В'язниця (Підземелля Замку)

Базовая информация

Тюрьма или по-народному, "подвал" — временная зона (инстанс) для групповой прокачки. Доступна членам клана, владеющим замком или крепостью.

За убийство каждого из трех боссов игроки получают опыт, очки SP, а также дроп в виде свитков клановой репутации, зачарования, книг Воля Воина/Стрелка/Мага, целой экипировки и частей для ее создания. Помимо этого, за убийство последнего босса игроки получают квестовые предметы, которые обмениваются на Ivory Coin.

Условия входа и откат

  • Для замка — наличие квеста Опасность в подземелье (Замок)
  • Для крепости — наличие квеста Опасность в подземелье (Крепость)
  • Вход в инстанс только для членов клана, владеющего Крепостью/ Замком
  • Количество игроков в группе: 5 - 9
  • Уровни игроков: 65+
  • Время на прохождение: 60 минут
  • Откат: Каждый день в 6:30, индивидуальный для каждой группы


Detention Camp Warden l2
Warden l2

Для входа в инстанс из крепости, неподалеку от главных дверей здания найдите NPC Detention Camp Warden (Тюремный Надзиратель)

Для входа в инстанс из замка, спуститесь в подвал и поговорите с NPC Warden (Тюремный Надзиратель)

На подготовку к сражению отводится 30 секунд. По истечении этого времени появится первый босс (не агрессивен).

Обрати внимание!
Если персонажи старше босса более, чем на 9 уровней, босс снимет с группы все бафы.

После смерти первого и второго босса дается 30 секунд на подготовку к следующему сражению. Убийство третьего босса завершает прохождение инстанса. Все члены группы получают квестовые предметы, которые нужно обменять на награду после выхода из подземелья.

Боссы в замке

Первая волна

Появляется один из перечисленных боссов случайным образом.

Demonic Rhianna the Traitor Forsaken Prisoner Lv. 76

HP 833 000 MP 3 059
Фіз. Атк. 40 095 Маг. Атк. 3 171
Фіз. Зах. 1 825 Маг. Зах 1 978
Досвід 5 776 000 SP 1 000 000
Атрибут атаки No Attack Attribute Атрибут захисту

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Rhianna the Traitor l2
Трофеи с босса
Предмет Кількість Шанс
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield A 1 1.5%
Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Tallum Helm Design Sealed Tallum Helm Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment NG 3 - 10 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Gloves Design Sealed Tallum Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Boots Lining Sealed Tallum Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Plate Armor Unidentified Sealed Tallum Plate Armor A 1 0.7%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate Pattern Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate Pattern NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters Pattern Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters Pattern NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Sealed Tallum Plate Armor Pattern Sealed Tallum Plate Armor Pattern NG 2 - 5 32.3%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Armor of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Armor of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Unidentified Sealed Majestic Plate Armor A 1 1%
Sealed Armor of Nightmare Pattern Sealed Armor of Nightmare Pattern NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Pattern Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Pattern NG 2 - 5 49%
Шанс групи
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 2 100%

Humanoid Tesla the Deceiver Forsaken Prisoner Lv. 76

HP 856 800 MP 3 130
Фіз. Атк. 40 095 Маг. Атк. 3 251
Фіз. Зах. 1 848 Маг. Зах 2 370
Досвід 5 776 000 SP 1 000 000
Атрибут атаки No Attack Attribute Атрибут захисту

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Tesla the Deceiver l2
Трофеи с босса
Предмет Кількість Шанс
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet A 1 2%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet A 1 2%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield A 1 3%
Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design NG 3 - 10 31%
Sealed Tallum Helm Design Sealed Tallum Helm Design NG 3 - 10 31%
Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment NG 3 - 15 31%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves A 1 2%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots A 1 2%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves A 1 2%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots A 1 2%
Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design NG 3 - 10 23%
Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining NG 3 - 10 23%
Sealed Tallum Gloves Design Sealed Tallum Gloves Design NG 3 - 10 23%
Sealed Tallum Boots Lining Sealed Tallum Boots Lining NG 3 - 10 23%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Tallum Leather Armor A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Pattern Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Pattern NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings Design Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Tallum Leather Armor Pattern Sealed Tallum Leather Armor Pattern NG 2 - 7 33%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Majestic Leather Armor A 1 1%
Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Fabric Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Fabric Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Шанс групи
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 5 100%

