Auto-use self-buffs


Automating self-buffs is a valuable tool for simplifying gameplay, enabling characters to use specific skills automatically. However, it is crucial to understand both the conceptual limitations of this mechanic and its current implementation.

At the moment, automation is limited to skills that:

  • Applies only to the character himself (self-effects), for example, Furious Soul
  • Do not affect the group or other players (for example, Blood Pact is not included in this list)
  • Are standard self-buffs that are used once every 20 minutes, no exceptions (for example,Rage, but not Frenzy)

This approach improves player comfort by reducing the need for manual re-buff but does not turn the mechanic into a full-fledged automatic buffing system for the entire group.

The automation of self-buffs is implemented with the following limitations:

  • It is not intended for auto-use of massive support buffs (PP, Warc, Over, Bard's Rhythms)
  • Its goal is to enhance convenience rather than entirely remove player interaction within a group
  • It minimizes the need to use external scripts or macros that violate the game rules
  • Skills are used once every 20 minutes without checking the effects on the character. If the effect was lost earlier (death, cancellation, removal), it will not be restored until the next scheduled use
  • There are no checks for "abnormals" and their levels, which means that, for example, Attack Aura will be pressed once every 20 minutes, even if a stronger buff is already in effect

Why not add automation of mass buffs? This would dramatically change the game balance and interaction of players. Such changes may be considered later, but are not planned for the near future.

We do not aim to replace live players with automated windows but provide a tool that improves the game's comfort. It is important to understand that automation should not go beyond convenience and maintain a balance between game mechanics and interaction between players.

So, automating self-buffs is not just a simplification of mechanics, but a way to make the gameplay smoother while still maintaining the core principles of fair play.

How to use?

A special indicator has appeared on the icon of some skills, allowing you to enable their automatic use with the right mouse button.

A "Enable/disable auto-rebuff in Combat mode" switch has appeared on the skill panel.

skill auto use interface l2

Skill list


Automatic use is available for all skill levels.

The list of available skills may change in future updates.

Class Skill Description (max skill level)

Paladin Paladin

PhoenixKnight Phoenix Knight

Iron Will Iron Will Lv. 3 Increases the user's M. Def. by 30%.
Majesty Majesty Lv. 3 P. Def. +15%, Evasion -6.
Deflect Arrow Deflect Arrow Lv. 4 Increases resistance to bow attacks by 40% and resistance to crossbow attacks by 20%.
Physical Mirror Physical Mirror Lv. 3 Reflects physical buffs/de-buffs with 30% probability and magic buffs/de-buffs with 10% probability.
Iron Shield Iron Shield Lv. 1 Increases Shield Defence by 30% with a certain chance when attacked.
Deflect Magic Deflect Magic Lv. 1 Increases resistance to magic attacks by 100%.

DarkAvenger Dark Avenger

HellKnight Hell Knight

Iron Will Iron Will Lv. 3 Increases the user's M. Def. by 30%.
Majesty Majesty Lv. 3 P. Def. +15%, Evasion -6.
Reflect Damage Reflect Damage Lv. 3 Returns 20% of received standard short-range damage back to an enemy.
Deflect Arrow Deflect Arrow Lv. 4 Increases resistance to bow attacks by 40% and resistance to crossbow attacks by 20%.
Physical Mirror Physical Mirror Lv. 3 Reflects physical buffs/de-buffs with 30% probability and magic buffs/de-buffs with 10% probability.
Shield of Revenge Shield of Revenge Lv. 1 Returns damage from close range physical attacks and skills back to the opponent at a fixed rate.
Iron Shield Iron Shield Lv. 1 Increases Shield Defence by 30% with a certain chance when attacked.
Deflect Magic Deflect Magic Lv. 1 Increases resistance to magic attacks by 100%.

