Supply Check

Hierarch Zenya on the Isle of Souls encourages you to explore the world around you.

Start NPC
Kamael Marcela Zerstorer
1: Warehouse Manifest
Help Marcela, who oversees the supply of the advance force stationed outside the island, collect supply reports from each shop. Go to the Warehouse first.

2: Warehouse Manifest Acquired
You have obtained the Warehouse Manifest. Return to Marcela.

3: Grocery Store Manifest
Go to the Grocery Store next.

4: Grocery Store Manifest Acquired
You have obtained the Grocery Store Manifest. Return to Marcela.

5: Weapons Shop Manifest
Go to the Weapons Shop.

6: Weapons Shop Manifest Acquired
You have obtained the Weapons Shop Manifest. Return to Marcela.

7: Current Supply Report
Submit Marcela's Report to Vice Hierarch Casca.

8: Vice Hierarch Subordinates
The report has been delivered safely to Vice Hierarch Casca. Casca has complemented Marcela's work. Return to Marcela.