Party Resurrection Party Resurrection Lv. 2

Resurrects every party member who died near you and recovers 90% XP. Skill Cooldown time is fixed.

Type Active (attack)
Uses 261 MP
Cooldown Time 600 sec.
Can it be used at the Olympiad? No
Trait trait_none
Available for class-179 Lv. 93, class-180 Lv. 93, class-181 Lv. 93
Party Resurrection Party Resurrection Lv. 1 Resurrects every party member who died near you and recovers 80% XP. Skill Cooldown time is fixed.
Party Resurrection Party Resurrection Lv. 2 [selected] Resurrects every party member who died near you and recovers 90% XP. Skill Cooldown time is fixed.
Party Resurrection Party Resurrection Lv. 3 Resurrects every party member and clan member who died near you and recovers 100% XP. Skill Cooldown time is fixed.