Special Ability: PvP Damage Special Ability: PvP Damage Lv. 3

Inflicts additional damage during PvP.

Type Passive
Special Ability: PvP Damage Special Ability: PvP Damage Lv. 1 Inflicts additional damage during PvP.
Special Ability: PvP Damage Special Ability: PvP Damage Lv. 2 Enables the character to attack multiple opponents. Inflicts additional damage during PvP.
Special Ability: PvP Damage Special Ability: PvP Damage Lv. 3 [selected] Inflicts additional damage during PvP.
Special Ability: PvP Damage Special Ability: PvP Damage Lv. 4 Enables the character to attack multiple opponents. Inflicts additional damage during PvP.
Sirra's Blade {PvP} Sirra's Blade {PvP} Critical Poison A
Shyeed's Bow {PvP} Shyeed's Bow {PvP} Cheap Shot A
Shyeed's Bow {PvP} Shyeed's Bow {PvP} Quick Recovery A
Sobekk's Hurricane {PvP} Sobekk's Hurricane {PvP} Critical Drain A
Themis' Tongue {PvP} Themis' Tongue {PvP} Mental Shield A
Themis' Tongue {PvP} Themis' Tongue {PvP} Magic Focus A
Cabrio's Hand {PvP} Cabrio's Hand {PvP} Magic Silence A
Daimon Crystal {PvP} Daimon Crystal {PvP} Mental Shield A
Eclair Bijou {PvP} Eclair Bijou {PvP} Critical Poison A
Screaming Vengeance {PvP} Screaming Vengeance {PvP} Cheap Shot A
Screaming Vengeance {PvP} Screaming Vengeance {PvP} Quick Recovery A
Tallum Blade*Damascus {PvP} Tallum Blade*Damascus {PvP} A
Demon Splinter {PvP} Demon Splinter {PvP} Critical Stun S
Imperial Staff {PvP} Imperial Staff {PvP} Magic Hold S
Draconic Bow {PvP} Draconic Bow {PvP} Cheap Shot S
Draconic Bow {PvP} Draconic Bow {PvP} Critical Slow S
Sarunga {PvP} Sarunga {PvP} Cheap Shot S
Sarunga {PvP} Sarunga {PvP} Critical Slow S
Tallum Blade*Dark Legion's Edge {PvP} Tallum Blade*Dark Legion's Edge {PvP} S
Dynasty Sword {PvP} Dynasty Sword {PvP} Light S
Dynasty Blade {PvP} Dynasty Blade {PvP} Light S
Dynasty Knife {PvP} Dynasty Knife {PvP} Evasion S
Dynasty Bagh-Nakh {PvP} Dynasty Bagh-Nakh {PvP} Rsk. Evasion S
Dynasty Bow {PvP} Dynasty Bow {PvP} Cheap Shot S
Dynasty Rapier {PvP} Dynasty Rapier {PvP} Light S
Dynasty Ancient Sword {PvP} Dynasty Ancient Sword {PvP} Light S
Dynasty Crossbow {PvP} Dynasty Crossbow {PvP} Cheap Shot S
Dynasty Dual Sword {PvP} Dynasty Dual Sword {PvP} S
Daimon Crystal - Wisdom {PvP} Daimon Crystal - Wisdom {PvP} Mental Shield A
Screaming Vengeance - Concentration {PvP} Screaming Vengeance - Concentration {PvP} Cheap Shot A
Screaming Vengeance - Concentration {PvP} Screaming Vengeance - Concentration {PvP} Quick Recovery A
Shyeed's Bow - Concentration {PvP} Shyeed's Bow - Concentration {PvP} Cheap Shot A
Shyeed's Bow - Concentration {PvP} Shyeed's Bow - Concentration {PvP} Quick Recovery A
Sobekk's Hurricane - Landslide {PvP} Sobekk's Hurricane - Landslide {PvP} Critical Drain A
Sirra's Blade - Landslide {PvP} Sirra's Blade - Landslide {PvP} Critical Poison A
Éclair Bijou - Landslide {PvP} Éclair Bijou - Landslide {PvP} Critical Poison A
Tallum Blade*Damascus - Landslide {PvP} Tallum Blade*Damascus - Landslide {PvP} A
Themis' Tongue - Cleverness {PvP} Themis' Tongue - Cleverness {PvP} Mental Shield A
Themis' Tongue - Cleverness {PvP} Themis' Tongue - Cleverness {PvP} Magic Focus A