Demonic Soul Hunter Chakundel Forsaken Prisoner Lv. 77

HP 1 666 000 MP 3 201
Фіз. Атк. 48 406 Маг. Атк. 13 530
Фіз. Зах. 1 883 Маг. Зах 2 041
Досвід 6 521 900 SP 1 100 000
Атрибут атаки No Attack Attribute Атрибут захисту

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Soul Hunter Chakundel l2
Трофеи с босса
Предмет Кількість Шанс
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield A 1 1.5%
Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Tallum Helm Design Sealed Tallum Helm Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment NG 3 - 10 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Gloves Design Sealed Tallum Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Boots Lining Sealed Tallum Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Robe A 1 0.7%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Tunic Unidentified Sealed Tallum Tunic A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Stockings Unidentified Sealed Tallum Stockings A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Fabric Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Fabric NG 2 - 5 32.3%
Sealed Tallum Tunic Texture Sealed Tallum Tunic Texture NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Sealed Tallum Stockings Fabric Sealed Tallum Stockings Fabric NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe A 1 1%
Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Шанс групи
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 2 100%

Вторая волна

Появляется один из перечисленных боссов случайным образом.

Construct Durango the Crusher Forsaken Prisoner Lv. 77

HP 1 666 000 MP 3 275
Фіз. Атк. 48 406 Маг. Атк. 13 839
Фіз. Зах. 1 906 Маг. Зах 2 066
Досвід 6 521 900 SP 1 100 000
Атрибут атаки No Attack Attribute Атрибут захисту

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Durango the Crusher l2
Трофеи с босса
Предмет Кількість Шанс
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield A 1 1.5%
Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Tallum Helm Design Sealed Tallum Helm Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment NG 3 - 10 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Gloves Design Sealed Tallum Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Boots Lining Sealed Tallum Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Tallum Leather Armor A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Pattern Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Pattern NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings Design Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Tallum Leather Armor Pattern Sealed Tallum Leather Armor Pattern NG 2 - 7 33%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Majestic Leather Armor A 1 1%
Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Fabric Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Fabric Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Шанс групи
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 2 100%

Demonic Brutus the Obstinate Forsaken Prisoner Lv. 78

HP 868 700 MP 3 348
Фіз. Атк. 42 610 Маг. Атк. 3 578
Фіз. Зах. 1 940 Маг. Зах 2 103
Досвід 6 996 600 SP 1 200 000
Атрибут атаки No Attack Attribute Атрибут захисту

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Brutus the Obstinate l2
Трофеи с босса
Предмет Кількість Шанс
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield A 1 1.5%
Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Tallum Helm Design Sealed Tallum Helm Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment NG 3 - 10 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Gloves Design Sealed Tallum Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Boots Lining Sealed Tallum Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Robe A 1 0.7%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Tunic Unidentified Sealed Tallum Tunic A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Stockings Unidentified Sealed Tallum Stockings A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Fabric Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Fabric NG 2 - 5 32.3%
Sealed Tallum Tunic Texture Sealed Tallum Tunic Texture NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Sealed Tallum Stockings Fabric Sealed Tallum Stockings Fabric NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe A 1 1%
Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Шанс групи
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 2 100%

Plant Ranger Karankawa Forsaken Prisoner Lv. 79

HP 916 300 MP 3 421
Фіз. Атк. 42 865 Маг. Атк. 3 706
Фіз. Зах. 1 975 Маг. Зах 2 140
Досвід 7 489 200 SP 1 300 000
Атрибут атаки No Attack Attribute Атрибут захисту

