Divine Punishment Divine Punishment Рів 14

Calls down the gods' retribution to inflict holy damage on an enemy using 106 Power added to M. Atk.
Can only be used on monsters.

Type Активне (атакуюче)
Споживає 53 MP
Час перезарядження 1 сек.
Можна використовувати на олімпіаді? Так
Атрибут Holy, 20
Трейт {trait_holy}
Дальність застосування 750 (1250)
Доступно для Єпископ Рів 74, Пророк Рів 74, Старійшина Єви Рів 74, Старійшина Шилен Рів 74
Divine Punishment Divine Punishment Рів 1 Calls down the gods' retribution to inflict holy damage on an enemy using 51 Power added to M. Atk.
Can only be used on monsters.
Divine Punishment Divine Punishment Рів 2 Calls down the gods' retribution to inflict holy damage on an enemy using 55 Power added to M. Atk.
Can only be used on monsters.
Divine Punishment Divine Punishment Рів 3 Calls down the gods' retribution to inflict holy damage on an enemy using 60 Power added to M. Atk.
Can only be used on monsters.
Divine Punishment Divine Punishment Рів 4 Calls down the gods' retribution to inflict holy damage on an enemy using 64 Power added to M. Atk.
Can only be used on monsters.
Divine Punishment Divine Punishment Рів 5 Calls down the gods' retribution to inflict holy damage on an enemy using 69 Power added to M. Atk.
Can only be used on monsters.
Divine Punishment Divine Punishment Рів 6 Calls down the gods' retribution to inflict holy damage on an enemy using 74 Power added to M. Atk.
Can only be used on monsters.
Divine Punishment Divine Punishment Рів 7 Calls down the gods' retribution to inflict holy damage on an enemy using 78 Power added to M. Atk.
Can only be used on monsters.
Divine Punishment Divine Punishment Рів 8 Calls down the gods' retribution to inflict holy damage on an enemy using 83 Power added to M. Atk.
Can only be used on monsters.
Divine Punishment Divine Punishment Рів 9 Calls down the gods' retribution to inflict holy damage on an enemy using 88 Power added to M. Atk.
Can only be used on monsters.
Divine Punishment Divine Punishment Рів 10 Calls down the gods' retribution to inflict holy damage on an enemy using 93 Power added to M. Atk.
Can only be used on monsters.
Divine Punishment Divine Punishment Рів 11 Calls down the gods' retribution to inflict holy damage on an enemy using 97 Power added to M. Atk.
Can only be used on monsters.
Divine Punishment Divine Punishment Рів 12 Calls down the gods' retribution to inflict holy damage on an enemy using 101 Power added to M. Atk.
Can only be used on monsters.
Divine Punishment Divine Punishment Рів 13 Calls down the gods' retribution to inflict holy damage on an enemy using 102 Power added to M. Atk.
Can only be used on monsters.
Divine Punishment Divine Punishment Рів 14 [selected] Calls down the gods' retribution to inflict holy damage on an enemy using 106 Power added to M. Atk.
Can only be used on monsters.
Divine Punishment Divine Punishment Рів 15 Calls down the gods' retribution to inflict holy damage on an enemy using 109 Power added to M. Atk.
Can only be used on monsters.