Trick Trick Ур. 5

Takes away the enemy's will to attack and removes the enemy's target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.

Type Активное (атакующее)
Потребляет 56 MP
Время перезарядки 20 сек.
Можно использовать на олимпиаде? Да
Трейт trait_derangement
Дальность применения 400 (900)
Доступно для Искатель Сокровищ Ур. 60, Странник Бездны Ур. 60
Trick Trick Ур. 1 Takes away the enemy's will to attack and removes the enemy's target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
Trick Trick Ур. 2 Takes away the enemy's will to attack and removes the enemy's target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
Trick Trick Ур. 3 Takes away the enemy's will to attack and removes the enemy's target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
Trick Trick Ур. 4 Takes away the enemy's will to attack and removes the enemy's target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
Trick Trick Ур. 5 [selected] Takes away the enemy's will to attack and removes the enemy's target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
Trick Trick Ур. 6 Takes away the enemy's will to attack and removes the enemy's target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
Trick Trick Ур. 7 Takes away the enemy's will to attack and removes the enemy's target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
Trick Trick Ур. 8 Takes away the enemy's will to attack and removes the enemy's target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
Trick Trick Ур. 9 Takes away the enemy's will to attack and removes the enemy's target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
Trick Trick Ур. 10 Takes away the enemy's will to attack and removes the enemy's target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
Trick Trick Ур. 11 Takes away the enemy's will to attack and removes the enemy's target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
Trick Trick Ур. 12 Takes away the enemy's will to attack and removes the enemy's target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.