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Ranger Karankawa l2
Трофеи с босса
Предмет Кількість Шанс
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield A 1 1.5%
Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Tallum Helm Design Sealed Tallum Helm Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment NG 3 - 10 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Gloves Design Sealed Tallum Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Boots Lining Sealed Tallum Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Plate Armor Unidentified Sealed Tallum Plate Armor A 1 0.7%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate Pattern Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate Pattern NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters Pattern Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters Pattern NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Sealed Tallum Plate Armor Pattern Sealed Tallum Plate Armor Pattern NG 2 - 5 32.3%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Armor of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Armor of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Unidentified Sealed Majestic Plate Armor A 1 1%
Sealed Armor of Nightmare Pattern Sealed Armor of Nightmare Pattern NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Pattern Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Pattern NG 2 - 5 49%
Шанс групи
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 2 100%

Humanoid Sargon the Mad Forsaken Prisoner Lv. 80

HP 928 200 MP 3 494
Фіз. Атк. 45 174 Маг. Атк. 3 872
Фіз. Зах. 2 009 Маг. Зах 2 178
Досвід 8 000 000 SP 1 400 000
Атрибут атаки No Attack Attribute Атрибут захисту

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Sargon the Mad l2
Трофеи с босса
Предмет Кількість Шанс
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Armor of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Armor of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Unidentified Sealed Majestic Plate Armor A 1 1%
Sealed Armor of Nightmare Pattern Sealed Armor of Nightmare Pattern NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Pattern Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Pattern NG 2 - 5 49%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Circlet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Arcana Sigil Unidentified Sealed Arcana Sigil S 1 20%
Шанс групи
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Arcana Sigil Piece Sealed Arcana Sigil Piece NG 2 - 5 20%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlet Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlet S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Glove Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Glove S 1 16.66%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Boots Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Boots S 1 16.66%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Glove Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Glove S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Boots S 1 16.67%
Шанс групи
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Design Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Design Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Major Arcana Gloves fabric Sealed Major Arcana Gloves fabric NG 2 - 5 16.66%
Sealed Major Arcana Boots Design Sealed Major Arcana Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.66%
Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Fabric Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Fabric NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Design Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Armor S 1 25%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Robe Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Robe S 1 25%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate S 1 22%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters S 1 28%
Шанс групи
Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Major Arcana Robe Part Sealed Major Arcana Robe Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Part Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Pattern Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Pattern NG 2 - 5 25%
Шанс групи
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 3 100%

Третья волна

Появляется один из перечисленных боссов случайным образом.

Demonic Beautiful Atrielle Forsaken Prisoner Lv. 80

HP 952 000 MP 3 568
Фіз. Атк. 45 174 Маг. Атк. 3 936
Фіз. Зах. 2 032 Маг. Зах 2 202
Досвід 8 320 000 SP 1 500 000
Атрибут атаки No Attack Attribute Атрибут захисту

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Beautiful Atriell l2
Трофеи с босса
Предмет Кількість Шанс
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Majestic Leather Armor A 1 1%
Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Fabric Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Fabric Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Circlet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Arcana Sigil Unidentified Sealed Arcana Sigil S 1 20%
Шанс групи
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Arcana Sigil Piece Sealed Arcana Sigil Piece NG 2 - 5 20%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlet Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlet S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Glove Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Glove S 1 16.66%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Boots Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Boots S 1 16.66%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Glove Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Glove S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Boots S 1 16.67%
Шанс групи
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Design Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Design Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Major Arcana Gloves fabric Sealed Major Arcana Gloves fabric NG 2 - 5 16.66%
Sealed Major Arcana Boots Design Sealed Major Arcana Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.66%
Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Fabric Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Fabric NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Design Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Armor S 1 25%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Robe Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Robe S 1 25%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate S 1 22%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters S 1 28%
Шанс групи
Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Major Arcana Robe Part Sealed Major Arcana Robe Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Part Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Pattern Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Pattern NG 2 - 5 25%
Шанс групи
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 3 100%

