Instantly and significantly decreases nearby enemies' P. Def., M. Def., Evasion, and Shield defense probability, and increases the chance of negating the effects of magical damage, and blocks all physical and magic skill effects. Consumes 80 Spirit Ore.
Type | Активное (посилююче) |
Споживає | 208 MP , Spirit Ore, 80 шт. |
Час перезарядження | 1200 сек. |
Тривалiсть | 30 |
Можна використовувати на олімпіаді? | Нема |
Трейт | trait_derangement |
Heroic Grandeur Рів 1 [selected] | Instantly and significantly decreases nearby enemies' P. Def., M. Def., Evasion, and Shield defense probability, and increases the chance of negating the effects of magical damage, and blocks all physical and magic skill effects. Consumes 80 Spirit Ore. |