Focus Attack Focus Attack Lv. 1

For 30 \u043c\u0438\u043d., attacks one target when attacking with a spear, and P. Atk. +25%, P. Atk./P Skill Critical Damage +10%.
Requires a spear. Consumes 5 Soulstones. If the spear is unequipped, Focus Attack is also canceled.

Type Active (buff)
Uses 64 MP , Soulstone Soulstone, 5 pcs
Cooldown Time 30 sec.
Время действия 1800
Can it be used at the Olympiad? Yes
Trait trait_none
Available for class-153 Lv. 101, class-10050 Lv. 101
Focus Attack Focus Attack Lv. 1 [selected] For 30 \u043c\u0438\u043d., attacks one target when attacking with a spear, and P. Atk. +25%, P. Atk./P Skill Critical Damage +10%.
Requires a spear. Consumes 5 Soulstones. If the spear is unequipped, Focus Attack is also canceled.