Fairy Nagen the Tomboy Forsaken Prisoner Lv. 81

HP 975 800 MP 3 643
Фіз. Атк. 47 507 Маг. Атк. 4 063
Фіз. Зах. 2 066 Маг. Зах 2 239
Досвід 8 857 350 SP 1 550 000
Атрибут атаки No Attack Attribute Атрибут захисту

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Nagen the Tomboy l2
Трофеи с босса
Предмет Кількість Шанс
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe A 1 1%
Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Circlet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Arcana Sigil Unidentified Sealed Arcana Sigil S 1 20%
Шанс групи
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Arcana Sigil Piece Sealed Arcana Sigil Piece NG 2 - 5 20%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlet Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlet S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Glove Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Glove S 1 16.66%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Boots Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Boots S 1 16.66%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Glove Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Glove S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Boots S 1 16.67%
Шанс групи
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Design Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Design Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Major Arcana Gloves fabric Sealed Major Arcana Gloves fabric NG 2 - 5 16.66%
Sealed Major Arcana Boots Design Sealed Major Arcana Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.66%
Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Fabric Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Fabric NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Design Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Armor S 1 25%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Robe Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Robe S 1 25%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate S 1 22%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters S 1 28%
Шанс групи
Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Major Arcana Robe Part Sealed Major Arcana Robe Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Part Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Pattern Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Pattern NG 2 - 5 25%
Шанс групи
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 3 100%

Humanoid Jax the Destroyer Forsaken Prisoner Lv. 82

HP 999 600 MP 3 719
Фіз. Атк. 44 877 Маг. Атк. 4 173
Фіз. Зах. 2 100 Маг. Зах 2 276
Досвід 9 413 600 SP 1 600 000
Атрибут атаки No Attack Attribute Атрибут захисту

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Jax the Destroyer l2
Трофеи с босса
Предмет Кількість Шанс
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe A 1 1%
Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Circlet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Arcana Sigil Unidentified Sealed Arcana Sigil S 1 20%
Шанс групи
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Arcana Sigil Piece Sealed Arcana Sigil Piece NG 2 - 5 20%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlet Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlet S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Glove Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Glove S 1 16.66%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Boots Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Boots S 1 16.66%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Glove Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Glove S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Boots S 1 16.67%
Шанс групи
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Design Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Design Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Major Arcana Gloves fabric Sealed Major Arcana Gloves fabric NG 2 - 5 16.66%
Sealed Major Arcana Boots Design Sealed Major Arcana Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.66%
Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Fabric Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Fabric NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Design Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Armor S 1 25%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Robe Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Robe S 1 25%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate S 1 22%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters S 1 28%
Шанс групи
Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Major Arcana Robe Part Sealed Major Arcana Robe Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Part Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Pattern Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Pattern NG 2 - 5 25%
Шанс групи
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 3 100%

Боссы в крепости

Первая волна

Появляется один из перечисленных боссов случайным образом.

Humanoid Hager the Outlaw Forsaken Inmate Lv. 74

HP 761 600 MP 2 369
Фіз. Атк. 37 629 Маг. Атк. 1 982
Фіз. Зах. 1 567 Маг. Зах 1 699
Досвід 4 380 800 SP 700 000
Атрибут атаки No Attack Attribute Атрибут захисту

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Hager the Outlaw l2
Трофеи с босса
Предмет Кількість Шанс
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield A 1 1.5%
Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Tallum Helm Design Sealed Tallum Helm Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment NG 3 - 10 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Gloves Design Sealed Tallum Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Boots Lining Sealed Tallum Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Plate Armor Unidentified Sealed Tallum Plate Armor A 1 0.7%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate Pattern Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate Pattern NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters Pattern Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters Pattern NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Sealed Tallum Plate Armor Pattern Sealed Tallum Plate Armor Pattern NG 2 - 5 32.3%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Armor of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Armor of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Unidentified Sealed Majestic Plate Armor A 1 1%
Sealed Armor of Nightmare Pattern Sealed Armor of Nightmare Pattern NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Pattern Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Pattern NG 2 - 5 49%
Шанс групи
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 2 100%

