Supply Check

With Kamael Island now open to the public, Zerstorer Marcela is extremely busy. Fetch supply manifests from each shop for her to help ensure the Kamael advance force is adequately supplied.

Start NPC
Kamael Marcela Zerstorer
1: Warehouse Manifest
Help Marcela, who oversees the supply of the advance force stationed outside the island, collect supply reports from each shop. Go to the Warehouse first.

2: Warehouse Manifest Acquired
You have obtained the Warehouse Manifest. Return to Marcela.

3: Grocery Store Manifest
Go to the Grocery Store next.

4: Grocery Store Manifest Acquired
You have obtained the Grocery Store Manifest. Return to Marcela.

5: Weapons Shop Manifest
Go to the Weapons Shop.

6: Weapons Shop Manifest Acquired
You have obtained the Weapons Shop Manifest. Return to Marcela.

7: Current Supply Report
Submit Marcela's Report to Vice Hierarch Casca.

8: Vice Hierarch Subordinates
The report has been delivered safely to Vice Hierarch Casca. Casca has complemented Marcela's work. Return to Marcela.