MW Season 5
MW Season 5
Begin to play
Phoenix Knight
Dark Avenger
Hell Knight
Treasure Hunter
Arcana Lord
Elven Fighter
Elven Knight
Temple Knight
Eva's Templar
Sword Muse
Elven Scout
Plains Walker
Wind Rider
Silver Ranger
Moonlight Sentinel
Elven Mage
Elven Wizard
Mystic Muse
Elemental Summoner
Elemental Master
Elven Oracle
Elven Elder
Eva's Saint
Dark Elf
Dark Fighter
Palus Knight
Shillien Knight
Shillien Templar
Spectral Dancer
Abyss Walker
Ghost Hunter
Phantom Ranger
Ghost Sentinel
Dark Mage
Dark Wizard
Storm Screamer
Phantom Summoner
Spectral Master
Shillien Oracle
Shillien Elder
Shillien Saint
Orc Fighter
Orc Raider
Orc Monk
Grand Khavatari
Orc Mage
Orc Shaman
Doom Cryer
Dwarven Fighter
Bounty Hunter
Fortune Seeker
Dwarven Mystic
Tectonic Sage
Kamael Soldier
Soul Breaker (M)
Soul Hound (M)
Kamael Soldier
Soul Breaker (F)
Soul Hound (F)
Grand Khavatari
...скоро здесь будет описание!
MW Season 5
By levels
All skills
Season (Fire/Water)
Official servers
Gracia Final
High Five
Physical skills
Power Strike
Delivers a powerful blow that strikes the target with 30 Power added to P. Atk.
Over-hit is possible.
Force Burst
Supplements the user's P. Atk. with 129 Power in a powerful burst of energy.
Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.
Iron Punch
Attacks an enemy with 34 Power added to P. Atk.
Over-hit is possible.
Force Storm
Supplements the user's P. Atk. with 181 Power in a powerful indirect energy blast.
Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.
Focused Force
Channels force energy when using a hand-to-hand and blunt weapon. Can be charged up to Level 1.
Force Blaster
Discharges a powerful energy beam at an enemy with 143 Power added to P. Atk.
Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.
Punch of Doom
Inflicts great damage with 4580 Power on the opponent with iron-fist.
Ignores Shield Defence. Over-hit. Critical
Stunning Fist
Attacks an enemy with 45 Power added to P. Atk. and stuns them.
Over-hit is possible.
Burning Fist
Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 517 Power added to P. Atk.
Ignores Shield Defence.
Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.
Hurricane Assault
Supplements the user's P. Atk. with 501 Power to strike the target with rapid consecutive strikes.
Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.
Ignores Shield Defence.
Raging Force
Attacks the enemy with a devastating burst of energy of wind. Possible up to stage 4.
Over-hit and Сritical hit are possible.
Symbol of Energy
Creates a seal that increases power of nearby allies:
P. Atk. +20%
Physical skill MP Consumption -50%
Grants 8 Force Charges.
Break Duress
Use your spirit to escape from an immobile state.
Maximum Focus Force
Immediately increases spiritual energy to its maximum level.
Rush Impact
Rushes forward to attack the enemies in front with 4224 Power added to P. Atk. and inflicts Shock. Cannot be used when a bow/crossbow is equipped.
Orc charges toward the enemy!
Orc loses 5% Health!
Orc to beat!
Magic skills
For Olympiad
For a Mages with Cast. Spd.
Good Luck, Have Fun!
For Olympiad
For a Warriors with Atk. Spd.
Good Luck, Have Fun!
Reinforcement skills
Bear Spirit Totem
Possessed by a Bear's soul, the user's P. Atk. by 20% and Critical Damage increases by 20%, and Speed decrease by 30%.
Wolf Spirit Totem
Possessed by a Wolf's soul, the user's Speed increases by 20% and Accuracy by 3.
Ogre Spirit Totem
Becomes possessed by an Ogre's soul. Increases one's own P. Atk. by 30% and Critical Damage by 10% with Fists and P. Def. by 30% and M. Def. by 30% with all weapon types.
Puma Spirit Totem
Possessed by a Puma's soul, the user's Accuracy increases by 6 and Atk. Spd. by 20%.
Bison Spirit Totem
User is possessed by a Bison's soul.
Accuracy +6.
P. Atk. +10% when HP < 60%.
Critical Rate +100 when HP < 60%.
P. Atk. +30% when HP < 30%.
Critical Rate +300 when HP < 30%.
Rabbit Spirit Totem
Becomes possessed by a Rabbit's soul. Increases one's own Atk. Spd. by 30% with Fists. Increases Speed by 30% and Evasion by 12 with all weapon types.
Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing Resistance to de-buffs attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 10, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword, blunt weapon or spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 10%, Critical Rate by 33 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 33% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Physical Skill MP Consumption -50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%.
Dark Form
Fire Atk. Attribute +10.
Resistance to Fire +3.
Hawk Spirit Totem
Becomes possessed by a Hawk's soul. When using a hand-to-hand / blunt weapon types, increases Accuracy by 6, Critical Rate by 100, and Critical Damage by 30%.
Force Meditation
Uses chi energy to recover 60 HP and 10 MP per second. While skill is in effect, user is unable to move, and P. Def. is decreased by 80%. The effect is canceled if user is attacked.
