Game Event: Monolith


The Masterwork team care about you and added mini-events to the game world to vary the routine farm.

Kamael Temporary Monolith is a mini-event that can happen in distinct locations. Kill monsters to charge the Monolith and get valuable rewards.

This event is available on the Eternal server, but Monoliths will reach the Seasonal server soon.


On the Eternal server, Temporary Monolith spawns in locations:

  • Iris Lake
  • Eastern Mining Zone
Temporary Monolith l2

To launch the mini-event, talk to and activate the Monolith. Monsters will start spawning around the Monolith, and a counter will appear above the Monolith. The monsters are aggressive and social, highly resistant to control and lethal attacks.

The number of monsters around the Monolith will grow and a maximum number of monsters is 100. Kill monsters to fill the counter and get a reward.

Temporary Monolith l2


Once the counter is filled, Monolith and monsters will disappear. Random valuable items will remain on the ground.:

Resonating Crystals are necessary to change the appearance of Eternal armor. Read more in the article "Protectors of Eternity". Eternal armor.


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