Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk Рів 2 / +27 Time

Increases servitor's movement speed by 33 for 38 minutes. Enchant Time: Increases the effect's duration.

Type Активное (посилююче)
Споживає 82 MP
Час перезарядження 2 сек.
Тривалiсть 2280
Можна використовувати на олімпіаді? Нема
Трейт trait_none
Дальність застосування 400 (900)
Доступно для Чаклун Рів 48
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk Рів 1 Increases servitor's movement speed by 20 for 20 minutes.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk Рів 2 [selected] Increases servitor's movement speed by 20 for 33 minutes.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +1 Time Maximizes the duration of the skill. Increases the effect's duration.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +2 Time Increases the effect's duration.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +3 Time Increases the effect's duration.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +4 Time Increases the effect's duration.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +5 Time Increases the effect's duration.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +6 Time Increases the effect's duration.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +7 Time Increases the effect's duration.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +8 Time Increases the effect's duration.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +9 Time Increases the effect's duration.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +10 Time Increases the effect's duration.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +11 Time Increases the effect's duration.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +12 Time Increases the effect's duration.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +13 Time Increases the effect's duration.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +14 Time Increases the effect's duration.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +15 Time Increases the effect's duration.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +16 Time Increases the effect's duration.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +17 Time Increases the effect's duration.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +18 Time Increases the effect's duration.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +19 Time Increases the effect's duration.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +20 Time Increases the effect's duration.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +21 Time Increases the effect's duration.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +22 Time Increases the effect's duration.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +23 Time Increases the effect's duration.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +24 Time Increases the effect's duration.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +25 Time Increases the effect's duration.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +26 Time Increases the effect's duration.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +27 Time Increases the effect's duration.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +28 Time Increases the effect's duration.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +29 Time Increases the effect's duration.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +30 Time Increases the effect's duration.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +1 Cost Maximizes the skill's efficiency. Decreases MP consumption.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +2 Cost Decreases MP consumption.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +3 Cost Decreases MP consumption.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +4 Cost Decreases MP consumption.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +5 Cost Decreases MP consumption.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +6 Cost Decreases MP consumption.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +7 Cost Decreases MP consumption.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +8 Cost Decreases MP consumption.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +9 Cost Decreases MP consumption.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +10 Cost Decreases MP consumption.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +11 Cost Decreases MP consumption.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +12 Cost Decreases MP consumption.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +13 Cost Decreases MP consumption.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +14 Cost Decreases MP consumption.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +15 Cost Decreases MP consumption.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +16 Cost Decreases MP consumption.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +17 Cost Decreases MP consumption.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +18 Cost Decreases MP consumption.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +19 Cost Decreases MP consumption.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +20 Cost Decreases MP consumption.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +21 Cost Decreases MP consumption.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +22 Cost Decreases MP consumption.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +23 Cost Decreases MP consumption.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +24 Cost Decreases MP consumption.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +25 Cost Decreases MP consumption.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +26 Cost Decreases MP consumption.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +27 Cost Decreases MP consumption.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +28 Cost Decreases MP consumption.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +29 Cost Decreases MP consumption.
Servitor Wind Walk Servitor Wind Walk +30 Cost Decreases MP consumption.