Construct All-Seeing Rango Forsaken Inmate Lv. 74

HP 785 400 MP 2 435
Фіз. Атк. 37 629 Маг. Атк. 2 054
Фіз. Зах. 1 591 Маг. Зах 1 725
Досвід 4 654 600 SP 750 000
Атрибут атаки No Attack Attribute Атрибут захисту

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

All-Seeing Rango l2
Трофеи с босса
Предмет Кількість Шанс
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield A 1 1.5%
Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Tallum Helm Design Sealed Tallum Helm Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment NG 3 - 10 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Gloves Design Sealed Tallum Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Boots Lining Sealed Tallum Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Tallum Leather Armor A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Pattern Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Pattern NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings Design Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Tallum Leather Armor Pattern Sealed Tallum Leather Armor Pattern NG 2 - 7 33%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Majestic Leather Armor A 1 1%
Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Fabric Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Fabric Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Шанс групи
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 2 100%

Construct Jakard Forsaken Inmate Lv. 75

HP 1 511 300 MP 2 502
Фіз. Атк. 39 852 Маг. Атк. 8 811
Фіз. Зах. 1 625 Маг. Зах 1 761
Досвід 5 062 500 SP 800 000
Атрибут атаки No Attack Attribute Атрибут захисту

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Jakard l2
Трофеи с босса
Предмет Кількість Шанс
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield A 1 1.5%
Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Tallum Helm Design Sealed Tallum Helm Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment NG 3 - 10 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Gloves Design Sealed Tallum Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Boots Lining Sealed Tallum Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Robe A 1 0.7%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Tunic Unidentified Sealed Tallum Tunic A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Stockings Unidentified Sealed Tallum Stockings A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Fabric Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Fabric NG 2 - 5 32.3%
Sealed Tallum Tunic Texture Sealed Tallum Tunic Texture NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Sealed Tallum Stockings Fabric Sealed Tallum Stockings Fabric NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe A 1 1%
Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Шанс групи
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 2 100%

Вторая волна

Появляется один из перечисленных боссов случайным образом.

Demonic Gillien Forsaken Inmate Lv. 76

HP 833 000 MP 2 640
Фіз. Атк. 39 293 Маг. Атк. 2 384
Фіз. Зах. 1 682 Маг. Зах 1 824
Досвід 5 776 000 SP 900 000
Атрибут атаки No Attack Attribute Атрибут захисту

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Gillien l2
Трофеи с босса
Предмет Кількість Шанс
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield A 1 1.5%
Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Tallum Helm Design Sealed Tallum Helm Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment NG 3 - 10 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Gloves Design Sealed Tallum Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Boots Lining Sealed Tallum Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Tallum Leather Armor A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Pattern Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Pattern NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings Design Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Tallum Leather Armor Pattern Sealed Tallum Leather Armor Pattern NG 2 - 7 33%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Majestic Leather Armor A 1 1%
Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Fabric Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Fabric Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Шанс групи
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 2 100%

Beast Medici Forsaken Inmate Lv. 76

HP 856 800 MP 2 708
Фіз. Атк. 40 095 Маг. Атк. 2 462
Фіз. Зах. 1 706 Маг. Зах 1 850
Досвід 6 064 800 SP 950 000
Атрибут атаки No Attack Attribute Атрибут захисту

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Medici l2
Трофеи с босса
Предмет Кількість Шанс
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield A 1 1.5%
Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Tallum Helm Design Sealed Tallum Helm Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment NG 3 - 10 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Gloves Design Sealed Tallum Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Boots Lining Sealed Tallum Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Robe A 1 0.7%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Tunic Unidentified Sealed Tallum Tunic A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Stockings Unidentified Sealed Tallum Stockings A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Fabric Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Fabric NG 2 - 5 32.3%
Sealed Tallum Tunic Texture Sealed Tallum Tunic Texture NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Sealed Tallum Stockings Fabric Sealed Tallum Stockings Fabric NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe A 1 1%
Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Шанс групи
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 2 100%