TempleKnight Temple Knight

EvasTemplar Eva's Templar

Attack Aura Attack Aura Lv. 2 P. Atk. +12%.
Defence Aura Defence Aura Lv. 2 P. Def. +12%.
Deflect Arrow Deflect Arrow Lv. 4 Increases resistance to bow attacks by 40% and resistance to crossbow attacks by 20%.
Spirit Barrier Spirit Barrier Lv. 3 Increases the user's M. Def. by 30%.
Sprint Sprint Lv. 2 Speed +33.
Magical Mirror Magical Mirror Lv. 3 Reflects physical buffs/de-buffs with 10% probability and magic buffs/de-buffs with 30% probability.
Iron Shield Iron Shield Lv. 1 Increases Shield Defence by 30% with a certain chance when attacked.
Deflect Magic Deflect Magic Lv. 1 Increases resistance to magic attacks by 100%.

ShillienKnight Shillien Knight

ShillienTemplar Shillien Templar

Attack Aura Attack Aura Lv. 2 P. Atk. +12%.
Defence Aura Defence Aura Lv. 2 P. Def. +12%.
Deflect Arrow Deflect Arrow Lv. 4 Increases resistance to bow attacks by 40% and resistance to crossbow attacks by 20%.
Magical Mirror Magical Mirror Lv. 3 Reflects physical buffs/de-buffs with 10% probability and magic buffs/de-buffs with 30% probability.
Iron Shield Iron Shield Lv. 1 Increases Shield Defence by 30% with a certain chance when attacked.
Deflect Magic Deflect Magic Lv. 1 Increases resistance to magic attacks by 100%.
Shillien's Fury Shillien's Fury Lv. 2 Atk. Spd. +33%.
Shillien's Arcane Shillien's Arcane Lv. 1 M. Atk. +55%.


Automatic use is available for all skill levels.

The list of available skills may change in future updates.

Class Skill Description (max skill level)

Gladiator Gladiator

Duelist Duelist

Detect Insect Weakness Detect Insect Weakness Lv. 1 Increases the user's P. Atk. toward insects by 30%.
Detect Beast Weakness Detect Beast Weakness Lv. 1 Increases the user's P. Atk. toward beasts by 30%.
Detect Animal Weakness Detect Animal Weakness Lv. 1 Increases the user's P. Atk. toward animals by 30%.
Detect Dragon Weakness Detect Dragon Weakness Lv. 1 Increases the user's P. Atk. toward Dragons by 30%.
Detect Plant Weakness Detect Plant Weakness Lv. 1 Increases the user's P. Atk. toward plants by 30%.
War Cry War Cry Lv. 2 P. Atk. +25%.
Battle Roar Battle Roar Lv. 6 Regenerates 35% of the user's original HP and increases the user's Max HP by 35%.
Duelist Spirit Duelist Spirit Lv. 2 With dual weapon:
Atk. Spd. +12%
PvP Damage 10%.
Eye of Hunter Eye of Hunter Lv. 1 Increases P. Atk. toward insects, plants and animals by 30%.
Eye of Slayer Eye of Slayer Lv. 1 Increases P. Atk. toward monsters, magic creatures, Giants and Dragons by 30%.
Soul of Hunter Soul of Hunter Lv. 1 PvE Damage +10%
PvE Defence -5%.

Warlord Warlord

Dreadnought Dreadnought

Detect Insect Weakness Detect Insect Weakness Lv. 1 Increases the user's P. Atk. toward insects by 30%.
Detect Beast Weakness Detect Beast Weakness Lv. 1 Increases the user's P. Atk. toward beasts by 30%.
Detect Animal Weakness Detect Animal Weakness Lv. 1 Increases the user's P. Atk. toward animals by 30%.
Detect Dragon Weakness Detect Dragon Weakness Lv. 1 Increases the user's P. Atk. toward Dragons by 30%.
Detect Plant Weakness Detect Plant Weakness Lv. 1 Increases the user's P. Atk. toward plants by 30%.
War Cry War Cry Lv. 2 P. Atk. +25%.
Battle Roar Battle Roar Lv. 6 Regenerates 35% of the user's original HP and increases the user's Max HP by 35%.
Eye of Hunter Eye of Hunter Lv. 1 Increases P. Atk. toward insects, plants and animals by 30%.
Eye of Slayer Eye of Slayer Lv. 1 Increases P. Atk. toward monsters, magic creatures, Giants and Dragons by 30%.
Soul of Hunter Soul of Hunter Lv. 1 PvE Damage +10%
PvE Defence -5%.
Dreadnought Spirit Dreadnought Spirit Lv. 2 Increases Spear Atk. Spd. by 12% and skill power by 20%.

