Special Ability: Health Special Ability: Health Lv. 1

Increases Max HP by 25%.

Type Passive
Special Ability: Health Special Ability: Health Lv. 1 [selected] Increases Max HP by 25%.
Special Ability: Health Special Ability: Health Lv. 2 Increases Max HP. Enables the character to attack multiple opponents.
Special Ability: Health Special Ability: Health Lv. 3 Increases Max HP. Inflicts additional damage during PvP by 5%.
Special Ability: Health Special Ability: Health Lv. 4 Increases Max HP. Enables the character to attack multiple opponents. Inflicts additional damage during PvP.
Special Ability: Health Special Ability: Health Lv. 5 Increases Max HP. Inflicts additional damage during PvP.
Sword of Delusion Sword of Delusion Health C
Sword of Nightmare Sword of Nightmare Health C
Great Sword Great Sword Health B
Big Hammer Big Hammer Health C
Skull Graver Skull Graver Health C
Dwarven War Hammer Dwarven War Hammer Health C
War Axe War Axe Health C
Yaksa Mace Yaksa Mace Health C
Heavy War Axe Heavy War Axe Health B
Deadman's Glory Deadman's Glory Health B
Art of Battle Axe Art of Battle Axe Health B
Sword of Limit Sword of Limit Health C
Pa'agrian Sword Pa'agrian Sword Health C
Guardian's Sword Guardian's Sword Health B
Dwarven Hammer Dwarven Hammer Health C
Star Buster Star Buster Health B
Shadow Item: Keshanberk*Damascus Shadow Item: Keshanberk*Damascus A
Shadow Item: Keshanberk*Damascus Shadow Item: Keshanberk*Damascus A
Blinzlasher Blinzlasher Health C
Blinzlasher Blinzlasher Health C
Blinzlasher Blinzlasher Health C
Immortal Edge Immortal Edge Health C
Innominate Victory Innominate Victory Health B
Dismantler Dismantler Health B
Great Sword - Lightning Great Sword - Lightning Health B
Innominate Victory - Lightning Innominate Victory - Lightning Health B
Heavy War Axe - Earth Heavy War Axe - Earth Health B
Guardian's Sword - Great Gale Guardian's Sword - Great Gale Health B
Dismantler - Great Gale Dismantler - Great Gale Health B
Deadman's Glory - Landslide Deadman's Glory - Landslide Health B
Star Buster - Great Gale Star Buster - Great Gale Health B
Art of Battle Axe - Landslide Art of Battle Axe - Landslide Health B
Common Item - Sword of Revolution*Sword of Revolution Common Item - Sword of Revolution*Sword of Revolution C
Common Item - Sword of Revolution*Sword of Revolution Common Item - Sword of Revolution*Sword of Revolution C
Common Item - Stormbringer*Katana Common Item - Stormbringer*Katana C
Common Item - Stormbringer*Katana Common Item - Stormbringer*Katana C
Common Item - Shamshir*Spirit Sword Common Item - Shamshir*Spirit Sword C
Common Item - Shamshir*Spirit Sword Common Item - Shamshir*Spirit Sword C
Common Item - Spirit Sword*Spirit Sword Common Item - Spirit Sword*Spirit Sword C
Common Item - Spirit Sword*Spirit Sword Common Item - Spirit Sword*Spirit Sword C
Common Item - Stormbringer*Sword of Delusion Common Item - Stormbringer*Sword of Delusion B
Common Item - Stormbringer*Sword of Delusion Common Item - Stormbringer*Sword of Delusion B
Common Item - Raid Sword*Sword of Delusion Common Item - Raid Sword*Sword of Delusion B
Common Item - Raid Sword*Sword of Delusion Common Item - Raid Sword*Sword of Delusion B
Common Item - Shamshir*Sword of Delusion Common Item - Shamshir*Sword of Delusion B
Common Item - Shamshir*Sword of Delusion Common Item - Shamshir*Sword of Delusion B
Common Item - Spirit Sword*Sword of Delusion Common Item - Spirit Sword*Sword of Delusion B
Common Item - Spirit Sword*Sword of Delusion Common Item - Spirit Sword*Sword of Delusion B
Common Item - Katana*Sword of Delusion Common Item - Katana*Sword of Delusion B
Common Item - Katana*Sword of Delusion Common Item - Katana*Sword of Delusion B
Common Item - Ultimate Sword*Sword of Delusion Common Item - Ultimate Sword*Sword of Delusion B
Common Item - Ultimate Sword*Sword of Delusion Common Item - Ultimate Sword*Sword of Delusion B
Common Item - Sword of Delusion*Tsurugi Common Item - Sword of Delusion*Tsurugi B
Common Item - Sword of Delusion*Tsurugi Common Item - Sword of Delusion*Tsurugi B
Common Item - Caliburs*Ultimate Sword Common Item - Caliburs*Ultimate Sword B
Common Item - Caliburs*Ultimate Sword Common Item - Caliburs*Ultimate Sword B