Cabrio's Hand - Cleverness {PvP} Cabrio's Hand - Cleverness {PvP} Magic Silence A
Demon Splinter - Thunder {PvP} Demon Splinter - Thunder {PvP} Critical Stun S
Draconic Bow - Earth {PvP} Draconic Bow - Earth {PvP} Cheap Shot S
Draconic Bow - Earth {PvP} Draconic Bow - Earth {PvP} Critical Slow S
Sarunga - Earth {PvP} Sarunga - Earth {PvP} Cheap Shot S
Sarunga - Earth {PvP} Sarunga - Earth {PvP} Critical Slow S
Imperial Staff - Nature {PvP} Imperial Staff - Nature {PvP} Magic Hold S
Tallum Blade*Dark Legion's Edge - Lightning {PvP} Tallum Blade*Dark Legion's Edge - Lightning {PvP} S
Dynasty Ancient Sword - Great Gale {PvP} Dynasty Ancient Sword - Great Gale {PvP} Light S
Dynasty Knife - Great Gale {PvP} Dynasty Knife - Great Gale {PvP} Evasion S
Dynasty Dual Sword - Earth {PvP} Dynasty Dual Sword - Earth {PvP} S
Dynasty Rapier - Earth {PvP} Dynasty Rapier - Earth {PvP} Light S
Dynasty Bagh-Nakh - Great Gale {PvP} Dynasty Bagh-Nakh - Great Gale {PvP} Rsk. Evasion S
Dynasty Bow - Great Gale {PvP} Dynasty Bow - Great Gale {PvP} Cheap Shot S
Dynasty Blade - Great Gale {PvP} Dynasty Blade - Great Gale {PvP} Light S
Dynasty Sword - Earth {PvP} Dynasty Sword - Earth {PvP} Light S
Dynasty Crossbow - Great Gale {PvP} Dynasty Crossbow - Great Gale {PvP} Cheap Shot S
Icarus Sawsword {PvP} Icarus Sawsword {PvP} S80
Icarus Disperser {PvP} Icarus Disperser {PvP} S80
Icarus Spirit {PvP} Icarus Spirit {PvP} S80
Icarus Heavy Arms {PvP} Icarus Heavy Arms {PvP} S80
Icarus Trident {PvP} Icarus Trident {PvP} S80
Icarus Hand {PvP} Icarus Hand {PvP} S80
Icarus Hall {PvP} Icarus Hall {PvP} S80
Icarus Spitter {PvP} Icarus Spitter {PvP} S80
Icarus Stinger {PvP} Icarus Stinger {PvP} S80
Icarus Wingblade {PvP} Icarus Wingblade {PvP} S80
Icarus Shooter {PvP} Icarus Shooter {PvP} S80
Icarus Dual Sword {PvP} Icarus Dual Sword {PvP} S80
Icarus Sawsword {PvP} Icarus Sawsword {PvP} Light S80
Icarus Heavy Arms {PvP} Icarus Heavy Arms {PvP} Light S80
Icarus Spitter {PvP} Icarus Spitter {PvP} Cheap Shot S80
Icarus Disperser {PvP} Icarus Disperser {PvP} Evasion S80
Icarus Hand {PvP} Icarus Hand {PvP} Rsk. Evasion S80
Icarus Stinger {PvP} Icarus Stinger {PvP} Light S80
Icarus Wingblade {PvP} Icarus Wingblade {PvP} Light S80
Icarus Shooter {PvP} Icarus Shooter {PvP} Cheap Shot S80
Icarus Dual Sword - Destruction {PvP} Icarus Dual Sword - Destruction {PvP} S80
Icarus Disperser - Confusion {PvP} Icarus Disperser - Confusion {PvP} S80
Icarus Disperser - Confusion {PvP} Icarus Disperser - Confusion {PvP} Evasion S80
Icarus Sawsword - Destruction {PvP} Icarus Sawsword - Destruction {PvP} S80
Icarus Sawsword - Destruction {PvP} Icarus Sawsword - Destruction {PvP} Light S80
Icarus Shooter - Concentration {PvP} Icarus Shooter - Concentration {PvP} S80
Icarus Shooter - Concentration {PvP} Icarus Shooter - Concentration {PvP} Cheap Shot S80
Icarus Stinger - Destruction {PvP} Icarus Stinger - Destruction {PvP} S80
Icarus Stinger - Destruction {PvP} Icarus Stinger - Destruction {PvP} Light S80
Icarus Spirit - Nature {PvP} Icarus Spirit - Nature {PvP} S80
Icarus Spitter - Concentration {PvP} Icarus Spitter - Concentration {PvP} S80
Icarus Spitter - Concentration {PvP} Icarus Spitter - Concentration {PvP} Cheap Shot S80
