Event Gift Box Event Gift Box Lv. 2

Fisherman's Potion – White. Fishing Mastery Level is now reduced. You can now catch white fish.

Type Active (attack)
Uses 0 MP
Cooldown Time 0 sec.
Can it be used at the Olympiad? Yes
Attribute No Attribute
Trait {trait_none}
Event Gift Box Event Gift Box Lv. 1 Fisherman's Potion – White. Fishing Mastery Level is now reduced. You can now catch white fish.
Event Gift Box Event Gift Box Lv. 2 [selected] Fisherman's Potion – White. Fishing Mastery Level is now reduced. You can now catch white fish.
Event Gift Box Event Gift Box Lv. 3 Fisherman's Potion – White. Fishing Mastery Level is now reduced. You can now catch white fish.
Event Gift Box Event Gift Box Lv. 4 Fisherman's Potion – White. Fishing Mastery Level is now reduced. You can now catch white fish.
Event Gift Box Event Gift Box Lv. 5 Fisherman's Potion – White. Fishing Mastery Level is now reduced. You can now catch white fish.
Event Gift Box Event Gift Box Lv. 6 Fisherman's Potion – White. Fishing Mastery Level is now reduced. You can now catch white fish.