Force Barrier
Makes user invincible against standard targets, skills and de-buffs.
Final Secret
You call upon your hidden reserves to increase your skills power and ordinary attack damage by 30% during PvP.
Weaken skills
Decreases an enemy's Speed by 20%.
Soul Breaker
Hurls an iron-fist to attack the target with 487 Power added to P. Atk. and inflicts Shock.
Ignores Shield Defence. Over-hit. Critical.
Force of Destruction
Attacks an enemy with 2200 Power added to P. Atk. and penetrates the targets with destructive energy. Over-hit and Critical are possible.
Pain for Gain
Reduces HP by 70% and limits HP recovery to no more than 20% of the maximum. Decreases Resistance to Debuff by 30%.
Item skills
Common Craft
Can read common recipe books.
Agathion Collection
Summons a Sprite to collect the essence of the Seeds of Infinity and Destruction.
Toggle skills
Fury Fists
Atk. Spd. +25%. Consumes 12 HP per second.
Increases HP Recovery Bonus by 5. While sitting, 1 MP is consumed per second.
Resistance to Paralyze +30% and Stun +30%.
Continuously consumes MP proportionately to the user's level.
Riposte Stance
Parries and returns an attack using a weapon.
Returns 30% of received standard short-range damage back to an enemy
Reflects buff/de-buff with 30% probability
Speed -10%
Atk. Spd. -20%
Accuracy -4.
Continuously consumes MP proportionately to the user's level.
War Frenzy
Increases resistance to Stun attacks by 5 and resistance to Sleep attacks by 10.
Continuously consumes MP proportionately to the user's level.
Equipment skills
Weapon Mastery
Increases P. Atk. by 8.5% and additionally by 2.
Armor Mastery
P. Def. +9 and MP Recovery Bonus by 10%.
Fist Weapon Mastery
Increases P. Atk. by 4.5 when using a hand-to-hand weapon.
Light Armor Mastery
P. Def. +1.3 and Evasion by 4, and decreases the chance of receiving Critical Damage by 15% when equipped with light armor.
Expertise D
Increases expertise in using D-grade equipment.
Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery
Increases P. Atk. by 4.5 when using a sword or blunt weapon.
Two-handed Weapon Mastery
Increases P. Atk. by 4.5 and Accuracy by 3 when using a two-handed sword or a two-handed blunt weapon.
Create Common Item
Creates level 1 common items.
Ability skills
Resistance to Sleep/ Hold/ Poison +20%.
Boost Attack Speed
Atk. Spd. +5%.
At lv 19 or lower, the user will not experience loss of Exp. and vitality points, and after-death effect upon death.
Agile Movement
Accuracy +2 and Speed by 5 when equipped with light armor.
Resistance to Hold +15%, Resistance to Sleep +15%, Resistance to Mental attacks +15%.
Resistance to Poison +10% and Resistance to Bleeding +10%.
Skill Mastery
Depending on user's STR, the re-use time resets or the duration doubles.
Protection of Rune
Increases M. Def. by 15%.
When you take damage exceeding 300, there is a 20% chance to apply 'Defensive Power' to yourself for 10 seconds. This effect can only occur once every 30 seconds.
Defensive Power:
Increases M. Def. by 1000 and Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Dark/ Holy by 20.
Protection of Elemental
Increases Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth by 20.
When you take damage exceeding 300, there is a 20% chance to apply 'Defensive Power' to yourself for 10 seconds. This effect can only occur once every 30 seconds.
Defensive Power:
Increases M. Def. by 1000 and Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Dark/ Holy by 20.
Protection of Alignment
Increases Resistance to Dark and Holy by 20.
When you take damage exceeding 300, there is a 20% chance to apply 'Defensive Power' to yourself for 10 seconds. This effect can only occur once every 30 seconds.
Defensive Power:
Increases M. Def. by 1000 and Resistance to Fire/ Water/ Wind/ Earth/ Dark/ Holy by 20.
Fighter's Will
With short-range weapon:
P. Atk.+100
Atk. Spd. +10%.
When attacking with short-range weapon, has a 3% chance:
P. Skills' Power +20%
Critical Rate +20%.
Archer's Will
Speed +4.
With bow/ crossbow:
Accuracy +8
Max. Atk. Range +50.
When attacking with bow/ crossbow, has a 3% chance:
P. Skills' Power +20%
Critical Rate +20%.
Magician's Will
M. Atk. +5%
Cast. Spd. +5%
M. Critical Rate +5%
MP Consumption -5%.
When approaching an enemy, guaranteed to decreases their Speed by 50%.
Armor Destruction
During Physical Attack you're breaking enemy's armor, decreasing enemy's Fist-weapon resist by 3%.
Occupation skills
Iron Body
Environment-related damage is decreased by 40%.
Add. skills
Master of Combat
Max CP +3%, P. Atk. +20.
Expose Weak Point
Gives flesh and takes a bone. Decreases an enemy's P. Def. by temporarily exposing his weakness when receiving an enemy's attack. Increases the critical hit rate of general attacks.
Force Mastery
Absorbs the target's energy. Energy can be absorbed with a 15% chance for regular physical attacks and 30% during a critical attack. Applies when a hand-to-hand combat weapon is equipped. Up to 1 stage of energy can be absorbed.
Divine Inspiration
Increases the number of buffs an individual can receive by 1.