Poison Swarm Poison Swarm Рів 2

Throws a poison bottle at the target point to create a poisonous area for 15 \u0441\u0435\u043a.. Enemies within the area suffer P. Atk. -23%, P. Def/M. Def -10%, Movement Speed -50, and Shield Def. -50% and cannot use magic skills. Additionally, cancels the enemy’s hiding effect and they cannot hide again.

Type Активне (атакуюче)
Споживає 158 MP
Час перезарядження 15 сек.
Можна використовувати на олімпіаді? Так
Трейт trait_none
Дальність застосування 800 (1000)
Доступно для class-159 Рів 87, class-160 Рів 87, class-161 Рів 87, class-10051 Рів 87
Poison Swarm Poison Swarm Рів 1 Throws a poison bottle at the target point to create a poisonous area for 15 \u0441\u0435\u043a.. Enemies within the area suffer P. Atk. -23%, P. Def/M. Def -10%, Movement Speed -50, and Shield Def. -50% and cannot use magic skills. Additionally, cancels the enemy’s hiding effect and they cannot hide again.
Poison Swarm Poison Swarm Рів 2 [selected] Throws a poison bottle at the target point to create a poisonous area for 15 \u0441\u0435\u043a.. Enemies within the area suffer P. Atk. -23%, P. Def/M. Def -10%, Movement Speed -50, and Shield Def. -50% and cannot use magic skills. Additionally, cancels the enemy’s hiding effect and they cannot hide again.
Poison Swarm Poison Swarm Рів 3 Throws a poison bottle at the target point to create a poisonous area for 15 \u0441\u0435\u043a.. Enemies within the area suffer P. Atk. -23%, P. Def/M. Def -10%, Movement Speed -50, and Shield Def. -50% and cannot use magic skills. Additionally, cancels the enemy’s hiding effect and they cannot hide again.
Poison Swarm Poison Swarm Рів 4 Throws a poison bottle at the target point to create a poisonous area for 15 \u0441\u0435\u043a.. Enemies within the area suffer P. Atk. -23%, P. Def/M. Def -10%, Movement Speed -50, and Shield Def. -50% and cannot use magic skills. Additionally, cancels the enemy’s hiding effect and they cannot hide again.
Poison Swarm Poison Swarm Рів 5 Throws a poison bottle at the target point to create a poisonous area for 15 \u0441\u0435\u043a.. Enemies within the area suffer P. Atk. -23%, P. Def/M. Def -10%, Movement Speed -50, and Shield Def. -50% and cannot use magic skills. Additionally, cancels the enemy’s hiding effect and they cannot hide again.
Poison Swarm Poison Swarm Рів 6 Throws a poison bottle at the target point to create a poisonous area for 15 \u0441\u0435\u043a.. Enemies within the area suffer P. Atk. -23%, P. Def/M. Def -10%, Movement Speed -50, and Shield Def. -50% and cannot use magic skills. Additionally, cancels the enemy’s hiding effect and they cannot hide again.
Poison Swarm Poison Swarm Рів 7 Throws a poison bottle at the target point to create a poisonous area for 15 \u0441\u0435\u043a.. Enemies within the area suffer P. Atk. -23%, P. Def/M. Def -10%, Movement Speed -50, and Shield Def. -50% and cannot use magic skills. Additionally, cancels the enemy’s hiding effect and they cannot hide again.
Poison Swarm Poison Swarm Рів 8 Throws a poison bottle at the target point to create a poisonous area for 15 \u0441\u0435\u043a.. Enemies within the area suffer P. Atk. -23%, P. Def/M. Def -10%, Movement Speed -50, and Shield Def. -50% and cannot use magic skills. Additionally, cancels the enemy’s hiding effect and they cannot hide again.
Poison Swarm Poison Swarm Рів 9 Throws a poison bottle at the target point to create a poisonous area for 15 \u0441\u0435\u043a.. Enemies within the area suffer P. Atk. -23%, P. Def/M. Def -10%, Movement Speed -50, and Shield Def. -50% and cannot use magic skills. Additionally, cancels the enemy’s hiding effect and they cannot hide again.
Poison Swarm Poison Swarm Рів 10 Throws a poison bottle at the target point to create a poisonous area for 15 \u0441\u0435\u043a.. Enemies within the area suffer P. Atk. -23%, P. Def/M. Def -10%, Movement Speed -50, and Shield Def. -50% and cannot use magic skills. Additionally, cancels the enemy’s hiding effect and they cannot hide again.
Poison Swarm Poison Swarm Рів 11 Throws a poison bottle at the target point to create a poisonous area for 15 \u0441\u0435\u043a.. Enemies within the area suffer P. Atk. -23%, P. Def/M. Def -10%, Movement Speed -50, and Shield Def. -50% and cannot use magic skills. Additionally, cancels the enemy’s hiding effect and they cannot hide again.