Destroyer Destroyer

Titan Titan

Rage Rage Lv. 2 Increases the user's P. Atk. by 20%. When equipped with a sword, blunt weapon or spear, it additionally increases P. Atk. by 29%. When equipped with a two-handed sword or blunt weapon, it additionally increases Accuracy by 4 and P. Atk. by 6%. Decreases Evasion by 3 and P. Def. by 20%.
Battle Roar Battle Roar Lv. 6 Regenerates 35% of the user's original HP and increases the user's Max HP by 35%.
Dark Form Dark Form Lv. 3 Fire Atk. Attribute +20.
Resistance to Fire +10.

Tyrant Tyrant

GrandKhavatari Grand Khavatari

Bear Spirit Totem Bear Spirit Totem Lv. 1 Possessed by a Bear's soul, the user's P. Atk. by 20% and Critical Damage increases by 20%, and Speed decrease by 30%.
Wolf Spirit Totem Wolf Spirit Totem Lv. 1 Possessed by a Wolf's soul, the user's Speed increases by 20% and Accuracy by 3.
Ogre Spirit Totem Ogre Spirit Totem Lv. 1 Becomes possessed by an Ogre's soul. Increases one's own P. Atk. by 30% and Critical Damage by 10% with Fists and P. Def. by 30% and M. Def. by 30% with all weapon types.
Puma Spirit Totem Puma Spirit Totem Lv. 1 Possessed by a Puma's soul, the user's Accuracy increases by 6 and Atk. Spd. by 20%.
Rabbit Spirit Totem Rabbit Spirit Totem Lv. 1 Becomes possessed by a Rabbit's soul. Increases one's own Atk. Spd. by 30% with Fists. Increases Speed by 30% and Evasion by 12 with all weapon types.
Dark Form Dark Form Lv. 3 Fire Atk. Attribute +20.
Resistance to Fire +10.
Hawk Spirit Totem Hawk Spirit Totem Lv. 1 Becomes possessed by a Hawk's soul. When using a hand-to-hand / blunt weapon types, increases Accuracy by 6, Critical Rate by 100, and Critical Damage by 30%.

BountyHunter Bounty Hunter

FortuneSeeker Fortune Seeker

Thrill Fight Thrill Fight Lv. 2 Decreases user's Speed by 20% and increases Atk. Spd. by 10%.
Fell Swoop Fell Swoop Lv. 5 Increases the number of simultaneous targets by 5.
Soul of Hunter Soul of Hunter Lv. 3 PvE Damage +20%
PvE Defence -7%.

Warsmith Warsmith

Maestro Maestro

Fell Swoop Fell Swoop Lv. 5 Increases the number of simultaneous targets by 5.
Strengthen Golem Strengthen Golem Lv. 3 Golem's P. Atk. +15%
Golem's Atk. Spd. +9%.
Golem Reinforcement Golem Reinforcement Lv. 3 Golem's P. Def. +15%
Golem's Max. HP +10%.
Battle Cry Battle Cry Lv. 5 Regenerates 35% of Max HP and increases one's own Max HP by 35%.
Soul of Hunter Soul of Hunter Lv. 3 PvE Damage +20%
PvE Defence -7%.
Mechanical Upgrade Mechanical Upgrade Lv. 2 Extends the summoner's abilities to the servitor:

35% of P. Atk./ P. Def.
35% of M. Atk./ M. Def.
25% of Max HP/ MP
35% of P. Crit. Rate
25% of Atk. Spd.
7% of Cast. Spd.
Mechanist Spirit Mechanist Spirit Lv. 1 Increases Atk. Spd. by 10% when using Blunt/Dualblunt weapons.

When using the skills 'Fatal Strike', 'Hammer Crush', 'Armor Crush' or 'Crushing Strike' there is a 15% chance to trigger an effect that increases P. Skill Power by 25% for 5 seconds.


Automatic use is available for all skill levels.

The list of available skills may change in future updates.

