Focus Attack Focus Attack Рів 2

When using a spear, allows user to attack a single enemy with increases in accuracy of 3 and critical attack power of 15%.

Type Тогл
Споживає 22 MP
Час перезарядження 0 сек.
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Атрибут No Attribute
Доступно для Воєначальник Рів 49
Focus Attack Focus Attack Рів 1 When using a spear, allows user to attack a single enemy with increases in accuracy of 2 and critical attack power of 10%.
Focus Attack Focus Attack Рів 2 [selected] When using a spear, allows user to attack a single enemy with increases in accuracy of 3 and critical attack power of 15%.
Focus Attack Focus Attack Рів 3 When using a spear, allows user to attack a single enemy with increases in accuracy of 4 and critical attack power of 20%.
Focus Attack Focus Attack Рів 4 When using a spear, allows user to attack a single enemy with increases in accuracy of 5 and critical attack power of 25%.
Focus Attack Focus Attack Рів 5 When using a spear, allows user to attack a single enemy with increases in accuracy of 6 and critical attack power of 30%.