Undead Lost Captain
Level 59 Respawn Time No Respawn
HP 468 134 MP 2 236
P.Atk. 13 082 M.Atk. 10 621
P.Def. 3 240 M.Def. 3 503
Accuracy 110 Evasion 110
EXP 5 392 069 SP 645 486
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 20

Water, 20

Wind, 20

Earth, 20

Holy, 20

Unholy, 20

Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 3%
Unidentified Art of Battle Axe Unidentified Art of Battle Axe B 1 10%
Unidentified Star Buster Unidentified Star Buster B 1 10%
Unidentified Lance Unidentified Lance B 1 10%
Unidentified Sword of Damascus Unidentified Sword of Damascus B 1 10%
Unidentified Guardian Sword Unidentified Guardian Sword B 1 10%
Unidentified Demon's Dagger Unidentified Demon's Dagger B 1 10%
Unidentified Bow of Peril Unidentified Bow of Peril B 1 10%
Unidentified Bellion Cestus Unidentified Bellion Cestus B 1 10%
Unidentified Staff of Evil Spirits Unidentified Staff of Evil Spirits B 1 10%
Unidentified Wizard's Tear Unidentified Wizard's Tear B 1 10%
Group chance: 20%
Earring of Black Ore Earring of Black Ore B 1 - 2 34%
Ring of Black Ore Ring of Black Ore B 1 - 2 38%
Necklace of Black Ore Necklace of Black Ore B 1 28%
Group chance: 100%
Art of Battle Axe Blade Art of Battle Axe Blade NG 1 - 3 10%
Star Buster Head Star Buster Head NG 1 - 3 10%
Lance Blade Lance Blade NG 1 - 3 10%
Sword of Damascus Blade Sword of Damascus Blade NG 1 - 3 10%
Guardian Sword Blade Guardian Sword Blade NG 1 - 3 10%
Demon's Dagger Edge Demon's Dagger Edge NG 1 - 3 10%
Bow of Peril Shaft Bow of Peril Shaft NG 1 - 3 10%
Bellion Cestus Edge Bellion Cestus Edge NG 1 - 3 10%
Evil Spirit Head Evil Spirit Head NG 1 - 3 10%
Blade of the Wizard's Tear Blade of the Wizard's Tear NG 1 - 3 10%
Group chance: 100%
Art of Battle Axe Blade Art of Battle Axe Blade NG 1 - 3 10%
Star Buster Head Star Buster Head NG 1 - 3 10%
Lance Blade Lance Blade NG 1 - 3 10%
Sword of Damascus Blade Sword of Damascus Blade NG 1 - 3 10%
Guardian Sword Blade Guardian Sword Blade NG 1 - 3 10%
Demon's Dagger Edge Demon's Dagger Edge NG 1 - 3 10%
Bow of Peril Shaft Bow of Peril Shaft NG 1 - 3 10%
Bellion Cestus Edge Bellion Cestus Edge NG 1 - 3 10%
Evil Spirit Head Evil Spirit Head NG 1 - 3 10%
Blade of the Wizard's Tear Blade of the Wizard's Tear NG 1 - 3 10%
Group chance: 100%
Art of Battle Axe Blade Art of Battle Axe Blade NG 1 - 3 10%
Star Buster Head Star Buster Head NG 1 - 3 10%
Lance Blade Lance Blade NG 1 - 3 10%
Sword of Damascus Blade Sword of Damascus Blade NG 1 - 3 10%
Guardian Sword Blade Guardian Sword Blade NG 1 - 3 10%
Demon's Dagger Edge Demon's Dagger Edge NG 1 - 3 10%
Bow of Peril Shaft Bow of Peril Shaft NG 1 - 3 10%
Bellion Cestus Edge Bellion Cestus Edge NG 1 - 3 10%
Evil Spirit Head Evil Spirit Head NG 1 - 3 10%
Blade of the Wizard's Tear Blade of the Wizard's Tear NG 1 - 3 10%
Group chance: 100%
Art of Battle Axe Blade Art of Battle Axe Blade NG 1 - 3 10%
Star Buster Head Star Buster Head NG 1 - 3 10%
Lance Blade Lance Blade NG 1 - 3 10%
Sword of Damascus Blade Sword of Damascus Blade NG 1 - 3 10%
Guardian Sword Blade Guardian Sword Blade NG 1 - 3 10%
Demon's Dagger Edge Demon's Dagger Edge NG 1 - 3 10%
Bow of Peril Shaft Bow of Peril Shaft NG 1 - 3 10%
Bellion Cestus Edge Bellion Cestus Edge NG 1 - 3 10%
Evil Spirit Head Evil Spirit Head NG 1 - 3 10%
Blade of the Wizard's Tear Blade of the Wizard's Tear NG 1 - 3 10%
Group chance: 100%
Art of Battle Axe Blade Art of Battle Axe Blade NG 1 - 3 10%
Star Buster Head Star Buster Head NG 1 - 3 10%
Lance Blade Lance Blade NG 1 - 3 10%
Sword of Damascus Blade Sword of Damascus Blade NG 1 - 3 10%
Guardian Sword Blade Guardian Sword Blade NG 1 - 3 10%
Demon's Dagger Edge Demon's Dagger Edge NG 1 - 3 10%
Bow of Peril Shaft Bow of Peril Shaft NG 1 - 3 10%
Bellion Cestus Edge Bellion Cestus Edge NG 1 - 3 10%
Evil Spirit Head Evil Spirit Head NG 1 - 3 10%
Blade of the Wizard's Tear Blade of the Wizard's Tear NG 1 - 3 10%
Group chance: 100%
Necklace of Black Ore Beads Necklace of Black Ore Beads NG 1 - 3 28%
Earring of Black Ore Piece Earring of Black Ore Piece NG 1 - 6 34%
Ring of Black Ore Gemstone Ring of Black Ore Gemstone NG 4 - 7 38%
Group chance: 100%
Necklace of Black Ore Beads Necklace of Black Ore Beads NG 2 - 4 28%
Earring of Black Ore Piece Earring of Black Ore Piece NG 2 - 5 34%
Ring of Black Ore Gemstone Ring of Black Ore Gemstone NG 3 - 6 38%
Group chance: 100%
Necklace of Black Ore Beads Necklace of Black Ore Beads NG 3 - 5 28%
Earring of Black Ore Piece Earring of Black Ore Piece NG 3 - 7 34%
Ring of Black Ore Gemstone Ring of Black Ore Gemstone NG 2 - 5 38%
Group chance: 100%
Necklace of Black Ore Beads Necklace of Black Ore Beads NG 2 - 5 28%
Earring of Black Ore Piece Earring of Black Ore Piece NG 2 - 6 34%
Ring of Black Ore Gemstone Ring of Black Ore Gemstone NG 3 - 8 38%
Group chance: 100%
Necklace of Black Ore Beads Necklace of Black Ore Beads NG 1 - 5 28%
Earring of Black Ore Piece Earring of Black Ore Piece NG 1 - 7 34%
Ring of Black Ore Gemstone Ring of Black Ore Gemstone NG 4 - 7 38%
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