Focus Attack Focus Attack Lv. 5

When using a spear, attacks a single enemy with increases in P. Accuracy by 6 and P. Atk. Critical Damage by 30%.

Type Toggle
Uses 34 MP
Cooldown Time 0 sec.
Can it be used at the Olympiad? Yes
Attribute No Attribute
Available for class-10012 Lv. 74
Focus Attack Focus Attack Lv. 1 When using a spear, attacks a single enemy with increases in P. Accuracy by 2 and P. Atk. Critical Damage by 10%.
Focus Attack Focus Attack Lv. 2 When using a spear, attacks a single enemy with increases in P. Accuracy by 3 and P. Atk. Critical Damage by 15%.
Focus Attack Focus Attack Lv. 3 When using a spear, attacks a single enemy with increases in P. Accuracy by 4 and P. Atk. Critical Damage by 20%.
Focus Attack Focus Attack Lv. 4 When using a spear, attacks a single enemy with increases in P. Accuracy by 5 and P. Atk. Critical Damage by 25%.
Focus Attack Focus Attack Lv. 5 [selected] When using a spear, attacks a single enemy with increases in P. Accuracy by 6 and P. Atk. Critical Damage by 30%.