Level 101 Raid Boss Level 101 Raid Boss Рів 23

Beleth created the Bloody Demon Legion by fusing his sorcery with the bodies of demons. Epica was named so for his incomparable intellect among his peers and was appointed one of the captains leading the Wasteland Punitive Force.

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Level 101 Raid Boss Level 101 Raid Boss Рів 1 Dorgon used to be a valiant warrior of the Lizardmen, but was forced to hide in the backwoods by the Humans. His resentment of the Humans caused him to sell his soul to the Demons, a deed for which he was dismissed by the Lizardman Tribe. Since he has been banished, he has not been seen anywhere. However, when the energy of another dimension began spreading throughout the material realm, he was lured out of hiding.
Level 101 Raid Boss Level 101 Raid Boss Рів 2 Zarka, who was the head of one of the Lizardman Tribes, felt his power lacked, so he sold his soul to the Demons in order to save his dying tribe, but ended up becoming a Demon Worshipper, and was banished by the other Lizardman Tribes. Since becoming a Demon Worshipper, his memories as leader of his tribe have disappeared. What remains is his conviction to defending land for the Lizardman Tribes to call their own. When the strange energy coming through the Dimensional Rift spread to the Isle of Prayer, he surfaced again.
Level 101 Raid Boss Level 101 Raid Boss Рів 3 Kultaan, once a comrade of Zarka, was also banished for becoming a Demon Worshipper. Shocked that he was banished by his own after all his hard work for his tribesmen, Kultaan went into hiding beyond the reach of anyone. However, when Zarka appeared on the Isle of Prayer, he was attracted to Zarka's energy and brought out of hiding.
Level 101 Raid Boss Level 101 Raid Boss Рів 4 Nortan, previously the Lizardmen's leading sorcerer, after discovering the discouraging fact that he could not defeat the Humans no matter how much he tried, sold his soul to the Demons. Nortan, who then became a Demon Worshipper, was hiding in the farthest reaches of the continent, waiting for the right opportunity. When the other Demon Worshippers revealed themselves, he responded to their energy and appeared on the Isle of Prayer.
Level 101 Raid Boss Level 101 Raid Boss Рів 5 After Baylor was summoned by Beleth, Valac succeeded Baylor as the Orc King. Unlike Baylor, who was summoned by Beleth, Valac refused to be summoned by anyone, and continued to gather his strength. He appeared on the Isle of Prayer with the aim of defeating Baylor and becoming the greatest Orc King ever.
Level 101 Raid Boss Level 101 Raid Boss Рів 6 Kurion comes out into the Material Realm through the path left behind by Valac. Kurion is a demon whose sole interest is power. All that he can think of is to fight with and defeat strong opponents, and grow even stronger.
Level 101 Raid Boss Level 101 Raid Boss Рів 7 Atluum, in a wager with his twin Lebruum to see who is able to slaughter more lives, has appeared in the Material Realm. Atluum, infamous even among the Demons for his ruthlessness, has settled on the Isle of Prayer, choosing to lie in waiting for explorers who come to defeat him instead of searching for explorers himself.
Level 101 Raid Boss Level 101 Raid Boss Рів 8 The cunning Lebruum is in a wager with his twin Atluum to see who is able to slaughter more lives. When Atluum entered the Material Realm, Lebruum secretly followed his twin. He plans to slaughter the explorers trying to kill Atluum before they can reach his twin.
Level 105 Raid Boss Level 105 Raid Boss Рів 9 A Berserker of the Embryo who has been tasked with killing the explorers wandering around Atelia. Choosing to surrender his rationality when becoming a Berserker, Hard has gained great powers in return.
Level 105 Raid Boss Level 105 Raid Boss Рів 10 Patrol Commander Pho of the Embryo guards the area surrounding Atelia Fortress. In order to hunt down those trying to infiltrate the fortress without passing through the entrance, he is patrolling the periphery of the fortress.
Level 105 Raid Boss Level 105 Raid Boss Рів 11 The Guardian Gastra of the Embryo stands guard over Atelia Fortress. Becoming one of the Embryo, he has become an entity that is no longer human. He guards the periphery of the fortress with his minions.
