3 in 1 Elemental Summoner profession quest


A character's second profession is available at level 40 and requires completing the chain of 3 quests specific to the profession. Quests necessary to obtain a profession Elemental Summoner:

On Masterwork, all quests are available from the character's level 35.

This article is a Guide/Manual for completing 3 quests for the Elemental Summoner profession together. After completing the quests, you will receive the items needed to change the profession. The full list of rewards for completing quests:

Information about all quests for all professions is available in the article Quests for 1, 2 and 3 professions

Quest guide

Mirien l2

1.1. Teleport to Dion. Find Elf Mirien Magister in the Temple and talk to her.

Mirien will give Mirien's 1st Sigil Mirien's 1st Sigil NG

1.2. Talk to Human Sylvain High Priest in the same Temple, he will give:

High Priest's Sigil High Priest's Sigil NG
Sylvain's Letter Sylvain's Letter NG

Maria l2

2. Head to Dion's Grocery Store. Find Human Maria there and talk to her.

Maria will give Maria's 1st Letter Maria's 1st Letter NG

Lucas l2

3. Head to the southern gate of Dion. Find Human Lucas Captain there and talk to him.

Lucas will give Lucas's Letter Lucas's Letter NG

On Masterwork, you can talk to Lucas in the city center.

Maria l2

4. Return to Human Maria and talk to her.

Maria will give Maria's 2nd Letter Maria's 2nd Letter NG

Cardien l2

5. Head to the Dion Warrior Guild. Find Elf Cardien Master and talk to her.

Cardien will give Cardien's Letter Cardien's Letter NG

Creta l2

6. Leave Dion Town through the southern gate and head south along the road to Floran Village (Club Card holders can teleport to the village). Find Human Creta Astrologer behind the village Warehouse and talk to her.

Creta will give Creta's 1st Letter Creta's 1st Letter NG

Maria l2

7. Return to Human Maria and talk to her.

Maria will give Lucilla's Handbag Lucilla's Handbag NG

Creta l2

8. Return to Human Creta Astrologer and talk to her.

Creta will give Creta's Painting1 Creta's Painting1 NG

Maria l2

9. Go back to Human Maria again and talk to her.

Maria will give Creta's Painting2 Creta's Painting2 NG

Lucas l2

10. Head to the southern gate of Dion. Find Human Lucas Captain there and talk to him.

Lucas will give Creta's Painting3 Creta's Painting3 NG

Maria l2

11. Go back to Human Maria again and talk to her.

Galatea l2

12. Teleport to Gludin Village. Find Human Galatea High Summoner in the Magic Shop and talk to her.

Galatea will give Galatea's Letter Galatea's Letter NG

Asterios l2

13. Teleport to Elven Village. Find Elf Asterios Hierarch in the Temple and talk to him.

Asterios will give:

Hierarch's Letter Hierarch's Letter NG
Moonflower Charm Moonflower Charm NG

Thalia l2

14. Teleport from Elven Village to Elven Fortress. Head to the southeastern shore of Iris Lake. Find Elf Thalia and talk to her.

Thalia will give Grail Diagram Grail Diagram NG

Lara l2

15. Teleport to Dion. Find Human Lara Grocer in the Grocery Store and talk to her.

Lara will give one random list. Delete the item in your quest inventory and talk to Lara again, until you get Lara's 1st List Lara's 1st List NG

Lara l2

16. This stage of the quest depends on the previously received list.

You must collect 6 Beginner's Arcana Beginner's Arcana NG

Lara's 1st List
Leto Lizardman Warrior l2

16.1.1. Teleport to Oren, then to Plains of the Lizardmen. Find and kill monsters:

Humanoid Leto Lizardman Lv. 35
Humanoid Leto Lizardman Archer Lv. 36
Humanoid Leto Lizardman Soldier Lv. 37
Humanoid Leto Lizardman Warrior Lv. 38
Humanoid Leto Lizardman Shaman Lv. 39
Humanoid Leto Lizardman Overlord Lv. 40

Until you collect 30 Leto Lizardman Amulet Leto Lizardman Amulet NG

Giant Fungus l2

16.1.2. Teleport to Oren, then to the Sea of Spores. Find and kill monsters:

Plant Giant Fungus Lv. 40

Until you collect 30 Sac of Redspores Sac of Redspores NG

Lara l2

16.1.3. Teleport to Dion. Find Human Lara Grocer in the Grocery Store and talk to her.

Lara will give 2 Beginner's Arcana Beginner's Arcana NG

To continue the quest you must have 6 Beginner's Arcana Beginner's Arcana NG

If you have collected 6 cards, proceed to the next stage of the quest.