Class Skill Description (max skill level)

Swordsinger Swordsinger

SwordMuse Sword Muse

Attack Aura Attack Aura Lv. 2 P. Atk. +12%.
Defence Aura Defence Aura Lv. 2 P. Def. +12%.
Deflect Arrow Deflect Arrow Lv. 4 Increases resistance to bow attacks by 40% and resistance to crossbow attacks by 20%.
Spirit Barrier Spirit Barrier Lv. 3 Increases the user's M. Def. by 30%.
Sprint Sprint Lv. 2 Speed +33.
Deflect Magic Deflect Magic Lv. 1 Increases resistance to magic attacks by 100%.
Battle Whisper Battle Whisper Lv. 9 Increases the user's P. Atk. by 10%, P. Crit. Damage by 7%, and Atk. Spd. by 7%.

Bladedancer Bladedancer

SpectralDancer Spectral Dancer

Attack Aura Attack Aura Lv. 2 P. Atk. +12%.
Defence Aura Defence Aura Lv. 2 P. Def. +12%.
Deflect Arrow Deflect Arrow Lv. 4 Increases resistance to bow attacks by 40% and resistance to crossbow attacks by 20%.
Deflect Magic Deflect Magic Lv. 1 Increases resistance to magic attacks by 100%.
Defence Motion Defence Motion Lv. 9 Increases your P. Def. by 20%, M. Def. by 15%, Resistance to de-buffs attacks by 10% and Evasion by 5.
Shillien's Fury Shillien's Fury Lv. 2 Atk. Spd. +33%.
Shillien's Arcane Shillien's Arcane Lv. 1 M. Atk. +55%.


Automatic use is available for all skill levels.

The list of available skills may change in future updates.

Class Skill Description (max skill level)

TreasureHunter Treasure Hunter

Adventurer Adventurer

Rapid Shot Rapid Shot Lv. 2 Atk. Spd. with Bow +12%.
Focus Chance Focus Chance Lv. 3 Frontal P. Crit. Rate -30%
Side P. Crit. Rate +30%
Back P. Crit. Rate +60%.
Focus Power Focus Power Lv. 3 Frontal P. Crit. Damage -30%
Side P. Crit. Damage +30%
Back P. Crit. Damage +60%.

PlainsWalker Plains Walker

WindRider Wind Rider

Attack Aura Attack Aura Lv. 2 P. Atk. +12%.
Defence Aura Defence Aura Lv. 2 P. Def. +12%.
Rapid Shot Rapid Shot Lv. 2 Atk. Spd. with Bow +12%.
Spirit Barrier Spirit Barrier Lv. 3 Increases the user's M. Def. by 30%.
Sprint Sprint Lv. 2 Speed +33.
Focus Death Focus Death Lv. 3 P. Crit. Rate -30%
Chance of Blow-Skills +60%
Frontal P. Crit. Damage -30%
Back P. Crit. Damage +90%.
Focus Chance Focus Chance Lv. 3 Frontal P. Crit. Rate -30%
Side P. Crit. Rate +30%
Back P. Crit. Rate +60%.

AbyssWalker Abyss Walker

GhostHunter Ghost Hunter

Attack Aura Attack Aura Lv. 2 P. Atk. +12%.
Defence Aura Defence Aura Lv. 2 P. Def. +12%.
Rapid Shot Rapid Shot Lv. 2 Atk. Spd. with Bow +12%.
Focus Death Focus Death Lv. 3 P. Crit. Rate -30%
Chance of Blow-Skills +60%
Frontal P. Crit. Damage -30%
Back P. Crit. Damage +90%.
Focus Power Focus Power Lv. 3 Frontal P. Crit. Damage -30%
Side P. Crit. Damage +30%
Back P. Crit. Damage +60%.
Shillien's Fury Shillien's Fury Lv. 2 Atk. Spd. +33%.
Shillien's Arcane Shillien's Arcane Lv. 1 M. Atk. +55%.

BountyHunter Bounty Hunter

FortuneSeeker Fortune Seeker

Thrill Fight Thrill Fight Lv. 2 Decreases user's Speed by 20% and increases Atk. Spd. by 10%.
Fell Swoop Fell Swoop Lv. 5 Increases the number of simultaneous targets by 5.
Soul of Hunter Soul of Hunter Lv. 3 PvE Damage +20%
PvE Defence -7%.