Undead Immortal Muus Forsaken Inmate Lv. 77

HP 1 666 000 MP 2 777
Фіз. Атк. 46 389 Маг. Атк. 10 329
Фіз. Зах. 1 741 Маг. Зах 1 887
Досвід 6 521 900 SP 1 000 000
Атрибут атаки No Attack Attribute Атрибут захисту

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Immortal Muss l2
Трофеи с босса
Предмет Кількість Шанс
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet Unidentified Sealed Tallum Helmet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Shield A 1 1.5%
Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Tallum Helm Design Sealed Tallum Helm Design NG 2 - 7 32%
Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment Sealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment NG 3 - 10 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Boots A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves Unidentified Sealed Tallum Gloves A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots Unidentified Sealed Tallum Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Gloves Design Sealed Tallum Gloves Design NG 2 - 7 24%
Sealed Tallum Boots Lining Sealed Tallum Boots Lining NG 2 - 7 24%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Unidentified Sealed Dark Crystal Robe A 1 0.7%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Tunic Unidentified Sealed Tallum Tunic A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Tallum Stockings Unidentified Sealed Tallum Stockings A 1 1%
Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Fabric Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Fabric NG 2 - 5 32.3%
Sealed Tallum Tunic Texture Sealed Tallum Tunic Texture NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Sealed Tallum Stockings Fabric Sealed Tallum Stockings Fabric NG 2 - 7 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe A 1 1%
Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Шанс групи
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 2 100%

Третья волна

Появляется один из перечисленных боссов случайным образом.

Humanoid Brand the Exile Forsaken Inmate Lv. 77

HP 892 500 MP 2 846
Фіз. Атк. 42 355 Маг. Атк. 2 663
Фіз. Зах. 1 765 Маг. Зах 1 913
Досвід 6 818 350 SP 1 100 000
Атрибут атаки No Attack Attribute Атрибут захисту

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Brand the Exile l2
Трофеи с босса
Предмет Кількість Шанс
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Armor of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Armor of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Unidentified Sealed Majestic Plate Armor A 1 1%
Sealed Armor of Nightmare Pattern Sealed Armor of Nightmare Pattern NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Pattern Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Pattern NG 2 - 5 49%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Circlet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Arcana Sigil Unidentified Sealed Arcana Sigil S 1 20%
Шанс групи
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Arcana Sigil Piece Sealed Arcana Sigil Piece NG 2 - 5 20%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlet Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlet S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Glove Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Glove S 1 16.66%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Boots Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Boots S 1 16.66%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Glove Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Glove S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Boots S 1 16.67%
Шанс групи
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Design Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Design Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Major Arcana Gloves fabric Sealed Major Arcana Gloves fabric NG 2 - 5 16.66%
Sealed Major Arcana Boots Design Sealed Major Arcana Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.66%
Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Fabric Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Fabric NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Design Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Armor S 1 25%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Robe Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Robe S 1 25%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate S 1 22%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters S 1 28%
Шанс групи
Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Major Arcana Robe Part Sealed Major Arcana Robe Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Part Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Pattern Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Pattern NG 2 - 5 25%
Шанс групи
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 3 100%

Animal Commander Koenig Forsaken Inmate Lv. 78

HP 1 713 600 MP 2 917
Фіз. Атк. 51 538 Маг. Атк. 11 275
Фіз. Зах. 1 799 Маг. Зах 1 950
Досвід 7 300 800 SP 1 200 000
Атрибут атаки No Attack Attribute Атрибут захисту

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Commander Koenig l2
Трофеи с босса
Предмет Кількість Шанс
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Majestic Leather Armor A 1 1%
Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Fabric Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Fabric Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Circlet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Arcana Sigil Unidentified Sealed Arcana Sigil S 1 20%
Шанс групи
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Arcana Sigil Piece Sealed Arcana Sigil Piece NG 2 - 5 20%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlet Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlet S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Glove Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Glove S 1 16.66%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Boots Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Boots S 1 16.66%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Glove Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Glove S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Boots S 1 16.67%
Шанс групи
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Design Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Design Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Major Arcana Gloves fabric Sealed Major Arcana Gloves fabric NG 2 - 5 16.66%
Sealed Major Arcana Boots Design Sealed Major Arcana Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.66%
Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Fabric Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Fabric NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Design Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Armor S 1 25%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Robe Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Robe S 1 25%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate S 1 22%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters S 1 28%
Шанс групи
Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Major Arcana Robe Part Sealed Major Arcana Robe Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Part Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Pattern Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Pattern NG 2 - 5 25%
Шанс групи
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 3 100%

