Sonic Rage Sonic Rage Ур. 1

Dual Swords attack that emits a beam to strike a distant target while gathering force for use in other special attack skills. Force can be gathered up to level 7. A critical hit is possible. Usable when one is equipped with a dual-sword type weapon.

Type Активное (атакующее)
Потребляет 10 MP
Время перезарядки 0 сек.
Можно использовать на олимпиаде? Да
Трейт trait_none
Дальность применения 600 (1100)
Доступно для Дуэлист Ур. 78
Sonic Rage Sonic Rage Ур. 1 [selected] Dual Swords attack that emits a beam to strike a distant target while gathering force for use in other special attack skills. Force can be gathered up to level 7. A critical hit is possible. Usable when one is equipped with a dual-sword type weapon.