If there are not enough cards, get a new sheet from Lara.

Lara's 2nd List
Karul Bugbear l2

16.2.1. Teleport to Hunter's Village. Exit the village through the western gate and follow the road down the hill. Find and kill monsters:

Humanoid Karul Bugbear Lv. 40

Until you collect 30 Karul Bugbear Totem Karul Bugbear Totem NG

Manashen Gargoyle l2

16.2.2. Teleport to Oren, then to the Ivory Tower. Go down into the crater. Find and kill monsters:

Construct Manashen Gargoyle Lv. 40

Until you collect 30 Shards of Manashen Shards of Manashen NG

Lara l2

16.2.3. Teleport to Dion. Find Human Lara Grocer in the Grocery Store and talk to her.

Lara will give 2 Beginner's Arcana Beginner's Arcana NG

To continue the quest you must have 6 Beginner's Arcana Beginner's Arcana NG

If you have collected 6 cards, proceed to the next stage of the quest.

If there are not enough cards, get a new sheet from Lara.

Lara's 3rd List
Breka Orc Overlord l2

16.3.1. Teleport to Giran, then to Breka's Stronghold. Find and kill monsters:

Humanoid Breka Orc Lv. 31
Humanoid Breka Orc Archer Lv. 32
Humanoid Breka Orc Shaman Lv. 34
Humanoid Breka Orc Overlord Lv. 35
Humanoid Breka Orc Warrior Lv. 33

Until you collect 30 Breka Orc Totem Breka Orc Totem NG

Fettered Soul l2

16.3.2. Teleport to Giran, then to Hardin's Academy. Find and kill monsters:

Undead Fettered Soul Lv. 38

Until you collect 30 Crimson Bloodstone Crimson Bloodstone NG

Lara l2

16.3.3. Teleport to Dion. Find Human Lara Grocer in the Grocery Store and talk to her.

Lara will give 2 Beginner's Arcana Beginner's Arcana NG

To continue the quest you must have 6 Beginner's Arcana Beginner's Arcana NG

If you have collected 6 cards, proceed to the next stage of the quest.

If there are not enough cards, get a new sheet from Lara.

Lara's 4th List
Tyrant l2

16.4.1. Teleport to Gludio, then to Ant Nest. Instead of going inside the cave, head to the center of the Wastelands. Find and kill monsters:

Beast Tyrant Lv. 35

Until you collect 30 Talons of Tyrant Talons of Tyrant NG

Windsus l2

16.4.2. Teleport to Giran, then to Hardin's Academy. Find and kill monsters:

Animal Windsus Lv. 39

Until you collect 30 Tusk of Windsus Tusk of Windsus NG

Lara l2

16.4.3. Teleport to Dion. Find Human Lara Grocer in the Grocery Store and talk to her.

Lara will give 2 Beginner's Arcana Beginner's Arcana NG

To continue the quest you must have 6 Beginner's Arcana Beginner's Arcana NG

If you have collected 6 cards, proceed to the next stage of the quest.

If there are not enough cards, get a new sheet from Lara.

Lara's 5th List
Noble Ant Leader l2

16.5.1. Teleport to Gludio, then to Ant Nest. Go inside the cave, head to the rooms near the Epic Boss. Find and kill monsters:

Bug Noble Ant Lv. 37
Bug Noble Ant Leader Lv. 38

Until you collect 30 Wings of Droneant Wings of Droneant NG

Wyrm l2

16.5.2. Teleport to Giran, then to the entrance to the Dragon Valley. Go west to the Death Pass. Find and kill monsters:

Dragon Wyrm Lv. 35

Until you collect 30 Fangs of Wyrm Fangs of Wyrm NG

Lara l2

16.5.3. Teleport to Dion. Find Human Lara Grocer in the Grocery Store and talk to her.

Lara will give 2 Beginner's Arcana Beginner's Arcana NG

To continue the quest you must have 6 Beginner's Arcana Beginner's Arcana NG

If you have collected 6 cards, proceed to the next stage of the quest.

If there are not enough cards, get a new sheet from Lara.

Leto Lizardman Warrior l2

17. Teleport to Oren, then to Plains of the Lizardmen. Find and kill monsters:

Humanoid Leto Lizardman Warrior Lv. 38

Until you collect 5 Brown Scroll Scrap Brown Scroll Scrap NG

Skip this step if you have already collected the quest items during the previous step.

