Greater Battle Heal Ур. 16

Restores one's HP quickly. Power 647.

Type Активное (атакующее)
Потребляет 250 MP
Время перезарядки 3 сек.
Можно использовать на олимпиаде? Да
Трейт trait_none
Дальность применения 600 (1100)
Доступно для Епископ Ур. 58
Greater Battle Heal Ур. 1 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 371.
Greater Battle Heal Ур. 2 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 384.
Greater Battle Heal Ур. 3 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 398.
Greater Battle Heal Ур. 4 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 426.
Greater Battle Heal Ур. 5 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 441.
Greater Battle Heal Ур. 6 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 455.
Greater Battle Heal Ур. 7 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 484.
Greater Battle Heal Ур. 8 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 499.
Greater Battle Heal Ур. 9 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 514.
Greater Battle Heal Ур. 10 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 544.
Greater Battle Heal Ур. 11 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 559.
Greater Battle Heal Ур. 12 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 574.
Greater Battle Heal Ур. 13 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 603.
Greater Battle Heal Ур. 14 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 618.
Greater Battle Heal Ур. 15 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 633.
Greater Battle Heal Ур. 16 [selected] Restores one's HP quickly. Power 647.
Greater Battle Heal Ур. 17 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 662.
Greater Battle Heal Ур. 18 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 676.
Greater Battle Heal Ур. 19 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 690.
Greater Battle Heal Ур. 20 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 704.
Greater Battle Heal Ур. 21 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 718.
Greater Battle Heal Ур. 22 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 731.
Greater Battle Heal Ур. 23 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 745.
Greater Battle Heal Ур. 24 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 758.
Greater Battle Heal Ур. 25 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 770.
Greater Battle Heal Ур. 26 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 783.
Greater Battle Heal Ур. 27 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 795.
Greater Battle Heal Ур. 28 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 806.
Greater Battle Heal Ур. 29 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 817.
Greater Battle Heal Ур. 30 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 828.
Greater Battle Heal Ур. 31 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 839.
Greater Battle Heal Ур. 32 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 849.
Greater Battle Heal Ур. 33 Restores one's HP quickly. Power 858.
Greater Battle Heal +1 Power Maximizes power of skill. Power Increases.
Greater Battle Heal +2 Power The power is increased.
Greater Battle Heal +3 Power The power is increased.
Greater Battle Heal +4 Power The power is increased.
Greater Battle Heal +5 Power The power is increased.
Greater Battle Heal +6 Power The power is increased.
Greater Battle Heal +7 Power The power is increased.
Greater Battle Heal +8 Power The power is increased.
Greater Battle Heal +9 Power The power is increased.
Greater Battle Heal +10 Power The power is increased.
Greater Battle Heal +11 Power The power is increased.
Greater Battle Heal +12 Power The power is increased.
Greater Battle Heal +13 Power The power is increased.
Greater Battle Heal +14 Power The power is increased.
Greater Battle Heal +15 Power The power is increased.
Greater Battle Heal +16 Power The power is increased.
Greater Battle Heal +17 Power The power is increased.
Greater Battle Heal +18 Power The power is increased.
Greater Battle Heal +19 Power The power is increased.
Greater Battle Heal +20 Power The power is increased.
Greater Battle Heal +21 Power The power is increased.
Greater Battle Heal +22 Power The power is increased.
Greater Battle Heal +23 Power The power is increased.
Greater Battle Heal +24 Power The power is increased.
Greater Battle Heal +25 Power The power is increased.
Greater Battle Heal +26 Power The power is increased.
Greater Battle Heal +27 Power The power is increased.
Greater Battle Heal +28 Power The power is increased.
Greater Battle Heal +29 Power The power is increased.
Greater Battle Heal +30 Power The power is increased.
Greater Battle Heal +1 Cost Maximizes efficiency of skill. MP consumption decreases.
Greater Battle Heal +2 Cost MP consumption decreases.
Greater Battle Heal +3 Cost MP consumption decreases.
Greater Battle Heal +4 Cost MP consumption decreases.
Greater Battle Heal +5 Cost MP consumption decreases.
Greater Battle Heal +6 Cost MP consumption decreases.
Greater Battle Heal +7 Cost MP consumption decreases.
Greater Battle Heal +8 Cost MP consumption decreases.
Greater Battle Heal +9 Cost MP consumption decreases.
Greater Battle Heal +10 Cost MP consumption decreases.
Greater Battle Heal +11 Cost MP consumption decreases.
Greater Battle Heal +12 Cost MP consumption decreases.
Greater Battle Heal +13 Cost MP consumption decreases.
Greater Battle Heal +14 Cost MP consumption decreases.
Greater Battle Heal +15 Cost MP consumption decreases.
Greater Battle Heal +16 Cost MP consumption decreases.
Greater Battle Heal +17 Cost MP consumption decreases.
Greater Battle Heal +18 Cost MP consumption decreases.
Greater Battle Heal +19 Cost MP consumption decreases.
Greater Battle Heal +20 Cost MP consumption decreases.
Greater Battle Heal +21 Cost MP consumption decreases.
Greater Battle Heal +22 Cost MP consumption decreases.
Greater Battle Heal +23 Cost MP consumption decreases.
Greater Battle Heal +24 Cost MP consumption decreases.
Greater Battle Heal +25 Cost MP consumption decreases.
Greater Battle Heal +26 Cost MP consumption decreases.
Greater Battle Heal +27 Cost MP consumption decreases.
Greater Battle Heal +28 Cost MP consumption decreases.
Greater Battle Heal +29 Cost MP consumption decreases.
Greater Battle Heal +30 Cost MP consumption decreases.