Common Item - Spirit Sword*Samurai Long Sword Common Item - Spirit Sword*Samurai Long Sword B
Common Item - Spirit Sword*Samurai Long Sword Common Item - Spirit Sword*Samurai Long Sword B
Common Item - Sword of Nightmare*Samurai Long Sword Common Item - Sword of Nightmare*Samurai Long Sword B
Common Item - Sword of Nightmare*Samurai Long Sword Common Item - Sword of Nightmare*Samurai Long Sword B
Player Commendation - Yaksa Mace Player Commendation - Yaksa Mace PC-exclusive Weapon C
Player Commendation - Art of Battle Axe Player Commendation - Art of Battle Axe PC-exclusive Weapon B
Player Commendation - Guardian's Sword Player Commendation - Guardian's Sword PC-exclusive Weapon B
Art of Battle Axe of Fortune Art of Battle Axe of Fortune 30-day B
Yaksa Mace of Fortune Yaksa Mace of Fortune 30-day C
Guardian's Sword of Fortune Guardian's Sword of Fortune 30-day B
Dismantler of Fortune Dismantler of Fortune 30-day B
Art of Battle Axe of Fortune Art of Battle Axe of Fortune 10-day B
Yaksa Mace of Fortune Yaksa Mace of Fortune 10-day C
Guardian's Sword of Fortune Guardian's Sword of Fortune 10-day B
Dismantler of Fortune Dismantler of Fortune 10-day B
Art of Battle Axe of Fortune Art of Battle Axe of Fortune 90-day B
Yaksa Mace of Fortune Yaksa Mace of Fortune 90-day C
Guardian's Sword of Fortune Guardian's Sword of Fortune 90-day B
Dismantler of Fortune Dismantler of Fortune 90-day B
Bound Sword of Revolution*Sword of Revolution Bound Sword of Revolution*Sword of Revolution C
Bound Sword of Revolution*Sword of Revolution Bound Sword of Revolution*Sword of Revolution C
Bound Heavy War Axe - Health Bound Heavy War Axe - Health B
Bound Big Hammer - Health Bound Big Hammer - Health C
Bound Immortal Edge - Health Bound Immortal Edge - Health C
Bound War Axe - Health Bound War Axe - Health C
Bound Yaksa Mace - Health Bound Yaksa Mace - Health C
Bound Sword of Nightmare - Health Bound Sword of Nightmare - Health C
Bound Art of Battle Axe - Health Bound Art of Battle Axe - Health B
Bound Spirit Sword*Spirit Sword Bound Spirit Sword*Spirit Sword C
Bound Spirit Sword*Spirit Sword Bound Spirit Sword*Spirit Sword C
Bound Stormbringer*Katana Bound Stormbringer*Katana C
Bound Stormbringer*Katana Bound Stormbringer*Katana C
Bound Star Buster - Health Bound Star Buster - Health B
Bound Skull Graver - Health Bound Skull Graver - Health C
Bound Pa'agrian Sword - Health Bound Pa'agrian Sword - Health C
Bound Shamshir*Spirit Sword Bound Shamshir*Spirit Sword C
Bound Shamshir*Spirit Sword Bound Shamshir*Spirit Sword C
Bound Deadman's Glory - Health Bound Deadman's Glory - Health B
Bound Blinzlasher - Health Bound Blinzlasher - Health C
Bound Blinzlasher - Health Bound Blinzlasher - Health C
Bound Blinzlasher - Health Bound Blinzlasher - Health C
Bound Sword of Delusion - Health Bound Sword of Delusion - Health C
Bound Dismantler - Health Bound Dismantler - Health B
Bound Dwarven Hammer - Health Bound Dwarven Hammer - Health C
Bound Dwarven War Hammer - Health Bound Dwarven War Hammer - Health C
Bound Innominate Victory - Health Bound Innominate Victory - Health B
Bound Ultimate Sword - Health Bound Ultimate Sword - Health C
Bound Great Sword - Health Bound Great Sword - Health B
Bound Guardian's Sword - Health Bound Guardian's Sword - Health B
Fantasy Sword of Revolution*Sword of Revolution Fantasy Sword of Revolution*Sword of Revolution Not in Use C
Fantasy Sword of Revolution*Sword of Revolution Fantasy Sword of Revolution*Sword of Revolution Not in Use C
Yaksa Mace of Destiny (Fire) - Health Yaksa Mace of Destiny (Fire) - Health C
Yaksa Mace of Destiny (Water) - Health Yaksa Mace of Destiny (Water) - Health C
Yaksa Mace of Destiny (Wind) - Health Yaksa Mace of Destiny (Wind) - Health C
Yaksa Mace of Destiny (Earth) - Health Yaksa Mace of Destiny (Earth) - Health C
Yaksa Mace of Destiny (Holy) - Health Yaksa Mace of Destiny (Holy) - Health C
Yaksa Mace of Destiny (Dark) - Health Yaksa Mace of Destiny (Dark) - Health C
Guardian's Sword of Destiny (Fire) - Health Guardian's Sword of Destiny (Fire) - Health B
Dismantler of Destiny (Fire) - Health Dismantler of Destiny (Fire) - Health B
Deadman's Glory of Destiny (Fire) - Health Deadman's Glory of Destiny (Fire) - Health B