Maria l2

18. Teleport to Dion. Find Human Maria in the Grocery Store and talk to her.

Maria will give Crystal of Purity Crystal of Purity NG

Sylvain l2

19.1. Head to the Temple of Dion. Find Human Sylvain High Priest and talk to him.

Sylvain will give Symbol of Sylvain Symbol of Sylvain NG

19.2. Talk to Elf Mirien Magister in the same Temple.

Mirien will give Mirien's 2nd Sigil Mirien's 2nd Sigil NG

Camoniell l2

20. Teleport from Dion to Bee Hive. Head towards Hive Fortress. Find Elf Camoniell Summoner near the house and talk to her.

A battle of summoned servants will start after the conversation. Make sure you have summoned your servant and prepared it for battle.

Attack Elemental Racer the Unicorn Quest Monster Lv. 38 with your servant. Your character should not participate in the battle!

After winning, talk to Camoniell. She will give Camoniell's Arcana Camoniell's Arcana NG

Pushkin l2

21. Teleport to Giran. Find Dwarf Pushkin Master Blacksmith in the Blacksmith Shop and talk to him.

Pushkin will give Pushkin's List Pushkin's List NG

On Masterwork, you can talk to Pushkin in the Central Square of Giran.

Jurek l2

22. Head to the Giran Mages Guild. Find Human Jurek Grand Magister and talk to him.

Jurek will give:

Grand Magister's Sigil Grand Magister's Sigil NG
Jurek's List Jurek's List NG

Breka Orc Shaman l2

23. Teleport from Giran to Breka's Stronghold. Find and kill monsters:

Humanoid Breka Orc Shaman Lv. 34

Until you collect 5 Shaman's Necklace Shaman's Necklace NG

Several monsters are east of the teleport point, others are on the northwestern hill.

You can reach the next location on foot.

Guardian Basilisk l2

24. Teleport to Giran, then to the entrance to the Dragon Valley. Go west to the Death Pass. Find and kill monsters:

Beast Guardian Basilisk Lv. 36
Dragon Wyrm Lv. 35

Until you collect:

Pure Mithril Ore Pure Mithril Ore NG x 10
Wyrm's Talon Wyrm's Talon NG x 20

Shackle l2

25. Head to the Dragon Valley. Near the entrance find and kill monsters:

Undead Shackle Lv. 45

Until you collect 2 Shackle's Scalp Shackle's Scalp NG

Ant Guard l2

26. Teleport to Gludio, then to Ant Nest. Inside the cave, find and kill monsters:

Bug Ant Guard Lv. 35

Until you collect 20 Ant Soldier Acid Ant Soldier Acid NG

Quest item obtained from all ant monsters inside the Ant Nest.

Monster Eye Destroyer l2

27. Teleport to Dion, then to the Plains of Dion. Find and kill monsters:

Construct Monster Eye Destroyer Lv. 26

Until you collect 5 Monster Eye Destroyer's Skin Monster Eye Destroyer's Skin NG

Pushkin l2

28. Teleport to Giran. Find Dwarf Pushkin Master Blacksmith in the Blacksmith Shop and talk to him.

Pushkin will give Pure Mithril Cup Pure Mithril Cup NG

Jurek l2

29. Head to the Giran Mages Guild. Find Human Jurek Grand Magister and talk to him.

Jurek will give Symbol of Jurek Symbol of Jurek NG

Mirien l2

30. Teleport to Dion. Find Elf Mirien Magister in the Temple and talk to her.

Mirien will give Mirien's 3rd Sigil Mirien's 3rd Sigil NG

Cronos l2

31. Teleport to Hunter's Village. Find Human Cronos Elder in the main square and talk to him.

Cronos will give:

Crono's Sigil Crono's Sigil NG
Cronos Letter Cronos Letter NG

Dieter l2

32. Teleport to Giran. Find Human Dieter Magister in the Mages Guild and talk to him.

Dieter will give Dieter's Key Dieter's Key NG

Creta l2

33. Teleport to Dion. Exit the city through the southern gate and head south along the road to Floran Village. Find Human Creta Astrologer behind the Warehouse and talk to her.

Creta will give Creta's 2nd Letter Creta's 2nd Letter NG

Dieter l2

34. Return to Human Dieter Magister and talk to him.

Dieter will give:

Dieter's Letter Dieter's Letter NG
Dieter's Diary Dieter's Diary NG

Edroc l2

35. Teleport to Hunter's Village. Find Human Edroc Armor Merchant in the Weapon Shop and talk to him.

Edroc will give Raut's Letter Envelope Raut's Letter Envelope NG

Celestiel l2

36. Teleport to Elven Village, then to Elven Fortress. Head south along the road. Turn right at the fork and head west. Find Elf Celestiel Summoner by the road and talk to him.

A battle of summoned servants will start after the conversation. Make sure you have summoned your servant and prepared it for battle.

