Дивовижне Вино

Fathers would brave the fires of hell for their daughters! Guard Harlan of Dion is no exception.

Стартовий NPC Human Гарлан Страж (Harlan)
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Рівень 20 ~ 25
Стартовий NPC
Human Гарлан Страж (Harlan)
1: Fantasy Wine
It is the tradition of Guard Harlan's family in Dion Village to make wine whenever a new child is born. To celebrate the birth of a daughter, they plan to make fantasy wine. They need 80 leaves of eucalyptus and 100 stones of chill. Hunt Enku orc champions and Enku orc shamans.

2: Return to Guard Harlan.
You have collected all the ingredients. Take them to Guard Harlan in the Town of Dion.