Automatic use is available for all skill levels.

The list of available skills may change in future updates.

Class Skill Description (max skill level)

Hawkeye Hawkeye

Sagittarius Sagittarius

Rapid Shot Rapid Shot Lv. 2 Atk. Spd. with Bow +12%.
Hawk Eye Hawk Eye Lv. 3 P. Skill Power +10%
Accuracy +10.
Soul of Sagittarius Soul of Sagittarius Lv. 4 Increases the user's Max MP by 25%.
Snipe Snipe Lv. 8 Increases the user's Accuracy by 6, P. Atk. by 199, Range by 10%, and Critical Rate by 20% and Attack Range by 200 when using a bow. Reduces movement speed by 90%.

SilverRanger Silver Ranger

MoonlightSentinel Moonlight Sentinel

Attack Aura Attack Aura Lv. 2 P. Atk. +12%.
Defence Aura Defence Aura Lv. 2 P. Def. +12%.
Rapid Shot Rapid Shot Lv. 2 Atk. Spd. with Bow +12%.
Spirit Barrier Spirit Barrier Lv. 3 Increases the user's M. Def. by 30%.
Sprint Sprint Lv. 2 Speed +33.
Soul of Sagittarius Soul of Sagittarius Lv. 4 Increases the user's Max MP by 25%.
Rapid Fire Rapid Fire Lv. 8 When using a Bow:

P. Atk. +100
Atk. Spd. +20%.
Reuse Delay for P. Skills -5%.
Attack Range -30%.

PhantomRanger Phantom Ranger

Ghost Sentinel Ghost Sentinel

Attack Aura Attack Aura Lv. 2 P. Atk. +12%.
Defence Aura Defence Aura Lv. 2 P. Def. +12%.
Rapid Shot Rapid Shot Lv. 2 Atk. Spd. with Bow +12%.
Soul of Sagittarius Soul of Sagittarius Lv. 4 Increases the user's Max MP by 25%.
Dead Eye Dead Eye Lv. 8 When using a Bow:

Accuracy +3
P. Atk. +199
P. Crit. Damage +20%.

Atk. Spd. -10%.
Shillien's Fury Shillien's Fury Lv. 2 Atk. Spd. +33%.
Shillien's Arcane Shillien's Arcane Lv. 1 M. Atk. +55%.


Automatic use is available for all skill levels.

The list of available skills may change in future updates.

Class Skill Description (max skill level)

SoulBreaker Soul Breaker

SoulHound Soul Hound

Furious Soul Furious Soul Lv. 2 Increases the user's P. Crit. Rate by 30% and P. Crit. Damage by 30%. Decreases P. Def. by 5%.
Soul to Empower Soul to Empower Lv. 3 M. Atk. +75%.
Lightning Barrier Lightning Barrier Lv. 1 Spreads Lightning's defensive Barrier:
There is a chance to apply Paralysis to an enemy who deals at least 100 damage to you, but not more often than once every 6 sec. If Paralysis is successful, the enemy will be Paralyzed for up to 3 sec.
Increase Power Increase Power Lv. 3
(Male only)
P. Atk. +15%.
Rapid Attack Rapid Attack Lv. 1
(Female only)
Atk. Spd. +33%.
Fast Shot Fast Shot Lv. 1
(Female only)
Atk. Spd. with Crossbow +8%.

Berserker Berserker

Doombringer Doombringer

Furious Soul Furious Soul Lv. 2 Increases the user's P. Crit. Rate by 30% and P. Crit. Damage by 30%. Decreases P. Def. by 5%.
Increase Power Increase Power Lv. 3 P. Atk. +15%.
Soul Roar Soul Roar Lv. 1 Upon cast, immediately restores 15% HP and 15% CP, and increases Max HP by 15% and Max CP by 15%.