Guardian's Sword of Destiny (Water) - Health Guardian's Sword of Destiny (Water) - Health B
Dismantler of Destiny (Water) - Health Dismantler of Destiny (Water) - Health B
Deadman's Glory of Destiny (Water) - Health Deadman's Glory of Destiny (Water) - Health B
Guardian's Sword of Destiny (Wind) - Health Guardian's Sword of Destiny (Wind) - Health B
Dismantler of Destiny (Wind) - Health Dismantler of Destiny (Wind) - Health B
Deadman's Glory of Destiny (Wind) - Health Deadman's Glory of Destiny (Wind) - Health B
Guardian's Sword of Destiny (Earth) - Health Guardian's Sword of Destiny (Earth) - Health B
Dismantler of Destiny (Earth) - Health Dismantler of Destiny (Earth) - Health B
Deadman's Glory of Destiny (Earth) - Health Deadman's Glory of Destiny (Earth) - Health B
Guardian's Sword of Destiny (Holy) - Health Guardian's Sword of Destiny (Holy) - Health B
Dismantler of Destiny (Holy) - Health Dismantler of Destiny (Holy) - Health B
Deadman's Glory of Destiny (Holy) - Health Deadman's Glory of Destiny (Holy) - Health B
Guardian's Sword of Destiny (Dark) - Health Guardian's Sword of Destiny (Dark) - Health B
Dismantler of Destiny (Dark) - Health Dismantler of Destiny (Dark) - Health B
Deadman's Glory of Destiny (Dark) - Health Deadman's Glory of Destiny (Dark) - Health B
Player Commendation - Yaksa Mace (Earth) - Health Player Commendation - Yaksa Mace (Earth) - Health PC-exclusive C
Player Commendation - Yaksa Mace (Water) - Health Player Commendation - Yaksa Mace (Water) - Health PC-exclusive C
Player Commendation - Yaksa Mace (Wind) - Health Player Commendation - Yaksa Mace (Wind) - Health PC-exclusive C
Player Commendation - Yaksa Mace (Fire) - Health Player Commendation - Yaksa Mace (Fire) - Health PC-exclusive C
Player Commendation - Yaksa Mace (Holy) - Health Player Commendation - Yaksa Mace (Holy) - Health PC-exclusive C
Player Commendation - Yaksa Mace (Dark) - Health Player Commendation - Yaksa Mace (Dark) - Health PC-exclusive C
Player Commendation - Guardian's Sword (Earth) - Health Player Commendation - Guardian's Sword (Earth) - Health PC-exclusive B
Player Commendation - Guardian's Sword (Water) - Health Player Commendation - Guardian's Sword (Water) - Health PC-exclusive B
Player Commendation - Guardian's Sword (Wind) - Health Player Commendation - Guardian's Sword (Wind) - Health PC-exclusive B
Player Commendation - Guardian's Sword (Fire) - Health Player Commendation - Guardian's Sword (Fire) - Health PC-exclusive B
Player Commendation - Guardian's Sword (Holy) - Health Player Commendation - Guardian's Sword (Holy) - Health PC-exclusive B
Player Commendation - Guardian's Sword (Dark) - Health Player Commendation - Guardian's Sword (Dark) - Health PC-exclusive B
Player Commendation - Dismantler (Earth) - Health Player Commendation - Dismantler (Earth) - Health PC-exclusive B
Player Commendation - Dismantler (Water) - Health Player Commendation - Dismantler (Water) - Health PC-exclusive B
Player Commendation - Dismantler (Wind) - Health Player Commendation - Dismantler (Wind) - Health PC-exclusive B
Player Commendation - Dismantler (Fire) - Health Player Commendation - Dismantler (Fire) - Health PC-exclusive B
Player Commendation - Dismantler (Holy) - Health Player Commendation - Dismantler (Holy) - Health PC-exclusive B
Player Commendation - Dismantler (Dark) - Health Player Commendation - Dismantler (Dark) - Health PC-exclusive B
Player Commendation - Deadman's Glory (Earth) - Health Player Commendation - Deadman's Glory (Earth) - Health PC-exclusive B
Player Commendation - Deadman's Glory (Water) - Health Player Commendation - Deadman's Glory (Water) - Health PC-exclusive B
Player Commendation - Deadman's Glory (Wind) - Health Player Commendation - Deadman's Glory (Wind) - Health PC-exclusive B
Player Commendation - Deadman's Glory (Fire) - Health Player Commendation - Deadman's Glory (Fire) - Health PC-exclusive B
Player Commendation - Deadman's Glory (Holy) - Health Player Commendation - Deadman's Glory (Holy) - Health PC-exclusive B
Player Commendation - Deadman's Glory (Dark) - Health Player Commendation - Deadman's Glory (Dark) - Health PC-exclusive B
Steel Yaksa Mace Steel Yaksa Mace C