Compound of belts

Basic information

On E-Global Masterwork project is added new game mechanics — compound of items. At this moment compound is only used for belt enchantment, but in future we are planning to make compound for other equip parts.

Compound saves players from the agony of choice — now all PvP bonuses are combined in one belt. By simple manipulation each player can get a very useful equipment for battles with other players at the Olympiad and in the field.

Belt synthesis is subject to certain rules:

  • Only S grade belts with quality ornament Good (High) and Perfect (Top) are synthesized
  • The synthesized object can be enchanted. The item used for synthesis mustn't be enchanted
  • In case of failure of synthesis the synthesized item remains unchanged. The item used for synthesis disappears
  • In the case of successful synthesis, the new item loses it's enchantment level, but gains new properties. The item used for synthesis disappears

How to synthesize a belt?

In the inventory window next to the augmentation you will find a new button — Compound. Click on it to open the synthesis window. First select the main belt you want to add new properties to, then the auxiliary and start synthesis.

Pay attention!

At the first level, only belts with bonus are synthesized PvP Defense, belts with bonuses PvP Attack and skills are auxiliary and disappear when synthesis fails.

Belt bonuses with High ornament

Item Parameters
Enchanted High-Grade Magic Ornament Belt Enchanted High-Grade Magic Ornament Belt PvP Defense & Normal Attack S
PvP Defense +4.00%
Normal Attacks PvP Damage +3.00%.
Enchanted High-Grade Magic Ornament Belt Enchanted High-Grade Magic Ornament Belt PvP Defense & Skill Attack S
PvP Defense +4.00%
P./ M. Skill PvP Damage +3.00%.
Refined High-Grade Magic Ornament Belt Refined High-Grade Magic Ornament Belt PvP Defense & Attack S
PvP Defense +4.20%
Normal Attacks PvP Damage +3.50%
P./ M. Skill PvP Damage +3.50%.
Blessed High-Grade Magic Ornament Belt Blessed High-Grade Magic Ornament Belt PvP Defense & Attack S
PvP Defense +5.50%
Normal Attacks PvP Damage +4.00%
P./ M. Skill PvP Damage +4.00%.

Belt bonuses with Top ornament

Item Parameters
Enchanted Top-Grade Magic Ornament Belt Enchanted Top-Grade Magic Ornament Belt PvP Defense & Normal Attack S
PvP Defense +5.50%
Normal Attacks PvP Damage +4.00%.
Enchanted Top-Grade Magic Ornament Belt Enchanted Top-Grade Magic Ornament Belt PvP Defense & Skill Attack S
PvP Defense +5.50%
P./ M. Skill PvP Damage +4.00%.
Refined Top-Grade Magic Ornament Belt Refined Top-Grade Magic Ornament Belt PvP Defense & Attack S
PvP Defense +6.00%
Normal Attacks PvP Damage +5.00%
P./ M. Skill PvP Damage +5.00%.
Blessed Top-Grade Magic Ornament Belt Blessed Top-Grade Magic Ornament Belt PvP Defense & Attack S
PvP Defense +7.20%
Normal Attacks PvP Damage +6.00%
P./ M. Skill PvP Damage +6.00%.
Basic informationHow to synthesize a belt?Level 1 — Enchanted beltLevel 2 — Refined beltLevel 3 — Blessed beltBelt bonuses with High ornamentBelt bonuses with Top ornament


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