Attack Elemental Unicorn Phantasm Quest Monster Lv. 40 with your servant. Your character should not participate in the battle!

After winning, talk to Celestiel. He will give Celestiel's Arcana Celestiel's Arcana NG

Thalia l2

37. Head to the southeastern shore of Iris Lake. Find Elf Thalia and talk to her.

Thalia will give Thalia's 1st Letter Thalia's 1st Letter NG

Arkenia l2

38. Teleport to Dark Elf Village, then to Spider Nest. Head to the Altar of Rites. Find Darkelf Arkenia Witch and talk to her.

Arkenia will give:

Arkenia's Contract Arkenia's Contract NG
Arkenia's Instructions Arkenia's Instructions NG

Almors l2

39. Teleport to Talking Island Village, then to the Singing Waterfall. Head north along the coast. Find Human Almors Summoner near the houses and talk to him.

A battle of summoned servants will start after the conversation. Make sure you have summoned your servant and prepared it for battle.

Attack Animal Pako the Cat Quest Monster Lv. 38 with your servant. Your character should not participate in the battle!

After winning, talk to Almors, he will give Almors's Arcana Almors's Arcana NG

Adonius l2

40. Teleport to Gludin Village. Find Elf Adonius Priest in the Temple and talk to him.

Adonius will give Adonius's list Adonius's list NG

Raut l2

41. Head to the Gludin Village Warehouse. Find Dwarf Raut Warehouse Keeper and talk to him.

Raut will give:

Scripture Chapter 1 Scripture Chapter 1 NG
Strong Liquor Strong Liquor NG

Triff l2

42. Head to Gludin Harbor. Find Dwarf Triff Drunkard and talk to him.

Triff will give Triff's Ring Triff's Ring NG

Valkon l2

43. Teleport to Giran. Find Dwarf Valkon Warehouse Keeper in the Warehouse and talk to him.

Valkon will give Valkon's Request Valkon's Request NG

Maria l2

44. Teleport to Dion. Find Human Maria in the Grocery Store and talk to her.

Maria will give Crystal of Purity Crystal of Purity NG

Marsh Spider l2

45. Teleport from Dion to Cruma Tower. Head northeast, find and kill monsters:

Bug Marsh Spider Lv. 34

Until you collect 20 Spider Ichor Spider Ichor NG

Belthus l2

46. Head to the southeast of the Cruma Marshlands. Find Darkelf Belthus Summoner under one of the steles and talk to him.

A battle of summoned servants will start after the conversation. Make sure you have summoned your servant and prepared it for battle.

Attack Demonic Shadow Turen Quest Monster Lv. 39 with your servant. Your character should not participate in the battle!

After winning, talk to Belthus, he will give Belthus's Arcana Belthus's Arcana NG

Valkon l2

47. Teleport to Giran. Find Dwarf Valkon Warehouse Keeper in the Warehouse and talk to him.

Valkon will give Scripture Chapter 2 Scripture Chapter 2 NG

Grandis l2

48. Teleport from Giran to Hardin's Academy. Find and kill monsters:

Giant Grandis Lv. 40

Until you get Scripture Chapter 3 Scripture Chapter 3 NG

Poitan l2

49. Teleport to Dion. Find Dwarf Poitan Blacksmith in the Blacksmith Shop and talk to him.

Poitan will give Poitan's Notes Poitan's Notes NG

Basilla l2

50. Teleport to Gludin Village, then to the southern entrance to the Wasteland. Instead of going inside, head west. Find Human Basilla Summoner near the house and talk to her.

A battle of summoned servants will start after the conversation. Make sure you have summoned your servant and prepared it for battle.

Attack Animal Mimi the Cat Quest Monster Lv. 39 with your servant. Your character should not participate in the battle!

After winning, talk to Basilla, she will give Basillia's Arcana Basillia's Arcana NG

Casian l2

51. Return to the teleport point to the southern entrance to the Wasteland. Head inside the location, go north. Among the cliffs find Human Casian Elder and talk to him.

Casian will give Casian's List Casian's List NG

Ghoul l2

52. Teleport to Dion, exit the city through the eastern gate. Head east along the road to the Execution Grounds (Club Card holders can teleport to the location). Find and kill monsters:

Undead Ghoul Lv. 32

Until you collect 10 Ghoul's Skin Ghoul's Skin NG

Harpy l2

53. Teleport to Giran, exit the city through the eastern gate. Cross the bridge, follow the road northeast to the Gorgon Flower Garden (Club Card holders can teleport to the location). Find and kill monsters:

Beast Harpy Lv. 32
Beast Medusa Lv. 34

Until you collect:

Harpy's Down Harpy's Down NG x 20
Medusa's Blood Medusa's Blood NG x 12

Brynthea l2

54. In the Gorgon Flower Garden. Find Darkelf Brynthea Summoner and talk to her.

A battle of summoned servants will start after the conversation. Make sure you have summoned your servant and prepared it for battle.

