Dragon Valakas Fire Dragon
Level 85 Respawn Time Fixed
HP 93 455 460 MP 4 497 143
P.Atk. 49 096 M.Atk. 85 285
P.Def. 6 630 M.Def. 3 992
Accuracy 158 Evasion 158
EXP 296 105 065 SP 34 817 200
Attack Attribute Fire, 370 Defence Attribute

Fire, 370

Water, 250

Wind, 300

Earth, 300

Holy, 300

Unholy, 300

Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 100%
Ancient Book: Divine Inspiration (Manuscript) Ancient Book: Divine Inspiration (Manuscript) NG 10 - 30 50%
Sealed Holy Spirit's Cloak Sealed Holy Spirit's Cloak S84 1 - 2 50%
Group chance: 70%
Vigwik Axe Vigwik Axe S84 1 9.1%
Devilish Maul Devilish Maul S84 1 9.09%
Feather Eye Blade Feather Eye Blade S84 1 9.09%
Octo Claw Octo Claw S84 1 9.09%
Doubletop Spear Doubletop Spear S84 1 9.09%
Rising Star Rising Star S84 1 9.09%
Black Visage Black Visage S84 1 9.09%
Veniplant Sword Veniplant Sword S84 1 9.09%
Skull Carnium Bow Skull Carnium Bow S84 1 9.09%
Periel Sword Periel Sword S84 1 9.09%
Skull Edge Skull Edge S84 1 9.09%
Group chance: 49.995%
Eternal Core Sword Eternal Core Sword S84 1 9.0909%
Mamba Edge Mamba Edge S84 1 9.0909%
Eversor Mace Eversor Mace S84 1 9.0909%
Contristo Hammer Contristo Hammer S84 1 9.0909%
Lava Saw Lava Saw S84 1 9.0909%
Jade Claw Jade Claw S84 1 9.0909%
Demitelum Demitelum S84 1 9.0909%
Sacredium Sacredium S84 1 9.0909%
Cyclic Cane Cyclic Cane S84 1 9.0909%
Archangel Sword Archangel Sword S84 1 9.0909%
Recurve Thorne Bow Recurve Thorne Bow S84 1 9.0909%
Group chance: 90.9%
Sealed Vorpal Leather Helmet Sealed Vorpal Leather Helmet S84 1 10%
Sealed Vorpal Circlet Sealed Vorpal Circlet S84 1 10%
Sealed Vorpal Gauntlet Sealed Vorpal Gauntlet S84 1 10%
Sealed Vorpal Leather Gloves Sealed Vorpal Leather Gloves S84 1 10%
Sealed Vorpal Gloves Sealed Vorpal Gloves S84 1 10%
Sealed Vorpal Boots Sealed Vorpal Boots S84 1 10%
Sealed Vorpal Leather Boots Sealed Vorpal Leather Boots S84 1 10%
Sealed Vorpal Shoes Sealed Vorpal Shoes S84 1 10%
Sealed Vorpal Shield Sealed Vorpal Shield S84 1 10%
Sealed Vorpal Sigil Sealed Vorpal Sigil S84 1 10%
Group chance: 100%
Sealed Vorpal Breastplate Sealed Vorpal Breastplate S84 1 16.66%
Sealed Vorpal Leather Breastplate Sealed Vorpal Leather Breastplate S84 1 16.66%
Sealed Vorpal Tunic Sealed Vorpal Tunic S84 1 16.66%
Sealed Vorpal Gaiter Sealed Vorpal Gaiter S84 1 16.7%
Sealed Vorpal Leather Legging Sealed Vorpal Leather Legging S84 1 16.66%
Sealed Vorpal Stockings Sealed Vorpal Stockings S84 1 16.66%
Group chance: 50%
Sealed Vorpal Ring Sealed Vorpal Ring S84 1 33.4%
Sealed Vorpal Earring Sealed Vorpal Earring S84 1 33.3%
Sealed Vorpal Necklace Sealed Vorpal Necklace S84 1 33.3%
Group chance: 100%
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade) Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade) NG 1 - 19 100%
Group chance: 100%
Blessed Scroll of Escape Blessed Scroll of Escape NG 1 - 59 100%
Group chance: 100%
Blessed Scroll of Resurrection Blessed Scroll of Resurrection NG 1 - 39 100%
Group chance: 100%
Adena Adena NG 14000000 - 18000000 100%
Group chance: 100%
Adena Adena NG 2000000 - 6000000 100%
Group chance: 100%
High-Grade Life Stone -  Level 85 High-Grade Life Stone - Level 85 NG 2 - 4 45%
High-Grade Life Stone -  Level 86 High-Grade Life Stone - Level 86 NG 2 - 4 40%
Top-Grade Life Stone -  Level 85 Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 85 NG 1 - 2 10%
Top-Grade Life Stone -  Level 86 Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 86 NG 1 - 2 5%
Group chance: 100%
Necklace of Valakas Necklace of Valakas S 1 100%
Group chance: 9.1%
Sealed Vorpal Helmet Sealed Vorpal Helmet S84 1 100%
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