Special Ability: PvP Damage Special Ability: PvP Damage Lv. 1

Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Type Passive
Special Ability: PvP Damage Special Ability: PvP Damage Lv. 1 [selected] Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
Special Ability: PvP Damage Special Ability: PvP Damage Lv. 2 Unleashes an attack that strikes multiple opponents, and inflicts additional damage during PvP.
Special Ability PvP Damage Special Ability PvP Damage Lv. 3 Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
Special Ability PvP Damage Special Ability PvP Damage Lv. 4 Can attack multiple enemies. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
Meteor Shower Meteor Shower Critical Bleed A
Elysian Elysian Critical Drain A
Branch of the Mother Tree Branch of the Mother Tree Magic Damage A
Carnage Bow Carnage Bow Light A
Carnage Bow Carnage Bow Critical Bleed A
Soul Bow Soul Bow Cheap Shot A
Soul Bow Soul Bow Quick Recovery A
Soul Bow Soul Bow Critical Poison A
Bloody Orchid Bloody Orchid Critical Bleed A
Tallum Blade Tallum Blade Critical Poison A
Elemental Sword Elemental Sword Magic Paralyze A
Sword of Miracles Sword of Miracles Magic Silence A
Dragon Slayer Dragon Slayer Critical Bleed A
Dragon Slayer Dragon Slayer Critical Drain A
Imperial Staff Imperial Staff Magic Hold S
Demon Splinter Demon Splinter Critical Stun S
Draconic Bow Draconic Bow Cheap Shot S
Draconic Bow Draconic Bow Critical Slow S
Destroyer Hammer Destroyer Hammer Critical Drain A
Spiritual Eye Spiritual Eye Magic Poison A
Flaming Dragon Skull Flaming Dragon Skull Magic Silence A
Sirra's Blade Sirra's Blade Critical Poison A
Shyeed's Bow Shyeed's Bow Cheap Shot A
Shyeed's Bow Shyeed's Bow Quick Recovery A
Sobekk's Hurricane Sobekk's Hurricane Critical Drain A
Themis' Tongue Themis' Tongue Magic Mental Shield A
Themis' Tongue Themis' Tongue Magic Focus A
Cabrio's Hand Cabrio's Hand Magic Silence A
Daimon Crystal Daimon Crystal Magic Mental Shield A
White Lightning White Lightning Critical Poison A
Doomchanter Doomchanter Light A
Doomchanter Doomchanter Critical Bleed A
Undertaker Undertaker Critical Bleed A
Undertaker Undertaker Critical Drain A
Reaper Reaper Cheap Shot A
Reaper Reaper Quick Recovery A
Reaper Reaper Critical Poison A
Éclair Bijou Éclair Bijou Critical Poison A
Screaming Vengeance Screaming Vengeance Cheap Shot A
Screaming Vengeance Screaming Vengeance Quick Recovery A
Sarnga Sarnga Cheap Shot S
Sarnga Sarnga Critical Slow S
Dynasty Rapier Dynasty Rapier Light S80
Dynasty Ancient Sword Dynasty Ancient Sword Light S80
Dynasty Crossbow Dynasty Crossbow Cheap Shot S80
Dynasty Sword Dynasty Sword Light S80
Dynasty Sword Dynasty Sword Light S80
Dynasty Blade Dynasty Blade Light S80
Dynasty Bow Dynasty Bow Cheap Shot S80
Dynasty Knife Dynasty Knife Evasion S80
Dynasty Bagh-Nakh Dynasty Bagh-Nakh Rsk. Evasion S80
Icarus Sawsword Icarus Sawsword Light S80
Icarus Sawsword Icarus Sawsword Light S80
Icarus Heavy Arms Icarus Heavy Arms Light S80
Icarus Heavy Arms Icarus Heavy Arms Light S80
Icarus Spitter Icarus Spitter Cheap Shot S80
Icarus Disperser Icarus Disperser Evasion S80
Icarus Hand Icarus Hand Rsk. Evasion S80
Icarus Stinger Icarus Stinger Light S80
Icarus Wingblade Icarus Wingblade Light S80
Icarus Shooter Icarus Shooter Cheap Shot S80
Sirra's Blade {PvP} Sirra's Blade {PvP} Critical Poison A
Shyeed's Bow {PvP} Shyeed's Bow {PvP} Cheap Shot A
Shyeed's Bow {PvP} Shyeed's Bow {PvP} Quick Recovery A
Sobekk's Hurricane {PvP} Sobekk's Hurricane {PvP} Critical Drain A
Themis' Tongue {PvP} Themis' Tongue {PvP} Magic Mental Shield A