Attack Demonic Silhouette Tilfo Quest Monster Lv. 40 with your servant. Your character should not participate in the battle!

After winning, talk to Brynthea, she will give Brynthea's Arcana Brynthea's Arcana NG

Fettered Soul l2

55. Teleport to Giran, then to Hardin's Academy. Find and kill monsters:

Undead Fettered Soul Lv. 38

Until you collect 5 Fettered Soul's Ichor Fettered Soul's Ichor NG

Adonius l2

56. Teleport to Gludin Village. Find Elf Adonius Priest in the Temple and talk to him.

Adonius will give Andariel Scripture Copy Andariel Scripture Copy NG

Galatea l2

57. Head to the Gludin Village Magic Shop. Find Human Galatea High Summoner and talk to her.

Galatea will give Mark of Summoner Mark of Summoner NG

Arkenia l2

58. Teleport to Dark Elf Village, then to Spider Nest. Head to the Altar of Rites. Find Darkelf Arkenia Witch and talk to her.

Arkenia will give Stardust Stardust NG

Thalia l2

59. Teleport to Elven Village, then to Elven Fortress. Head to the southeastern shore of Iris Lake. Find Elf Thalia and talk to her.

Thalia will give Thalia's 2nd Letter Thalia's 2nd Letter NG

Isael Silvershadow l2

60. Teleport to Hunter's Village. Find Human Isael Silvershadow in the main square and talk to her.

Isael will give Isael's Instructions Isael's Instructions NG

Leto Lizardman Overlord l2

61. Teleport to Oren, then to Plains of the Lizardmen. Find and kill monsters:

Humanoid Leto Lizardman Overlord Lv. 40
Humanoid Leto Lizardman Shaman Lv. 39

Until you collect:

Talin's Spear Blade Talin's Spear Blade NG
Talin's Spear Shaft Talin's Spear Shaft NG
Talin's Ruby Talin's Ruby NG
Talin's Aquamarine Talin's Aquamarine NG
Talin's Amethyst Talin's Amethyst NG
Talin's Peridot Talin's Peridot NG

Enchanted Gargoyle l2

62. Teleport to Oren, then to the Ivory Tower. Go down into the crater. Find and kill monsters:

Construct Enchanted Gargoyle Lv. 44

Until you collect 5 Enchanted Gargoyle's Nail Enchanted Gargoyle's Nail NG

Casian l2

63. Teleport to Gludin Village, then to the southern entrance to the Wasteland. Go north, among the cliffs find Human Casian Elder and talk to him.

Casian will give Scripture Chapter 4 Scripture Chapter 4 NG

Cronos l2

64. Teleport to Hunter's Village. Find Human Cronos Elder in the main square and talk to him.

Cronos will give Symbol of Cronos Symbol of Cronos NG

Isael Silvershadow l2

65. In the main square of Hunter's Village. Find Human Isael Silvershadow and talk to her.

Isael will give:

Isael's Letter Isael's Letter NG
Talins Spear Talins Spear NG

Thalia l2

66. Teleport to Elven Village, then to Elven Fortress. Head to the southeastern shore of Iris Lake. Find Elf Thalia and talk to her.

Thalia will give Grail of Purity Grail of Purity NG

Unicorn Of Eva l2

67. Head to the foot of the mountains south of Iris Lake. Find and kill the monster:

Elemental Unicorn Of Eva Quest Monster Lv. 30

Kill the unicorn with Talins Spear Talins Spear NG

From the killed unicorn get Tears of Unicorn Tears of Unicorn NG

The nearest unicorn is southeast of the lake.

Thalia l2

68. Return to Elf Thalia and talk to her.

Thalia will give Water of Life Water of Life NG

Asterios l2

69. Teleport to Elven Village. Find Elf Asterios Hierarch in the Temple and talk to him.

Asterios will give Camomile Charm Camomile Charm NG

Mirien l2

70. Teleport to Dion. Find Elf Mirien Magister in the Temple and talk to her.

Mirien will give Mark of Scholar Mark of Scholar NG

Cardien l2

71. Head to the Dion Warrior Guild. Find Elf Cardien Master and talk to her.

Cardien will give Mark of Life Mark of Life NG

Jurek l2

72. To change your profession, talk to Human Jurek Grand Magister in the Giran Mages Guild.


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