Handle With Care

Researcher Ankumi says you can get the high-quality lizard scale from the Seer Ugoros, but it seems there is another way to get an even better one.

Start NPC Dwarf Ankumi Researcher
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Level 82+
Прохождение Quest Handle With Care 82+
Start NPC
Dwarf Ankumi Researcher
1: Defeat Tanta Seer Uguros
Defeat Ugoros the Tanta Seer and receive the lizard scale. If you stop Ugoros the Tanta Seer from getting help from Abyss Weed, you will be able to get the best-quality lizard scale.

Monsters to be hunted - Tanta Seer Ugoros.

2: High-quality Lizardmen Scale
Received the high-quality lizard scale from Ugoros the Tanta Seer Let's return to Ankumi.

3: Highest-quality Lizardmen Scale
Received the highest-quality lizard scale from Ugoros the Tanta Seer Let's return to Ankumi.