Themis' Tongue {PvP} Themis' Tongue {PvP} Magic Focus A
Cabrio's Hand {PvP} Cabrio's Hand {PvP} Magic Silence A
Daimon Crystal {PvP} Daimon Crystal {PvP} Magic Mental Shield A
Eclair Bijou - PvP Eclair Bijou - PvP Critical Poison A
Screaming Vengeance {PvP} Screaming Vengeance {PvP} Cheap Shot A
Screaming Vengeance {PvP} Screaming Vengeance {PvP} Quick Recovery A
Demon Splinter {PvP} Demon Splinter {PvP} Critical Stun S
Imperial Staff {PvP} Imperial Staff {PvP} Magic Hold S
Draconic Bow {PvP} Draconic Bow {PvP} Cheap Shot S
Draconic Bow {PvP} Draconic Bow {PvP} Critical Slow S
Sarunga {PvP} Sarunga {PvP} Cheap Shot S
Sarunga - PvP Sarunga - PvP Critical Slow S
Dynasty Sword - PvP Dynasty Sword - PvP Light S80
Dynasty Sword - PvP Dynasty Sword - PvP Light S80
Dynasty Blade - PvP Dynasty Blade - PvP Light S80
Dynasty Knife {PvP} Dynasty Knife {PvP} Evasion S80
Dynasty Bagh-Nakh {PvP} Dynasty Bagh-Nakh {PvP} Rsk. Evasion S80
Dynasty Bow {PvP} Dynasty Bow {PvP} Cheap Shot S80
Dynasty Rapier {PvP} Dynasty Rapier {PvP} Light S80
Dynasty Ancient Sword {PvP} Dynasty Ancient Sword {PvP} Light S80
Dynasty Crossbow {PvP} Dynasty Crossbow {PvP} Cheap Shot S80
Doomchanter - Concentration Doomchanter - Concentration Light A
Doomchanter - Concentration Doomchanter - Concentration Critical Bleed A
White Lightning - Destruction White Lightning - Destruction Critical Poison A
Meteor Shower - Earth Meteor Shower - Earth Critical Bleed A
Bloody Orchid - Confusion Bloody Orchid - Confusion Critical Bleed A
Elemental Sword - Hail Elemental Sword - Hail Magic Paralyze A
Spiritual Eye - Hail Spiritual Eye - Hail Magic Poison A
Carnage Bow - Concentration Carnage Bow - Concentration Light A
Carnage Bow - Concentration Carnage Bow - Concentration Critical Bleed A
Tallum Blade - Destruction Tallum Blade - Destruction Critical Poison A
Destroyer Hammer - Lightning Destroyer Hammer - Lightning Critical Drain A
Undertaker - Evil Spirit Undertaker - Evil Spirit Critical Bleed A
Undertaker - Evil Spirit Undertaker - Evil Spirit Critical Drain A
Dragon Slayer - Evil Spirit Dragon Slayer - Evil Spirit Critical Bleed A
Dragon Slayer - Evil Spirit Dragon Slayer - Evil Spirit Critical Drain A
Flaming Dragon Skull - Wisdom Flaming Dragon Skull - Wisdom Magic Silence A
Branch of the Mother Tree - Nature Branch of the Mother Tree - Nature Magic Damage A
Sword of Miracles - Holy Spirit Sword of Miracles - Holy Spirit Magic Silence A
Reaper - Clairvoyance Reaper - Clairvoyance Cheap Shot A
Reaper - Clairvoyance Reaper - Clairvoyance Quick Recovery A
Reaper - Clairvoyance Reaper - Clairvoyance Critical Poison A
Elysian - Great Gale Elysian - Great Gale Critical Drain A
Soul Bow - Clairvoyance Soul Bow - Clairvoyance Cheap Shot A
Soul Bow - Clairvoyance Soul Bow - Clairvoyance Quick Recovery A
Soul Bow - Clairvoyance Soul Bow - Clairvoyance Critical Poison A
Daimon Crystal - Wisdom Daimon Crystal - Wisdom Magic Mental Shield A
Screaming Vengeance - Concentration Screaming Vengeance - Concentration Cheap Shot A
Screaming Vengeance - Concentration Screaming Vengeance - Concentration Quick Recovery A
Shyeed's Bow - Concentration Shyeed's Bow - Concentration Cheap Shot A
Shyeed's Bow - Concentration Shyeed's Bow - Concentration Quick Recovery A
Sobekk's Hurricane - Landslide Sobekk's Hurricane - Landslide Critical Drain A
Sirra's Blade - Landslide Sirra's Blade - Landslide Critical Poison A
Eclair Bijou - Landslide Eclair Bijou - Landslide Critical Poison A
Themis' Tongue - Cleverness Themis' Tongue - Cleverness Magic Mental Shield A
Themis' Tongue - Cleverness Themis' Tongue - Cleverness Magic Focus A
