Focus Attack
Рів 1
When using a spear, allows user to attack a single enemy with increases in accuracy of 2 and critical attack power of 10%. |
Focus Attack
Рів 2 [selected]
When using a spear, allows user to attack a single enemy with increases in accuracy of 3 and critical attack power of 15%. |
Focus Attack
Рів 3
When using a spear, allows user to attack a single enemy with increases in accuracy of 4 and critical attack power of 20%. |
Focus Attack
Рів 4
When using a spear, allows user to attack a single enemy with increases in accuracy of 5 and critical attack power of 25%. |
Focus Attack
Рів 5
When using a spear, allows user to attack a single enemy with increases in accuracy of 6 and critical attack power of 30%. |