Common Item - Elemental Sword Common Item - Elemental Sword A

Elemental Sword with limited enhancement options. Enchantment, soul storing and refining are impossible.

Type Sword / Weapon
P.Atk. 170
M.Atk. 143
Soul/Spirit Shots Consumption 1 / 1
Selling price NPC 363.250 аден
Weight 277
Шанс Физ. Крит. Атк. 8
Restrictions Private warehouse Clan warehouse Transfer by account
Trade Drop Private Store
Модификация Кристаллизация Неуд. модификация
+0 58 58
+1 203 174
+2 348 319
+3 493 464
+4 783 754
+5 1073 1044
+6 1363 1334
+7 1653 1624
+8 1943 1914
+9 2233 2204
+10 2523 2494
+11 2813 2784
+12 3103 3074