Icarus Wingblade - Lightning {PvP} Icarus Wingblade - Lightning {PvP} S80
Icarus Wingblade - Lightning {PvP} Icarus Wingblade - Lightning {PvP} Light S80
Icarus Hammer - Earth {PvP} Icarus Hammer - Earth {PvP} S80
Icarus Hand - Destruction {PvP} Icarus Hand - Destruction {PvP} S80
Icarus Hand - Destruction {PvP} Icarus Hand - Destruction {PvP} Rsk. Evasion S80
Icarus Heavy Arms - Lightning {PvP} Icarus Heavy Arms - Lightning {PvP} S80
Icarus Heavy Arms - Lightning {PvP} Icarus Heavy Arms - Lightning {PvP} Light S80
Icarus Hall - Hail {PvP} Icarus Hall - Hail {PvP} S80
Icarus Dual Daggers {PvP} Icarus Dual Daggers {PvP} S80
Vesper Dual Sword {PvP} Vesper Dual Sword {PvP} S84
Vesper Cutter {PvP} Vesper Cutter {PvP} S84
Vesper Slasher {PvP} Vesper Slasher {PvP} S84
Vesper Buster {PvP} Vesper Buster {PvP} S84
Vesper Shaper {PvP} Vesper Shaper {PvP} S84
Vesper Stormer {PvP} Vesper Stormer {PvP} S84
Vesper Avenger {PvP} Vesper Avenger {PvP} S84
Vesper Retributer {PvP} Vesper Retributer {PvP} S84
Vesper Caster {PvP} Vesper Caster {PvP} S84
Vesper Singer {PvP} Vesper Singer {PvP} S84
Vesper Thrower {PvP} Vesper Thrower {PvP} S84
Vesper Pincer {PvP} Vesper Pincer {PvP} S84
Vesper Shooter {PvP} Vesper Shooter {PvP} S84
Vesper Nagan {PvP} Vesper Nagan {PvP} S84
Vesper Dual Daggers {PvP} Vesper Dual Daggers {PvP} S84
Vesper Buster {PvP} Vesper Buster {PvP} Magic Hold S84
Vesper Fighter {PvP} Vesper Fighter {PvP} Critical Stun S84
Vesper Singer {PvP} Vesper Singer {PvP} Magic Hold S84
Vesper Thrower {PvP} Vesper Thrower {PvP} Cheap Shot S84
Vesper Thrower {PvP} Vesper Thrower {PvP} Critical Slow S84
Vesper Shooter {PvP} Vesper Shooter {PvP} Cheap Shot S84
Vesper Shooter {PvP} Vesper Shooter {PvP} Critical Slow S84
Dynasty Dual Daggers - Great Gale {PvP} Dynasty Dual Daggers - Great Gale {PvP} S
Icarus Dual Daggers - Confusion {PvP} Icarus Dual Daggers - Confusion {PvP} S80
Dynasty Dual Daggers {PvP} Dynasty Dual Daggers {PvP} S
Eternal Core Sword {PvP} Eternal Core Sword {PvP} S84
Mamba Edge {PvP} Mamba Edge {PvP} S84
Eversor Mace {PvP} Eversor Mace {PvP} S84
Contristo Hammer {PvP} Contristo Hammer {PvP} S84
Lava Saw {PvP} Lava Saw {PvP} S84
Demitelum {PvP} Demitelum {PvP} S84
Sacredium {PvP} Sacredium {PvP} S84
Cyclic Cane {PvP} Cyclic Cane {PvP} S84
Archangel Sword {PvP} Archangel Sword {PvP} S84
Recurve Thorne Bow {PvP} Recurve Thorne Bow {PvP} S84
Heavenstare Rapier {PvP} Heavenstare Rapier {PvP} S84
Pyseal Blade {PvP} Pyseal Blade {PvP} S84
Thorne Crossbow {PvP} Thorne Crossbow {PvP} S84
Periel Sword {PvP} Periel Sword {PvP} S84
Skull Edge {PvP} Skull Edge {PvP} S84
Vigwik Axe {PvP} Vigwik Axe {PvP} S84
Devilish Maul {PvP} Devilish Maul {PvP} S84
Feather Eye Blade {PvP} Feather Eye Blade {PvP} S84
Doubletop Spear {PvP} Doubletop Spear {PvP} S84
Rising Star {PvP} Rising Star {PvP} S84
Black Visage {PvP} Black Visage {PvP} S84
Veniplant Sword {PvP} Veniplant Sword {PvP} S84
Skull Carnium Bow {PvP} Skull Carnium Bow {PvP} S84
Gemtail Rapier {PvP} Gemtail Rapier {PvP} S84
Finale Blade {PvP} Finale Blade {PvP} S84
Dominion Crossbow {PvP} Dominion Crossbow {PvP} S84
Octo Claw {PvP} Octo Claw {PvP} Critical Stun S84
