Demonic Scarlet van Halisha
Level 90
HP 2 748 900 MP 49 277
P.Atk. 24 663 M.Atk. 103 430
P.Def. 2 638 M.Def. 7 097
Accuracy 173 Evasion 173
EXP 9 720 000 SP 4 108 940
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 20

Water, 20

Wind, 53

Earth, 20

Holy, 20

Unholy, 20

Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 90%
Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Sealed Dark Crystal Robe A 1 - 3 27.7777%
Sealed Armor of Nightmare Sealed Armor of Nightmare A 1 - 3 38.889%
Group chance: 90%
Soul Bow Soul Bow A 1 - 2 22.2222%
Carnage Bow Carnage Bow A 1 - 2 27.7779%
Dragon Grinder Dragon Grinder A 1 - 2 22.2222%
Blood Tornado Blood Tornado A 1 - 2 27.7777%
Group chance: 100%
Sword of Miracles Sword of Miracles A 1 - 2 25%
Elemental Sword Elemental Sword A 1 - 2 25%
Halberd Halberd A 1 - 2 25%
Dragon Slayer Dragon Slayer A 1 - 2 25%
Group chance: 95%
Tallum Blade Tallum Blade A 1 - 2 26.3162%
Meteor Shower Meteor Shower A 1 - 2 26.3156%
Dark Legion's Edge Dark Legion's Edge A 1 - 2 26.3156%
Tallum Glaive Tallum Glaive A 1 - 2 21.0526%
Group chance: 100%
Blessed Scroll of Escape Blessed Scroll of Escape NG 1 - 59 100%
Group chance: 100%
Blessed Scroll of Resurrection Blessed Scroll of Resurrection NG 1 - 39 100%
Group chance: 93.6665%
High-Grade Life Stone: level 70 High-Grade Life Stone: level 70 NG 2 - 4 55.5167%
High-Grade Life Stone: level 76 High-Grade Life Stone: level 76 NG 2 - 4 35.5869%
Top-Grade Life Stone: level 70 Top-Grade Life Stone: level 70 NG 1 - 2 8.8964%
Group chance: 100%
Ancient Book - Divine Inspiration (Manuscript) Ancient Book - Divine Inspiration (Manuscript) NG 5 - 25 100%