Focus: P. Crit. Rate +134, Damage in PvP +5%.
HP Drain: Vampiric Rage effect +4%, Damage in PvP +5%.
Health: Max HP +25%, Damage in PvP +5%.
Type | Blunt / {rhand} |
P.Atk. | 415 |
M.Atk. | 183 |
Soul/Spirit Shots Consumption | 1 / 1 |
Selling price NPC | 42.882.500 аден |
Weight | 1740 |
Шанс Физ. Крит. Атк. | 4 |
Accuracy | 5 |
Can it be enchanted? | Yes |
Can it be add attribute? | Yes |
Can it be used at the Olympiad? | Yes |
Restrictions |
Private warehouse
Clan warehouse
Transfer by account
Trade Drop Private Store |
NPC | Amount | Chance |
Ra's al Ghul Lv. 81 | 1 | 0.909% |
Ra's al Ghul Lv. 81 | 1 | 0.909% |
Ra's al Ghul Lv. 81 | 1 | 0.909% |
Ra's al Ghul Lv. 81 | 1 | 0.909% |
Ra's al Ghul Lv. 81 | 1 | 0.909% |
Scarecrow Lv. 81 | 1 | 5.454% |
Item |
World Cup Special Gift NG (1) Chance |
Box of Theodric NG (1) Chance |
S84 Weapon Box NG (1) Chance |
Giant's Supplies Mid-S84 Weapon NG (1) Chance |
Shillien Supplies Mid-S84 Weapon NG (1) Chance |
Модификация | Кристаллизация | Неуд. модификация |
+0 | 8233 | 8233 |
+1 | 8483 | 4366 |
+2 | 8733 | 4616 |
+3 | 8983 | 4866 |
+4 | 9483 | 5366 |
+5 | 9983 | 5866 |
+6 | 10483 | 6366 |
+7 | 10983 | 6866 |
+8 | 11483 | 7366 |
+9 | 11983 | 7866 |
+10 | 12483 | 8366 |
+11 | 12983 | 8866 |
+12 | 13483 | 9366 |