Level | 55 | Respawn Time | 1m. 22s. |
HP | 2 643 | MP | 1 086 |
P.Atk. | 671 | M.Atk. | 361 |
P.Def. | 328 | M.Def. | 262 |
Accuracy | 88 | Evasion | 88 |
EXP | 24 143 | SP | 2 338 |
Attack Attribute | Unholy, 20 | Defence Attribute |
Fire, 20 Water, 20 Wind, 20 Earth, 20 Holy, -34 Unholy, 184 |
Item | Amount | Chance |
Group chance: 38.0326% | ||
Recipe: Avadon Robe (100%) NG | 1 | 0.3454% |
Life Stone - Level 55 NG | 1 | 1.8231% |
Mid-Grade Life Stone - Level 55 NG | 1 | 0.4558% |
High-Grade Life Stone - Level 55 NG | 1 | 0.0456% |
Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 55 NG | 1 | 0.009% |
Item | Amount | Chance |
Mithril Ore NG | 1 - 3 | 81.1236% |
Ring of Seal Gemstone NG | 1 | 46.596% |
Recipe: Tunic of Zubei (100%) NG | 1 | 5.2002% |
Skill |
Demons |
HP Increase (6x) |
MP Increase (1x) |
Average P. Atk. |
Average M. Atk. |
Average P. Def. |
Average M. Def. |
Standard Type |
One-handed Sword |
Resist Sleep Attacks |