Arbalester Arbalester

Trickster Trickster

Rapid Attack Rapid Attack Lv. 1 Atk. Spd. +15%.
Furious Soul Furious Soul Lv. 2 Increases the user's P. Crit. Rate by 30% and P. Crit. Damage by 30%. Decreases P. Def. by 5%.
Fast Shot Fast Shot Lv. 2 Atk. Spd. with Crossbow +12%.
Sharpshooting Sharpshooting Lv. 8 Increases the user's P. Atk. by 199, Critical Rate by 20%, Accuracy by 6, and range by 200. Reduces movement speed by 90%.

Inspector Inspector

Judicator Judicator

Rapid Attack Rapid Attack Lv. 1 Atk. Spd. +15%.
Furious Soul Furious Soul Lv. 1 Increases the user's P. Crit. Rate by 20% and P. Crit. Damage by 25%. Decreases P. Def. by 5%.
Fast Shot Fast Shot Lv. 1 Atk. Spd. with Crossbow +8%.
Lightning Barrier Lightning Barrier Lv. 1 Spreads Lightning's defensive Barrier:
There is a chance to apply Paralysis to an enemy who deals at least 100 damage to you, but not more often than once every 6 sec. If Paralysis is successful, the enemy will be Paralyzed for up to 3 sec.


Automatic use is available for all skill levels.

The list of available skills may change in future updates.

Class Skill Description (max skill level)

Sorcerer Sorcerer

Archmage Archmage

Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk Lv. 1 Increases the servitor's Speed by 20.
Seed of Fire Seed of Fire Lv. 1 Uses Fire energy to increase user's Fire Atk. Attribute by 20.
Flame Armor Flame Armor Lv. 1 Engulfs the user with a protective coat of fire. Increases Resistance to fire attacks by 10 and causes burn damage on the attacking enemy.

Necromancer Necromancer

Soultaker Soultaker

Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk Lv. 1 Increases the servitor's Speed by 20.
Servitor Share Servitor Share Lv. 2 Extends the summoner's abilities to the servitor:

75% of P. Atk./ P. Def.
35% of M. Atk./ M. Def.
25% of Max HP/ MP
35% of P. Crit. Rate
25% of Atk. Spd.
7% of Cast. Spd.

Spellsinger Spellsinger

MysticMuse Mystic Muse

Bright Servitor Bright Servitor Lv. 1 Increases the servitor's M. Atk. by 55%.
Mana Regeneration Mana Regeneration Lv. 4 Increases the user's MP Recovery Bonus by 3.09.
Seed of Water Seed of Water Lv. 1 Uses Water energy to increase user's Water Atk. Attribute by 20.
Frost Armor Frost Armor Lv. 1 Engulfs the user with a protective glacier barrier. Increases Resistance to water attacks by 10 and slows down the attacking enemy.

Spellhowler Spellhowler

StormScreamer Storm Screamer

Mighty Servitor Mighty Servitor Lv. 1 Increases the servitor's P. Atk. by 8%.
Seed of Wind Seed of Wind Lv. 1 Uses Wind energy to increase user's Wind Atk. Attribute by 20.
Empowering Echo Empowering Echo Lv. 3 M. Atk. +25%.
MP Consumption +25%.
Hurricane Armor Hurricane Armor Lv. 1 Engulfs the body with a storm barrier. Increases Resistance to wind attacks by 10 and slows down the attacking enemy's Atk. Spd.

Terramancer Terramancer

TectonicSage Tectonic Sage

Nature's Blessing Nature's Blessing Lv. 4 HP Regeneration +15%. Increases the power of HP recovery magic received by 8%.
Seed of Earth Seed of Earth Lv. 1 Uses Earth energy to increase user's Earth attack level by 20.
Terra Armor Terra Armor Lv. 1 Engulfs the user with a protective earth barrier. Increases Resistance to earth attacks by 10 and slows down the attacking enemy. Decreases an enemy's Accuracy by 12.


Automatic use is available for all skill levels.

The list of available skills may change in future updates.

