Masterwork Club


Masterwork E-Global has a system that allows players to simplify and diversify their game progress — MW Club (Masterwork).

NPC Human Adventurers' Guide MW Club Manager provides access to various services that will help you in the game. You can find the Adventurer's Guide in every city on the central square and near the Gatekeeper.

Masterwork Club provides you with the following opportunities:

  • Global chat of gold color (symbol >) for players of all levels. Available only with MW Club Card
  • Magic support for character and pets. Available to all players up to a certain level, depending on the stage of the server. For high-level players, buffs are only available with an MW Club Card
  • Club teleport. Available to all players up to a certain level, depending on the stage of the server. For high-level players, teleportation is available with an MW Club Card
  • Ivory Coin Store. Available for all players
  • Server information. Available for all players
Adventurers' Guide Lineage 2

MW Club Card

Club Card Club Card 30 Days NG — is a special item, allowing to use the full functionality of the MW Club.

You can buy the MW Club Card in the shop Personal Account and Donate Shop from NPC Elemental Butler MW Premium Store / Elemental Mewtler Like Butler, but , or from NPC Human Adventurers' Guide MW Club Manager

The card is stored in a quests inventory and has a timer indicating its validity. The timer works even when the character is offline.

MW Club Card prices:

Master Coin Master Coin NG — official E-Global project currency.

10 Master Coin = 1 USD. You can get Master Coin for donations in a Personal Account on our site.

Magic support

Access to the buffs at different stages of the server

Masterwork servers develop with you — we customize support services for players at each stage of server progress.

For each server stage, we have a different level range for free access to the service:

Update Access to free buff and teleport
Cruma Tower Up to level 40
Frozen Labyrinth Up to level 40
Devil's Pass Up to level 48
Forest of the Dead Up to level 52
Blazing Swamp Up to level 56
Tower of Insolence Up to level 60
Hot Springs Up to level 64
Varka & Ketra Up to level 66
Imperial Tomb Up to level 68
Forge of Gods Up to level 70
Chromatic Highlands Up to level 72
Hellbound: Battered Lands Up to level 76
Hellbound: Anomic Foundry Up to level 79
Monastery of Silence Up to level 81
Seven Signs Up to level 82
Eternal Up to level 83

Free buff

Masterwork Club supports newbies and offers its magic support. Free character and pet buff is available to low-level players at the NPC Adventurer's Guide. Use pre-made buff patterns or select an individual from the list.

Buffer E-Global Masterwork

Buffs for grown-up characters

The E-global team offers advanced access to magic support for experienced players. It includes standard top-level effects, combo buffs, rhythms and the ability to create a personal buff profile. The list and level of available effects depend on the server stage.

Only the etc_royal_membership_i00 Club Card owners can use the extended access.

Buffer E-Global Masterwork


Rhythms is a new mechanics, combining songs and dances in one buff for the player's convenience. Each rhythm combines several standard effects.

Masterwork Club Magic Support offers players weakened rhythms that allow bards to stay relevant in the gameplay. List of Masterwork Club rhythms:

Rhythm Effect
Club Rhythm of Critical Club Rhythm of Critical Lv. 1 P. Crit. Rate +50%
P. Crit. Damage +17.5%.

Additionally increases MP Consumption when dancing while Rhythms is in effect.
Club Rhythm of Benefit Club Rhythm of Benefit Lv. 1 Accuracy +2
Evasion +2
HP Regeneration Bonus +10%.

Additionally increases MP Consumption when dancing while Rhythms is in effect.
Club Rhythm of Defence Club Rhythm of Defence Lv. 1 P. Def. +12.5%
M. Def. +15%.

Additionally increases MP Consumption when dancing while Rhythms is in effect.
Club Rhythm of Power Club Rhythm of Power Lv. 1 M. Atk. +10%
P. Atk. +6%.

Additionally increases MP Consumption when dancing while Rhythms is in effect.
Club Rhythm of Rage Club Rhythm of Rage Lv. 1 Cast. Spd. +15%
Magic Cancel Damage -20%
Atk. Spd. +7.5%.

Additionally increases MP Consumption when dancing while Rhythms is in effect.
Club Rhythm of Body Club Rhythm of Body Lv. 1 Max HP +15%
Speed +10.

Additionally increases MP Consumption when dancing while Rhythms is in effect.
Club Rhythm of Reflection Club Rhythm of Reflection Lv. 1 Vampiric Rage Effect +4%
Reflect Damage +7.5%
Transfers back to attacker 2.5% of all received damage back to the enemy.

Additionally increases MP Consumption when dancing while Rhythms is in effect.
Club Rhythm of Clarity Club Rhythm of Clarity Lv. 1 MP Regeneration Bonus +10%
P. Skill Reuse Time -10%
M. Skill Reuse Time -10%
MP Consumption when using a P. Skill -2.5%
MP Consumption when using a M. Skill -7.5%
MP Consumption when using a Rhythm -2.5%.

Additionally increases MP Consumption when dancing while Rhythms is in effect.
Club Rhythm of Dominance Club Rhythm of Dominance Lv. 1 M. Skill Crit. Rate +50%
P. Skill Reuse Time -5%
Rhythm Reuse Time -5%
MP Consumption when using a P. Skill -10%
MP Consumption when using a Rhythm -10%.

Additionally increases MP Consumption when dancing while Rhythms is in effect.

Pay attention!

Rhythms in the club buff are only available at the later stages of the season and on the Eternal server.

Personal Profile

The services of the Masterwork Club are designed for the comfortable existence of the players of our project. Club members may use the "Club Profile". Create a personal set of buffs and become stronger in one click!

A personal profile is created in 3 steps:

  • Click the "Start Recording" button
  • Go to the list of buffs and select the needed buffs
  • Click the "Stop recording" button

Done! Apply the selected buffs by clicking the "Club Profile" button.

Changing the saved profile is easy — record a new set.

How to record a club profile E-Global Masterwork

Club teleport

The E-Global team appreciated every moment of the game and verified that the players of our project didn't waste their time. Masterwork Club members may use free teleports to popular locations — towns and arenas, catacombs, necropolises and hunting zones, combined by levels.

Club teleport available for:

  • All players up to level 40-75 (depending on the patch)
  • At any level with an MW Club Card
Club teleport E-Global Masterwork

Daily quests

The tears of hundreds of players who forgot to take or pass daily quests reached the heart of the developers. In July 2023, we moved from daily quests to a mission system.

You do not need to run to the NPC to take the daily quest — mission assignments are counted automatically. You only must receive a reward. To do this, open the mission menu via the mission Quick Access Menu in the right part of the screen and select the completed ones. Don't forget to click "Refresh" at the bottom of the window to update the mission progress.

For more information about missions, see the article Missions on Masterwork

Ivory Coin Shop MW 2022

Ivory Coin Ivory Coin NG — project event currency. Coins are the reward for achievements, daily quests, and participation in promotions on the forum and social media. Coins are personal — they can't be transferred, sold or bought.

Exchange Ivory Coins at the club store for useful items — Experience and Sp Runes, consumables, shadow weapons, shirts, scrolls and enchanting stones for weapons and armor. The product list and prices of the Ivory Coin store depend on the stage.

BasicsMW Club CardMagic supportAccess to the buffs at different stages of the serverFree buffBuffs for grown-up charactersRhythmsPersonal ProfileClub teleportDaily questsIvory Coin Shop MW 2022