Black Visage {PvP} Black Visage {PvP} Magic Hold S84
Veniplant Sword {PvP} Veniplant Sword {PvP} Magic Hold S84
Skull Carnium Bow {PvP} Skull Carnium Bow {PvP} Critical Slow S84
Skull Carnium Bow {PvP} Skull Carnium Bow {PvP} Cheap Shot S84
Dominion Crossbow {PvP} Dominion Crossbow {PvP} Critical Slow S84
Dominion Crossbow {PvP} Dominion Crossbow {PvP} Cheap Shot S84
Jade Claw {PvP} Jade Claw {PvP} Critical Stun S84
Cyclic Cane {PvP} Cyclic Cane {PvP} Magic Hold S84
Archangel Sword {PvP} Archangel Sword {PvP} Magic Hold S84
Recurve Thorne Bow {PvP} Recurve Thorne Bow {PvP} Critical Slow S84
Recurve Thorne Bow {PvP} Recurve Thorne Bow {PvP} Cheap Shot S84
Thorne Crossbow {PvP} Thorne Crossbow {PvP} Critical Slow S84
Thorne Crossbow {PvP} Thorne Crossbow {PvP} Cheap Shot S84
Vesper Cutter- Thunder {PvP} Vesper Cutter- Thunder {PvP} S84
Vesper Slasher- Gale {PvP} Vesper Slasher- Gale {PvP} S84
Vesper Buster - Cleverness {PvP} Vesper Buster - Cleverness {PvP} S84
Vesper Shaper - Gale {PvP} Vesper Shaper - Gale {PvP} S84
Vesper Fighter - Gale {PvP} Vesper Fighter - Gale {PvP} S84
Vesper Avenger - Landslide {PvP} Vesper Avenger - Landslide {PvP} S84
Vesper Retributer - Gale {PvP} Vesper Retributer - Gale {PvP} S84
Vesper Caster - Cleverness {PvP} Vesper Caster - Cleverness {PvP} S84
Vesper Singer - Hail {PvP} Vesper Singer - Hail {PvP} S84
Vesper Thrower - Clairvoyance {PvP} Vesper Thrower - Clairvoyance {PvP} S84
Vesper Pincer- Thunder {PvP} Vesper Pincer- Thunder {PvP} S84
Vesper Shooter - Clairvoyance {PvP} Vesper Shooter - Clairvoyance {PvP} S84
Vesper Nagan - Gale {PvP} Vesper Nagan - Gale {PvP} S84
Vesper Dual Daggers - Gale {PvP} Vesper Dual Daggers - Gale {PvP} S84
Vesper Dual Sword - Destruction {PvP} Vesper Dual Sword - Destruction {PvP} S84
Skull Edge Dual Daggers {PvP} Skull Edge Dual Daggers {PvP} S84
Periel Dual Sword {PvP} Periel Dual Sword {PvP} S84
Mamba Edge Dual Daggers {PvP} Mamba Edge Dual Daggers {PvP} S84
Eternal Core Dual Sword {PvP} Eternal Core Dual Sword {PvP} S84
Vesper Buster - Cleverness {PvP} Vesper Buster - Cleverness {PvP} Magic Hold S84
Vesper Fighter - Gale {PvP} Vesper Fighter - Gale {PvP} Critical Stun S84
Vesper Singer - Hail {PvP} Vesper Singer - Hail {PvP} Magic Hold S84
Vesper Thrower - Clairvoyance {PvP} Vesper Thrower - Clairvoyance {PvP} Cheap Shot S84
Vesper Thrower - Clairvoyance {PvP} Vesper Thrower - Clairvoyance {PvP} Critical Slow S84
Vesper Shooter - Clairvoyance {PvP} Vesper Shooter - Clairvoyance {PvP} Cheap Shot S84
Vesper Shooter - Clairvoyance {PvP} Vesper Shooter - Clairvoyance {PvP} Critical Slow S84
Hellblade {PvP} Hellblade {PvP} S84
Hellblade - Lightning {PvP} Hellblade - Lightning {PvP} S84
Butcher Blades {PvP} Butcher Blades {PvP} S80
Butcher Blades - Confusion {PvP} Butcher Blades - Confusion {PvP} S80
Claw of Destruction {PvP} Claw of Destruction {PvP} S84
Claw of Destruction - Landslide {PvP} Claw of Destruction - Landslide {PvP} S84
Blades of Delusion {PvP} Blades of Delusion {PvP} S
Blades of Delusion - Earth {PvP} Blades of Delusion - Earth {PvP} S
Blood Brother {PvP} Blood Brother {PvP} Light S
Blood Brother - Great Gale {PvP} Blood Brother - Great Gale {PvP} Light S