Aura Sink Aura Sink Рів 6

User's M. Atk. is supplemented by 51 Power to weaken an enemy's magic by decreasing their MP by 22 every second for 15 seconds.

Type Активное (посилююче)
Споживає 176 MP
Час перезарядження 3 сек.
Тривалiсть 15
Можна використовувати на олімпіаді? Нема
Трейт trait_none
Дальність застосування 600 (1100)
Доступно для Вісник Війни Рів 70
Aura Sink Aura Sink Рів 1 User's M. Atk. is supplemented by 16 Power to weaken an enemy's magic by decreasing their MP by 8 every second for 15 seconds.
Aura Sink Aura Sink Рів 2 User's M. Atk. is supplemented by 22 Power to weaken an enemy's magic by decreasing their MP by 10 every second for 15 seconds.
Aura Sink Aura Sink Рів 3 User's M. Atk. is supplemented by 29 Power to weaken an enemy's magic by decreasing their MP by 13 every second for 15 seconds.
Aura Sink Aura Sink Рів 4 User's M. Atk. is supplemented by 36 Power to weaken an enemy's magic by decreasing their MP by 16 every second for 15 seconds.
Aura Sink Aura Sink Рів 5 User's M. Atk. is supplemented by 46 Power to weaken an enemy's magic by decreasing their MP by 20 every second for 15 seconds.
Aura Sink Aura Sink Рів 6 [selected] User's M. Atk. is supplemented by 51 Power to weaken an enemy's magic by decreasing their MP by 22 every second for 15 seconds.