Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio Рів 1 / +5 Decrease Penalty + Time

For Clan and Alliance Members:

Max CP +20%
Max MP +20%
CP Regeneration bonus +20%
P. Atk. +10%
P. Def. +20%
Atk. Spd. +20%
P. Crit. Rate +20%
M. Atk. +20%0
M. Def. +20%
Cast. Spd. +20%1
M. Crit. Damage +20%
Resistance to de-buffs +20%2.

Speed -20%3.

Type Активное (посилююче)
Споживає 227 MP , Spirit Ore Spirit Ore, 40 шт.
Час перезарядження 300 сек.
Время действия 400
Можна використовувати на олімпіаді? Так
Атрибут No Attribute
Трейт {trait_none}
Доступно для Домінатор Рів 79
Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio Рів 1 [selected] For Clan and Alliance Members:

Max CP +20%
Max MP +20%
CP Regeneration bonus +20%
P. Atk. +10%
P. Def. +20%
Atk. Spd. +20%
P. Crit. Rate +20%
M. Atk. +20%0
M. Def. +20%
Cast. Spd. +20%1
M. Crit. Damage +20%
Resistance to de-buffs +20%2.

Speed -20%3.
Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio +1 Decrease Penalty + Time Speed penalty -3%. Duration +20 sec.
Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio +2 Decrease Penalty + Time Speed penalty -5%. Duration +40 sec.
Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio +3 Decrease Penalty + Time Speed penalty -7%. Duration +1 min.
Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio +4 Decrease Penalty + Time Speed penalty -9%. Duration +1 min. 20 sec.
Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio +5 Decrease Penalty + Time Speed penalty -10%. Duration +1 min. 40 sec.
Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio +6 Decrease Penalty + Time Speed penalty -11%. Duration +2 min.
Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio +7 Decrease Penalty + Time Speed penalty -12%. Duration +2 min. 20 sec.
Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio +8 Decrease Penalty + Time Speed penalty -13%. Duration +2 min. 40 sec.
Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio +9 Decrease Penalty + Time Speed penalty -14%. Duration +3 min.
Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio +10 Decrease Penalty + Time Speed penalty -15%. Duration +3 min. 20 sec.
Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio +11 Decrease Penalty + Time Speed penalty -16%. Duration +3 min. 40 sec.
Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio +12 Decrease Penalty + Time Speed penalty -17%. Duration +4 min.
Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio +13 Decrease Penalty + Time Speed penalty -18%. Duration +4 min. 20 sec.
Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio +14 Decrease Penalty + Time Speed penalty -19%. Duration +4 min. 40 sec.
Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio +15 Decrease Penalty + Time Without Speed penalty. Duration +5 min.