Humanoid Hames Orc Scout
Level 68 Respawn Time 35s.
± 7s.
HP 3 707 MP 1 580
P.Atk. 1 124 M.Atk. 784
P.Def. 408 M.Def. 388
Accuracy 101 Evasion 101
EXP 8 082 SP 781
Attack Attribute No Attack Attribute Defence Attribute

Fire, 20

Water, 20

Wind, 53

Earth, 20

Holy, 20

Unholy, 20

Item Amount Chance
Group chance: 1%
Herb of the Mystic Herb of the Mystic NG 1 33%
Herb of Recovery Herb of Recovery NG 1 34%
Group chance: 55.3073%
Waking Scroll Waking Scroll NG 1 36.6813%
Asofe Asofe NG 1 0.9171%
Mold Glue Mold Glue NG 1 0.9171%
Oriharukon Ore Oriharukon Ore NG 1 1.8342%
Coal Coal NG 1 27.5103%
Varnish Varnish NG 1 27.5103%
Recipe: Soulshot (A-Grade) Recipe: Soulshot (A-Grade) NG 1 0.0368%
Universal Chest Key Universal Chest Key NG 1 4.5851%
Chest with Life Stone Chest with Life Stone NG 1 0.0078%
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