Clone Attack Clone Attack Lv. 2

Hides inside the target's shadow and summons a clone to attack. Requires dagger/dual dagger. Skill Cooldown time is fixed.

Type Active (attack)
Uses 82 MP
Cooldown Time 180 sec.
Can it be used at the Olympiad? Yes
Trait trait_none
Range of use 400 (900)
Available for class-158 Lv. 95, class-159 Lv. 95, class-160 Lv. 95, class-161 Lv. 95
Clone Attack Clone Attack Lv. 1 Hides inside the target's shadow and summons a clone to attack. Requires dagger/dual dagger. Skill Cooldown time is fixed.
Clone Attack Clone Attack Lv. 2 [selected] Hides inside the target's shadow and summons a clone to attack. Requires dagger/dual dagger. Skill Cooldown time is fixed.
Clone Attack Clone Attack Lv. 3 Hides inside the target's shadow and summons a clone to attack. Requires dagger/dual dagger. Skill Cooldown time is fixed.
Clone Attack Clone Attack Lv. 4 Hides inside the target's shadow and summons a clone to attack. Requires dagger/dual dagger. Skill Cooldown time is fixed.
Clone Attack Clone Attack Lv. 5 Hides inside the target's shadow and summons a clone to attack. Requires dagger/dual dagger. Skill Cooldown time is fixed.
Clone Attack Clone Attack Lv. 6 Hides inside the target's shadow and summons a clone to attack. Requires dagger/dual dagger. Skill Cooldown time is fixed.
Clone Attack Clone Attack Lv. 7 Hides inside the target's shadow and summons a clone to attack. Requires dagger/dual dagger. Skill Cooldown time is fixed.
Clone Attack Clone Attack Lv. 8 Hides inside the target's shadow and summons a clone to attack. Requires dagger/dual dagger. Skill Cooldown time is fixed.
Clone Attack Clone Attack Lv. 9 Hides inside the target's shadow and summons a clone to attack. Requires dagger/dual dagger. Skill Cooldown time is fixed.