Helios Helios Lv. 2

Emperor of the Giant Empire, during the Ancient Age of Giants. He was responsible for the golden age. In his heyday, Helios was so powerful that even the gods had to be careful around him, and he ruled as master of the Material Realm. He is the creator of the Grail, and the Grail itself.

Type Passive
Ramona Ramona Lv. 1 Both the wife of Emperor Helios and a great wizard in her own right. On the day the Giants' age came to an end, she fell into a deep sleep with Helios from which she has been awakened. She controls the Fortress Superion on behalf of Helios.
Helios Helios Lv. 2 [selected] Emperor of the Giant Empire, during the Ancient Age of Giants. He was responsible for the golden age. In his heyday, Helios was so powerful that even the gods had to be careful around him, and he ruled as master of the Material Realm. He is the creator of the Grail, and the Grail itself.
Helios Helios Lv. 3 An emperor of the Giants who ruled in the ancient age of the Giants. He had possessed great power, but now, besieged by attacks of warriors of the Aden Continent, he is no longer the terror that he once was.