Cabrio's Hand - Cleverness Cabrio's Hand - Cleverness Magic Silence A
Demon Splinter - Thunder Demon Splinter - Thunder Critical Stun S
Draconic Bow - Earth Draconic Bow - Earth Cheap Shot S
Draconic Bow - Earth Draconic Bow - Earth Critical Slow S
Sarunga - Earth Sarunga - Earth Cheap Shot S
Sarunga - Earth Sarunga - Earth Critical Slow S
Imperial Staff - Nature Imperial Staff - Nature Magic Hold S
Dynasty Ancient Sword - Great Gale Dynasty Ancient Sword - Great Gale Light S80
Dynasty Knife - Great Gale Dynasty Knife - Great Gale Evasion S80
Dynasty Rapier - Earth Dynasty Rapier - Earth Light S80
Dynasty Bagh-Nakh - Great Gale Dynasty Bagh-Nakh - Great Gale Rsk. Evasion S80
Dynasty Bow - Great Gale Dynasty Bow - Great Gale Cheap Shot S80
Dynasty Blade - Great Gale Dynasty Blade - Great Gale Light S80
Dynasty Sword - Earth Dynasty Sword - Earth Light S80
Dynasty Sword - Earth Dynasty Sword - Earth Light S80
Dynasty Crossbow - Great Gale Dynasty Crossbow - Great Gale Cheap Shot S80
Icarus Disperser - Confusion Icarus Disperser - Confusion Evasion S80
Icarus Sawsword - Destruction Icarus Sawsword - Destruction Light S80
Icarus Sawsword - Destruction Icarus Sawsword - Destruction Light S80
Icarus Stinger - Destruction Icarus Stinger - Destruction Light S80
Icarus Wingblade - Lightning Icarus Wingblade - Lightning Light S80
Icarus Hand - Destruction Icarus Hand - Destruction Rsk. Evasion S80
Icarus Heavy Arms - Lightning Icarus Heavy Arms - Lightning Light S80
Icarus Heavy Arms - Lightning Icarus Heavy Arms - Lightning Light S80
Daimon Crystal - Wisdom {PvP} Daimon Crystal - Wisdom {PvP} Magic Mental Shield A
Screaming Vengeance - Concentration {PvP} Screaming Vengeance - Concentration {PvP} Cheap Shot A
Screaming Vengeance - Concentration {PvP} Screaming Vengeance - Concentration {PvP} Quick Recovery A
Shyeed's Bow - Concentration {PvP} Shyeed's Bow - Concentration {PvP} Cheap Shot A
Shyeed's Bow - Concentration {PvP} Shyeed's Bow - Concentration {PvP} Quick Recovery A
Sobekk's Hurricane - Landslide {PvP} Sobekk's Hurricane - Landslide {PvP} Crt. Drain A
Sirra's Blade - Landslide {PvP} Sirra's Blade - Landslide {PvP} Critical Poison A
Éclair Bijou - Landslide {PvP} Éclair Bijou - Landslide {PvP} Critical Poison A
Themis' Tongue - Cleverness {PvP} Themis' Tongue - Cleverness {PvP} Magic Mental Shield A
Themis' Tongue - Cleverness {PvP} Themis' Tongue - Cleverness {PvP} Magic Focus A
Cabrio's Hand - Cleverness {PvP} Cabrio's Hand - Cleverness {PvP} Magic Silence A
Demon Splinter - Thunder {PvP} Demon Splinter - Thunder {PvP} Critical Stun S
Draconic Bow - Earth {PvP} Draconic Bow - Earth {PvP} Cheap Shot S
Draconic Bow - Earth {PvP} Draconic Bow - Earth {PvP} Crt. Slow S
Sarunga - Earth {PvP} Sarunga - Earth {PvP} Cheap Shot S
Sarunga - Earth {PvP} Sarunga - Earth {PvP} Crt. Slow S
Imperial Staff - Nature {PvP} Imperial Staff - Nature {PvP} Magic Hold S
Dynasty Ancient Sword - Great Gale {PvP} Dynasty Ancient Sword - Great Gale {PvP} Light S80
Dynasty Knife - Great Gale {PvP} Dynasty Knife - Great Gale {PvP} Evasion S80
Dynasty Rapier - Earth {PvP} Dynasty Rapier - Earth {PvP} Light S80
Dynasty Bagh-Nakh - Great Gale {PvP} Dynasty Bagh-Nakh - Great Gale {PvP} Rsk. Evasion S80
Dynasty Bow - Great Gale {PvP} Dynasty Bow - Great Gale {PvP} Cheap Shot S80
Dynasty Blade - Great Gale {PvP} Dynasty Blade - Great Gale {PvP} Light S80
Dynasty Sword - Earth {PvP} Dynasty Sword - Earth {PvP} Light S80
Dynasty Sword - Earth {PvP} Dynasty Sword - Earth {PvP} Light S80
Dynasty Crossbow - Great Gale {PvP} Dynasty Crossbow - Great Gale {PvP} Cheap Shot S80
