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Physical skills
Triple Slash
Triple Slash Triple Slash
Attacks the enemy with 517 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword. Over-hit and Critical hit are possible. Ignores Shield Defense.
Double Sonic Slash
Double Sonic Slash Double Sonic Slash
Supplements the user's P. Atk. with Power 918, enabling a powerful sword stroke once the weapon's energy has been recharged. Requires a dualsword weapon whose 3rd energy stage has been recharged. Over-hit and critical hit are possible.
Sonic Blaster
Sonic Blaster Sonic Blaster
Supplements the user's P. Atk. with 369 Power in a deadly blast of force from the sword once the weapon's energy has been recharged. Requires a dualsword, sword or blunt weapon whose 2nd energy stage has been recharged. Over-hit and critical hit are possible.
Sonic Storm
Sonic Storm Sonic Storm
Supplements the user's P. Atk. with 155 Power in a deadly energy storm. Requires a sword, blunt weapon or dualsword weapon whose 2nd energy stage has been recharged. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Over-hit and critical hit are possible.
Sonic Focus
Sonic Focus Sonic Focus
Channels force energy for use with other Sonic skills. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dualsword weapon. Force energy will disperse after 10 minutes of non-use. Can be charged up to level 1.
Sonic Buster
Sonic Buster Sonic Buster
Supplements the user's P. Atk. with 111 Power in a powerful burst of energy. Requires a sword, blunt weapon or dualsword weapon whose 2nd energy stage has been recharged. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. Over-hit and critical hit are possible.
Stun Attack
Stun Attack Stun Attack
Supplements the user's P. Atk. with 36 Power to stun the enemy for 9 seconds. Requires a blunt weapon. Over-hit is possible.
Fatal Strike
Fatal Strike Fatal Strike
Attacks the enemy with 738 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Over-hit and Critical hit are possible. Ignores Shield Defense.
Wild Sweep
Wild Sweep Wild Sweep
Attacks multiple enemies simultaneously with 108 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a polearm. Over-hit is possible.
Power Smash
Power Smash Power Smash
Supplements the user's P. Atk. with 90 Power to inflict a powerful blow. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Over-hit is possible.
Hammer Crush
Hammer Crush Hammer Crush
Attacks the enemy with 487 Power added to P. Atk. and inflicts Shock for 9 seconds. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible.
Triple Sonic Slash
Triple Sonic Slash Triple Sonic Slash
Attacks the enemy with rapid three slashes with 1948 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword. Over-hit is possible. Need to recharge 4th stage of Sword Energy. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible.
Sonic Rage
Sonic Rage Sonic Rage
Attacks the enemy with a devastating burst of energy. Requires a dualsword. Possible up to stage 8. Over-hit and critical hit are possible.
Braveheart Braveheart
Increases combat spirit to recover CP by 1000.
Symbol of Energy
Symbol of Energy Symbol of Energy
Creates a seal that increases P. Atk. and spiritual energy of nearby allies. The seal's effect disappears upon leaving the area. Consumes 1 Battle Symbol.
Rush Rush
Charges toward the enemy. Cannot be used when a bow/crossbow is equipped.
Rush Impact
Rush Impact Rush Impact
Rushes forward to attack the enemies in front with 4224 Power added to P. Atk. and inflicts Shock for 9 seconds. Cannot be used when a bow/crossbow is equipped.
Reinforcement skills
Weaken skills
Toggle skills