ArchAngel's Box of Grace ArchAngel's Box of Grace Lv. 2

Double-click the box to obtain one of the very rare items at random.

Type Active (attack)
Uses 0 MP , Archangel's Box of Grace Archangel's Box of Grace, 1 pcs
Cooldown Time 0 sec.
Can it be used at the Olympiad? No
Trait trait_none
Angel's Fortune Box Angel's Fortune Box Lv. 1 Double-click to obtain 30 Shining Magic Baits. Either ArchAngel's Box of Grace or Nevit's Blessing Box is available to get with a random chance.
ArchAngel's Box of Grace ArchAngel's Box of Grace Lv. 2 [selected] Double-click the box to obtain one of the very rare items at random.
Nevit's Blessing Box Nevit's Blessing Box Lv. 3 Double-click the box to obtain one of the very rare items at random.