Deadman's Glory Deadman's Glory B

Bestows one of the following functions: Anger, Health or Haste.

Type Blunt / Weapon
P.Atk. 194
M.Atk. 99
Soul/Spirit Shots Consumption 1 / 1
Selling price NPC 5.045.700 аден
Weight 1600
Шанс Физ. Крит. Атк. 4
Accuracy 5
Can it be enchanted? Yes
Can it be used at the Olympiad? Yes
Restrictions Private warehouse Clan warehouse Transfer by account
Trade Drop Private Store
Модификация Кристаллизация Неуд. модификация
+0 1346 1346
+1 1413 740
+2 1480 807
+3 1547 874
+4 1681 1008
+5 1815 1142
+6 1949 1276
+7 2083 1410
+8 2217 1544
+9 2351 1678
+10 2485 1812
+11 2619 1946
+12 2753 2080