Lightning Strike Lightning Strike Lv. 5 / +8 Cost

Strikes an enemy with a lightning bolt that inflicts non-Attribute damage with 108 Power added to M. Atk., and decreases Speed by 50%, Atk. Spd. by 50%, Cast Spd. by 50%. When the effect ends, you are completely paralyzed for 10 seconds.

Type Active (buff)
Uses 90 MP
Cooldown Time 15 sec.
Duration 15
Can it be used at the Olympiad? Yes
Attribute No Attribute
Trait {trait_paralyze}
Range of use 400 (900)
Available for Shillien Knight Lv. 74
Lightning Strike Lightning Strike Lv. 1 Strikes an enemy with a lightning bolt that inflicts non-Attribute damage with 82 Power added to M. Atk., and decreases Speed by 50%, Atk. Spd. by 50%, Cast Spd. by 50%. When the effect ends, you are completely paralyzed for 10 seconds.
Lightning Strike Lightning Strike Lv. 2 Strikes an enemy with a lightning bolt that inflicts non-Attribute damage with 89 Power added to M. Atk., and decreases Speed by 50%, Atk. Spd. by 50%, Cast Spd. by 50%. When the effect ends, you are completely paralyzed for 10 seconds.
Lightning Strike Lightning Strike Lv. 3 Strikes an enemy with a lightning bolt that inflicts non-Attribute damage with 96 Power added to M. Atk., and decreases Speed by 50%, Atk. Spd. by 50%, Cast Spd. by 50%. When the effect ends, you are completely paralyzed for 10 seconds.
Lightning Strike Lightning Strike Lv. 4 Strikes an enemy with a lightning bolt that inflicts non-Attribute damage with 102 Power added to M. Atk., and decreases Speed by 50%, Atk. Spd. by 50%, Cast Spd. by 50%. When the effect ends, you are completely paralyzed for 10 seconds.
Lightning Strike Lightning Strike Lv. 5 [selected] Strikes an enemy with a lightning bolt that inflicts non-Attribute damage with 108 Power added to M. Atk., and decreases Speed by 50%, Atk. Spd. by 50%, Cast Spd. by 50%. When the effect ends, you are completely paralyzed for 10 seconds.