Vesper Fighter Vesper Fighter Critical Stun S84
Vesper Thrower Vesper Thrower Cheap Shot S84
Vesper Thrower Vesper Thrower Critical Slow S84
Vesper Sheutjeh Vesper Sheutjeh Cheap Shot S84
Vesper Sheutjeh Vesper Sheutjeh Critical Slow S84
Icarus Sawsword {PvP} Icarus Sawsword {PvP} Light S80
Icarus Sawsword {PvP} Icarus Sawsword {PvP} Light S80
Icarus Heavy Arms {PvP} Icarus Heavy Arms {PvP} Light S80
Icarus Heavy Arms {PvP} Icarus Heavy Arms {PvP} Light S80
Icarus Disperser {PvP} Icarus Disperser {PvP} Evasion S80
Icarus Hand {PvP} Icarus Hand {PvP} Rsk. Evasion S80
Icarus Stinger {PvP} Icarus Stinger {PvP} Light S80
Icarus Shooter {PvP} Icarus Shooter {PvP} Cheap Shot S80
Icarus Disperser - Confusion {PvP} Icarus Disperser - Confusion {PvP} Evasion S80
Icarus Sawsword - Destruction {PvP} Icarus Sawsword - Destruction {PvP} Light S80
Icarus Sawsword - Destruction {PvP} Icarus Sawsword - Destruction {PvP} Light S80
Icarus Stinger - Destruction {PvP} Icarus Stinger - Destruction {PvP} Light S80
Icarus Wingblade - Lightning {PvP} Icarus Wingblade - Lightning {PvP} Light S80
Icarus Hand - Destruction {PvP} Icarus Hand - Destruction {PvP} Rsk. Evasion S80
Icarus Heavy Arms - Lightning {PvP} Icarus Heavy Arms - Lightning {PvP} Light S80
Icarus Heavy Arms - Lightning {PvP} Icarus Heavy Arms - Lightning {PvP} Light S80
Vesper Fighter {PvP} Vesper Fighter {PvP} Crt. Stun S84
Vesper Thrower {PvP} Vesper Thrower {PvP} Crt. Slow S84
Vesper Sheutjeh {PvP} Vesper Sheutjeh {PvP} Cheap Shot S84
Vesper Sheutjeh {PvP} Vesper Sheutjeh {PvP} Crt. Slow S84
Dark Legion - Event Dark Legion - Event 4 Hour Expiration Period A
Dragon Slayer - Event Dragon Slayer - Event 4 Hour Expiration Period A
Soul Separator - Event Soul Separator - Event 4 Hour Expiration Period A
Elysian - Event Elysian - Event 4 Hour Expiration Period A
Doom Crusher - Event Doom Crusher - Event 4 Hour Expiration Period A
Flaming Dragon Skull - Event Flaming Dragon Skull - Event 4 Hour Expiration Period A
Branch of the Mother Tree - Event Branch of the Mother Tree - Event 4 Hour Expiration Period A
Dragon Grinder - Event Dragon Grinder - Event 4 Hour Expiration Period A
Soul Bow - Event Soul Bow - Event 4 Hour Expiration Period A
Tallum Glaive - Event Tallum Glaive - Event 4 Hour Expiration Period A
Damascus*Damascus - Event Damascus*Damascus - Event 4 Hour Expiration Period A
Lacerator - Event Lacerator - Event 4 Hour Expiration Period A
Undertaker - Event Undertaker - Event 4 Hour Expiration Period A
Reaper - Event Reaper - Event 4 Hour Expiration Period A
Forgotten Blade - Event Forgotten Blade - Event 4 Hour Expiration Period S
Heaven's Divider - Event Heaven's Divider - Event 4 Hour Expiration Period S
Angel Slayer - Event Angel Slayer - Event 4 Hour Expiration Period S
Basalt Battlehammer - Event Basalt Battlehammer - Event 4 Hour Expiration Period S
Dragon Hunter Axe - Event Dragon Hunter Axe - Event 4 Hour Expiration Period S
Arcana Mace - Event Arcana Mace - Event 4 Hour Expiration Period S
Imperial Staff - Event Imperial Staff - Event 4 Hour Expiration Period S
Demon Splinter - Event Demon Splinter - Event 4 Hour Expiration Period S
Draconic Bow - Event Draconic Bow - Event 4 Hour Expiration Period S
Saint Spear - Event Saint Spear - Event 4 Hour Expiration Period S
Tallum Blade*Dark Legion - Event Tallum Blade*Dark Legion - Event 4 Hour Expiration Period S
Laevateinn - Event Laevateinn - Event 4 Hour Expiration Period S
Gram - Event Gram - Event 4 Hour Expiration Period S
Sarnga - Event Sarnga - Event 4 Hour Expiration Period S