Giant Gerg the Hunter Forsaken Inmate Lv. 78

HP 928 200 MP 2 988
Фіз. Атк. 42 610 Маг. Атк. 2 923
Фіз. Зах. 1 823 Маг. Зах 1 976
Досвід 7 605 000 SP 1 300 000
Атрибут атаки No Attack Attribute Атрибут захисту

Fire, 75

Water, 75

Wind, 75

Earth, 75

Holy, 75

Unholy, 75

Geg the Hunter l2
Трофеи с босса
Предмет Кількість Шанс
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Helm of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet Unidentified Sealed Majestic Circlet A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Shield of Nightmare A 1 1.5%
Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Majestic Circlet Design Sealed Majestic Circlet Design NG 2 - 5 32%
Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment Sealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment NG 2 - 5 32.5%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Boots of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Unidentified Sealed Majestic Gauntlets A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots Unidentified Sealed Majestic Boots A 1 1%
Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design Sealed Gauntlets of Nightmare Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining Sealed Boots of Nightmare Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design Sealed Majestic Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 24%
Sealed Majestic Boots Lining Sealed Majestic Boots Lining NG 2 - 5 24%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare Unidentified Sealed Robe of Nightmare A 1 1%
Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe Unidentified Sealed Majestic Robe A 1 1%
Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric Sealed Robe of Nightmare Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric Sealed Majestic Robe Fabric NG 2 - 5 49%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Circlet S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield S 1 20%
Unidentified Sealed Arcana Sigil Unidentified Sealed Arcana Sigil S 1 20%
Шанс групи
Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern Sealed Imperial Crusader Helmet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern Sealed Major Arcana Circlet Pattern NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield Part NG 2 - 5 20%
Sealed Arcana Sigil Piece Sealed Arcana Sigil Piece NG 2 - 5 20%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlet Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlet S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Glove Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Glove S 1 16.66%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Boots Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Boots S 1 16.66%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Glove Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Glove S 1 16.67%
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Boots S 1 16.67%
Шанс групи
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Design Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Design Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Major Arcana Gloves fabric Sealed Major Arcana Gloves fabric NG 2 - 5 16.66%
Sealed Major Arcana Boots Design Sealed Major Arcana Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.66%
Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Fabric Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Fabric NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Design Sealed Draconic Leather Boots Design NG 2 - 5 16.67%
Шанс групи
Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Unidentified Sealed Draconic Leather Armor S 1 25%
Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Robe Unidentified Sealed Major Arcana Robe S 1 25%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate S 1 22%
Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Unidentified Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters S 1 28%
Шанс групи
Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part Sealed Draconic Leather Armor Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Major Arcana Robe Part Sealed Major Arcana Robe Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Part Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Part NG 2 - 5 25%
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Pattern Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Pattern NG 2 - 5 25%
Шанс групи
Common Collectioner's Card Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG 1 - 3 100%
Шанс групи
Part of Elk Part of Elk NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Griffin Part of Griffin NG 1 - 3 15%
Part of Pegasus Part of Pegasus NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Tame Hell Part of Tame Hell NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Air Bike Part of Air Bike NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukurin Part of Kukurin NG 1 - 3 14%
Part of Kukuru Part of Kukuru NG 1 - 3 14%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex Giant's Codex NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Giant's Codex - Mastery Giant's Codex - Mastery NG 1 100%
Шанс групи
Enchanted MW Box Enchanted MW Box NG 1 - 2 100%
Шанс групи
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 - 3 100%


После убийства третьего босса каждый член группы получает:

Квестовые предметы обмениваются у NPC Warden (Тюремный Надзиратель) на Ivory Coin Ivory Coin NG 1 к 1.
