's soul!

To find him... You need to go the Aden's cemetory...

After the Reorin's story we help him with wife's saving.

First target — Undead Ghost Knight Kabed Subclass Raid Boss Lv. 80 . The raid boss lives near the southeastern wall in the Aden cemetery.

Kill the boss and talk to the chest Coffer of the Dead, obtain the item Reiria's Soul Orb Reiria's Soul Orb NG

Мастер Реорин Maestro Reorin

In this pearl... It's Reira's soul? Good... I feel her... Reira, I'll help you to rest in peace...

Listen! Thanks a lot! This orb made me free from the demon's chain. Now I'm ready for the revenge for those who treated me that bad way, those demons. It's the chance to clean my name and my honor. But for this I need your help.

Reorin thanks you for the wife's soul saving and asks you to help him to rescue his reputation. Maestro tells you about Infernium Scepters, that he created for the demons. Reorin wants to find and melt them. Go and hunt those demons.

After the demon's deal I've created Infernium Scepter. Misterious Scepter — material of the Giant's epoch, nobody in our time was managed to find it. Demons seduced me with the opportunity to create the weapon from this rar material. I agreed... Even Dwarfs didn't had this material!

But now I'll return back all of Infernium Scepteres, my best creations, that were dreadful for me! I'll melt them and make for you special accessory. Help me to fight Bariona, Karte and Verfa!

Бариона Bariona

First demon — Undead Bariona Subclass Raid Boss Lv. 80 . The RB lives on the river bank on the south-western part of Tower of Isolence

Kill the boss and speak to the chest Chest of Barion, obtain the item Bariona's Infernium Scepter Bariona's Infernium Scepter NG

Карте Karte

Second demon — Undead Karte Subclass Raid Boss Lv. 80 . The RB lives on the river bank on the southern part of Tower of Isolence

Kill the boss and speak to the chest Chest of Karte, obtain the item Karte's Infernium Scepter Karte's Infernium Scepter NG

Верфа Verfa

Third demon — Undead Verfa Subclass Raid Boss Lv. 80 . The RB lives on the river bank on the south-eastern part of Tower of Isolence

Kill the boss and speak to the chest Chest of Verfa, obtain the item Verfa's Infernium Scepter Verfa's Infernium Scepter NG

Мастер Реорин Maestro Reorin

I can't believe! Indeed you've killed Barion, Karte and Verfa? That girl was so sure in you.

Go back to Reorin. As the reward maestro can make for you special weapon, but he needs some rare ingridients — Silenos Horn Shards.

Infernium Scepter... Was my best work, that was the key to my death... Now without any regrets I will melt it and create new masterpiece in honor for the new beginning.

It's enough to make new equip for you. But the process is not so simple, and we trully need Silenos Horn Shard. It's so rare and hard to get...

Фавны Ванор Vanor Silenos

To get 100 Silenos Horn Shard Silenos Horn Shard NG go to Plains of Glory, north-western part from Aden and kill there monsters:

Humanoid Vanor Silenos Lv. 45
Humanoid Vanor Silenos Grunt Lv. 46
Humanoid Vanor Silenos Scout Lv. 47
Humanoid Vanor Silenos Warrior Lv. 48
Humanoid Vanor Silenos Shaman Lv. 49
Humanoid Vanor Silenos Chieftain Lv. 50

Silenos Horn Shard Silenos Horn Shard NG drops for every party member. Drop chance 100%, level difference doesn't affect the drop. Tactics - make party and hunt the monsters toghether for fast results.

Мастер Реорин Maestro Reorin

Great, you brought the Shards. But it's not that simple again... We need one more detail for the creation..."

Obtained 100 Silenos Horn Shard Silenos Horn Shard NG go back to Reorin and maestro will tell that we need some more materials:

To create weapon A-grade you need weapon Top B-grade. The weapon must not be common, chaotic or masterwork, have Live Stone effect.

If you want to get weapon, then during the talk with Reorin choose that you need to give. Then choose the weapon you want to obtain instead.

List of suitable weapons:

Sword of Damascus Sword of Damascus B
Bow of Peril Bow of Peril B
Lance Lance B
Art of Battle Axe Art of Battle Axe B
Staff of Evil Spirits Staff of Evil Spirits B
Demon's Dagger Demon's Dagger B
Bellion Cestus Bellion Cestus B
Deadman's Glory Deadman's Glory B
Samurai Long Sword*Samurai Long Sword Samurai Long Sword*Samurai Long Sword B
Guardian Sword Guardian Sword B
Wizard's Tear Wizard's Tear B
Star Buster Star Buster B
Kaim Vanul's Bones Kaim Vanul's Bones B
Yaksa Mace*Yaksa Mace Yaksa Mace*Yaksa Mace B
Demon's Dagger*Dark Screamer Demon's Dagger*Dark Screamer B

List of weapons received:

Tallum Blade Tallum Blade A
Carnage Bow Carnage Bow A
Halberd Halberd A
Elemental Sword Elemental Sword A
Dasparion's Staff Dasparion's Staff A
Bloody Orchid Bloody Orchid A
Blood Tornado Blood Tornado A
Meteor Shower Meteor Shower A
Keshanberk*Keshanberk Keshanberk*Keshanberk A
Infernal Master Infernal Master A
Spiritual Eye Spiritual Eye A
Destroyer Hammer Destroyer Hammer A
Heavy War Axe*Heavy War Axe Heavy War Axe*Heavy War Axe A

To create the necklace B-grade need 984 Gemstone B Gemstone B NG

If you want to get necklace then you should choose "Let's use the gems!" For the gems you'll get Necklace of Grace Necklace of Grace B (Mag.Defence 68)

After obtaining weapon or necklace the quest is ended

Pay attention!
This quest gives you the ability to take subclasses without making the quest Mimir's Elixir.


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