Class Skill Description (max skill level)

Warlock Warlock

ArcanaLord Arcana Lord

Servitor Magic Shield Servitor Magic Shield Lv. 2 Increases the servitor's M. Def. by 30%.
Servitor Physical Shield Servitor Physical Shield Lv. 3 Increases the servitor's P. Def. by 15%.
Servitor Haste Servitor Haste Lv. 2 Increases the servitor's Atk. Spd. by 33%.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk Lv. 2 Increases the servitor's Speed by 33.
Seed of Fire Seed of Fire Lv. 1 Uses Fire energy to increase user's Fire Atk. Attribute by 20.
Warrior Servitor Warrior Servitor Lv. 1 Causes the servitor to be possessed with the spirit of an ancient warrior. Increases Max HP by 20%, HP Recovery Bonus by 20%, P. Def. by 20%, Accuracy by 4, P. Atk. by 10%, Atk. Spd. by 20%, and Resistance to de-buffs attacks by 10. Decreases Speed by 10%.
Final Servitor Final Servitor Lv. 2 Causes the servitor to be possessed with the spirit of an ancient hero. Recovery 20% and immediately increases Max HP by 20%, Accuracy by 4, P. Atk. by 10%, P. Def. by 20%, Atk. Spd. by 20%, P. Crit. Rate by 20%, P. Crit. Damage by 20%, M. Def. by 20%, M. Atk. by 20%, Cast. Spd. by 20%, and Resistance to de-buffs attacks by 20%. Decreases Speed by 20%.
Spirit Sharing Spirit Sharing Lv. 3 Increases the user's P. Atk. by 5%, M. Atk. by 5%, skill P. Atk. by 10%, Atk. Spd. by 7%, Cast. Spd. by 5%, and critical rate by 10%. The master's abilities are extended to the servitor.
Servitor Share Servitor Share Lv. 2 Extends the summoner's abilities to the servitor:

75% of P. Atk./ P. Def.
35% of M. Atk./ M. Def.
25% of Max HP/ MP
35% of P. Crit. Rate
25% of Atk. Spd.
7% of Cast. Spd.

ElementalSummoner Elemental Summoner

ElementalMaster Elemental Master

Servitor Magic Shield Servitor Magic Shield Lv. 2 Increases the servitor's M. Def. by 30%.
Servitor Physical Shield Servitor Physical Shield Lv. 3 Increases the servitor's P. Def. by 15%.
Servitor Haste Servitor Haste Lv. 2 Increases the servitor's Atk. Spd. by 33%.
Bright Servitor Bright Servitor Lv. 3 Increases the servitor's M. Atk. by 75%.
Seed of Water Seed of Water Lv. 1 Uses Water energy to increase user's Water Atk. Attribute by 20.
Wizard Servitor Wizard Servitor Lv. 1 Causes the servitor to be possessed with the spirit of an ancient wizard. Increases MP Recovery Bonus by 20%, M. Def. by 20%, M. Atk. by 20%, Cast. Spd. by 20%, magic damage's Critical Rate by 2, and Resistance to de-buffs attacks by 10. Decreases Speed by 20%.
Final Servitor Final Servitor Lv. 2 Causes the servitor to be possessed with the spirit of an ancient hero. Recovery 20% and immediately increases Max HP by 20%, Accuracy by 4, P. Atk. by 10%, P. Def. by 20%, Atk. Spd. by 20%, P. Crit. Rate by 20%, P. Crit. Damage by 20%, M. Def. by 20%, M. Atk. by 20%, Cast. Spd. by 20%, and Resistance to de-buffs attacks by 20%. Decreases Speed by 20%.
Spirit Sharing Spirit Sharing Lv. 3 Increases the user's P. Atk. by 5%, M. Atk. by 5%, skill P. Atk. by 10%, Atk. Spd. by 7%, Cast. Spd. by 5%, and critical rate by 10%. The master's abilities are extended to the servitor.
Servitor Share Servitor Share Lv. 2 Extends the summoner's abilities to the servitor:

75% of P. Atk./ P. Def.
35% of M. Atk./ M. Def.
25% of Max HP/ MP
35% of P. Crit. Rate
25% of Atk. Spd.
7% of Cast. Spd.