Level 105 Raid Boss Level 105 Raid Boss Рів 12 The Dark Wizard Ruby of the Embryo guards Atelia Fortress. Before becoming one of the Embryo'she was promised that she would be able to unleash the full force of her wizardry on the humans. She lies in waiting on the path to Atelia Fortress in order to attack explorers headed to Atelia Fortress with her wizardry.
Level 105 Raid Boss Level 105 Raid Boss Рів 13 Croamis, who was waiting for death at the Garden of Spirits, was awakened by the shock of the Garden of Spirits being shifted into the Material Realm. His original memories were wiped out since being robbed of a natural death; he is unleashing his powers unto the world, unable to control the massive power he holds.
Level 105 Raid Boss Level 105 Raid Boss Рів 14 Harpe, who was waiting for death at the Garden of Spirits, was awakened by the shock of the Garden of Spirits being shifted into the Material Realm. Having lost part of his original powers, along with all his memories which were wiped out in the process of death, he has lured in the organisms passing nearby the Garden of Spirits and made them his minions in order to make up for what he lacks in power.
Level 105 Raid Boss Level 105 Raid Boss Рів 15 Barrena, who was waiting for death at the Garden of Spirits, was awakened by the shock of the Garden of Spirits being shifted into the Material Realm. Barrena knows nothing of the Material Realm, and is not aware of the fact that he has been awakened in a place with an energy different from that of the Wind Spirit Realm. He has lured in the monsters nearby and made them his minions, and is in search of a way to reach eternal death.
Level 105 Raid Boss Level 105 Raid Boss Рів 16 Purka, who was waiting for death at the Garden of Spirits, was awakened by the shock of the Garden of Spirits being shifted into the Material Realm. Purka, always quick to judge the situation, has realized he has been awakened in a place other than the Wind Spirit Realm. Furious at the fact that he will never be able to rest, he is expressing his fury by luring in the entities that pass nearby him.
Level 101 Raid Boss Level 101 Raid Boss Рів 17 The Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries formed the Wasteland Expeditionary Force to expand its territory. Recognized for his heroic feats, Kantu was appointed the vanguard of the expedition. He arrived at the Wasteland earlier than anyone else and established a base.
Level 101 Raid Boss Level 101 Raid Boss Рів 18 The Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries formed the Wasteland Expeditionary Force to expand its territory. Kai volunteered for the expedition to support his blood brother, Kantu, who led the vanguard.
Level 101 Raid Boss Level 101 Raid Boss Рів 19 Carefree and unruly, Heine joined the Wasteland Expeditionary Force to escape the stuffy barracks. The Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries worried that he would cause trouble and ignore his duty as the expedition leader.
Level 101 Raid Boss Level 101 Raid Boss Рів 20 Xenon joined the expedition to plant himself in the Ashen Shadow Revolutionaries. His ambition was to become a commander by leading the expedition to success.
Level 101 Raid Boss Level 101 Raid Boss Рів 21 Beleth created the Bloody Demon Legion by fusing his sorcery with the bodies of demons. Brutal was named so for his incomparable force among his peers and was appointed one of the captains leading the Wasteland Punitive Force.
Level 101 Raid Boss Level 101 Raid Boss Рів 22 Beleth created the Bloody Demon Legion by fusing his sorcery with the bodies of demons. Akun was named so for his incomparable courage among his peers and was appointed one of the captains leading the Wasteland Punitive Force.
Level 101 Raid Boss Level 101 Raid Boss Рів 23 [selected] Beleth created the Bloody Demon Legion by fusing his sorcery with the bodies of demons. Epica was named so for his incomparable intellect among his peers and was appointed one of the captains leading the Wasteland Punitive Force.
Level 101 Raid Boss Level 101 Raid Boss Рів 24 Julia was an ordinary elf until she was reborn as Blood Queen by Beleth. Without any memory of her past, she became a merciless, cruel Blood Queen, and was appointed the commander in chief of the Bloody Demon Legion.