Level | 72 | Respawn Time |
16h. ± 4h. |
HP | 912 635 | MP | 3 130 |
P.Atk. | 29 538 | M.Atk. | 12 351 |
P.Def. | 1 481 | M.Def. | 1 597 |
Accuracy | 125 | Evasion | 125 |
EXP | 4 924 800 | SP | 805 512 |
Attack Attribute | Unholy, 20 | Defence Attribute |
Fire, 20 Water, 20 Wind, 20 Earth, 20 Holy, 20 Unholy, 110 |
Item | Amount | Chance |
Group chance: 100% | ||
MasterWork Crystal: A-grade A | 1 | 1% |
Chest with Life Stone NG | 1 - 3 | 75% |
1.000 CRP scroll NG | 1 - 2 | 50% |
5.000 CRP scroll NG | 1 | 7% |
Group chance: 32.9778% | ||
Sealed Majestic Necklace A | 1 | 22.5728% |
Sealed Majestic Earring A | 1 | 30.1071% |
Sealed Majestic Ring A | 1 | 45.1456% |
Unidentified Dragon Grinder A | 1 | 2.1745% |
Group chance: 57.3376% | ||
Sealed Majestic Necklace Beads NG | 15 - 30 | 5.9416% |
Sealed Majestic Earring Gemstone NG | 20 - 40 | 24.4833% |
Sealed Majestic Ring Gemstone NG | 25 - 50 | 10.2824% |
Dragon Grinder Edge NG | 5 - 13 | 59.2927% |
Group chance: 22.4933% | ||
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) NG | 1 | 28.5714% |
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (A-Grade) NG | 1 | 71.4286% |
Group chance: 50% | ||
Common Collectioner's Card Mounts NG | 1 - 3 | 100% |
Group chance: 35% | ||
Uncommon Collectioner's Card Mounts NG | 1 - 2 | 100% |
Group chance: 25% | ||
Part of Elk NG | 1 - 2 | 15% |
Part of Griffin NG | 1 - 2 | 15% |
Part of Pegasus NG | 1 - 2 | 14% |
Part of Tame Hell NG | 1 - 2 | 14% |
Skill |
Raid Boss |
Raid Boss |
Humanoids |
HP Increase (1x) |
MP Increase (1x) |
Average P. Atk. |
Average M. Atk. |
Average P. Def. |
Average M. Def. |
Standard Type |
One-handed Sword |
Resist Full Magic Attack |