PhantomSummoner Phantom Summoner

SpectralMaster Spectral Master

Servitor Magic Shield Servitor Magic Shield Lv. 2 Increases the servitor's M. Def. by 30%.
Servitor Physical Shield Servitor Physical Shield Lv. 3 Increases the servitor's P. Def. by 15%.
Servitor Haste Servitor Haste Lv. 2 Increases the servitor's Atk. Spd. by 33%.
Mighty Servitor Mighty Servitor Lv. 3 Increases the servitor's P. Atk. by 15%.
Seed of Wind Seed of Wind Lv. 1 Uses Wind energy to increase user's Wind Atk. Attribute by 20.
Assassin Servitor Assassin Servitor Lv. 1 Causes the servitor to be possessed with the spirit of an ancient assassin. Increases Accuracy by 4, Evasion by 4, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate occurring in the rear by 20%, Critical Damage occurring in the rear by 20%, and Resistance to de-buffs attacks by 10. Allows servitor to recover 5% of standard melee damage inflicted on an enemy as HP.
Final Servitor Final Servitor Lv. 2 Causes the servitor to be possessed with the spirit of an ancient hero. Recovery 20% and immediately increases Max HP by 20%, Accuracy by 4, P. Atk. by 10%, P. Def. by 20%, Atk. Spd. by 20%, P. Crit. Rate by 20%, P. Crit. Damage by 20%, M. Def. by 20%, M. Atk. by 20%, Cast. Spd. by 20%, and Resistance to de-buffs attacks by 20%. Decreases Speed by 20%.
Spirit Sharing Spirit Sharing Lv. 3 Increases the user's P. Atk. by 5%, M. Atk. by 5%, skill P. Atk. by 10%, Atk. Spd. by 7%, Cast. Spd. by 5%, and critical rate by 10%. The master's abilities are extended to the servitor.
Servitor Share Servitor Share Lv. 2 Extends the summoner's abilities to the servitor:

75% of P. Atk./ P. Def.
35% of M. Atk./ M. Def.
25% of Max HP/ MP
35% of P. Crit. Rate
25% of Atk. Spd.
7% of Cast. Spd.

Warsmith Warsmith

Maestro Maestro

Fell Swoop Fell Swoop Lv. 5 Increases the number of simultaneous targets by 5.
Strengthen Golem Strengthen Golem Lv. 3 Golem's P. Atk. +15%
Golem's Atk. Spd. +9%.
Golem Reinforcement Golem Reinforcement Lv. 3 Golem's P. Def. +15%
Golem's Max. HP +10%.
Battle Cry Battle Cry Lv. 5 Regenerates 35% of Max HP and increases one's own Max HP by 35%.
Soul of Hunter Soul of Hunter Lv. 3 PvE Damage +20%
PvE Defence -7%.
Mechanical Upgrade Mechanical Upgrade Lv. 2 Extends the summoner's abilities to the servitor:

35% of P. Atk./ P. Def.
35% of M. Atk./ M. Def.
25% of Max HP/ MP
35% of P. Crit. Rate
25% of Atk. Spd.
7% of Cast. Spd.
Mechanist Spirit Mechanist Spirit Lv. 1 Increases Atk. Spd. by 10% when using Blunt/Dualblunt weapons.

When using the skills 'Fatal Strike', 'Hammer Crush', 'Armor Crush' or 'Crushing Strike' there is a 15% chance to trigger an effect that increases P. Skill Power by 25% for 5 seconds.


Automatic use is available for all skill levels.

The list of available skills may change in future updates.

Class Skill Description (max skill level)

Bishop Bishop

Cardinal Cardinal

Kiss of Eva Kiss of Eva Lv. 1 Increases MP Regeneration by 10%.

ElvenElder Elven Elder

EvasSaint Eva's Saint

Kiss of Eva Kiss of Eva Lv. 1 Increases MP Regeneration by 10%.

ShillienElder Shillien Elder

EvasSaint Shillien Saint

Kiss of Eva Kiss of Eva Lv. 1 Increases MP Regeneration by 10%.


Automatic use is available for all skill levels.

The list of available skills may change in future updates.

Class Skill Description (max skill level)

Prophet Prophet

Hierophant Hierophant

Kiss of Eva Kiss of Eva Lv. 1 Increases MP Regeneration by 10%.

Overlord Overlord

Dominator Dominator

Warcryer Warcryer

Doomcryer Doomcryer

BasicsHow to use?Skill listKnightsWarriorsBardsAssassinsArchersKamaelWizardsSummonersHealersBuffers