MW Season 5
MW Season 5
Почати грати
Лицар Фенікса
Темний Месник
Лицар Пекла
Пожирач Душ
Лорд Аркану
Ельф Боєць
Ельф Лицар
Лицар Храму
Храмовник Єви
Співець Меча
Ельф Розвідник
Мандрівник Вітрів
Вершник Вітру
Срібний Рейнджер
Страж Місячного Сяйва
Ельф Містик
Ельф Маг
Співець Заклинань
Магістр Магії
Призивач Стихій
Майстер Стихій
Оракул Єви
Старійшина Єви
Жрець Єви
Темний Ельф
Темний Боєць
Темний Лицар
Лицар Шилен
Храмовник Шилен
Танцюрист з Лезами
Танцюрист Тіней
Мандрівник Безодні
Мисливець Тіней
Примарний Рейнджер
Страж Тіней
Темний Містик
Темний Маг
Заклинач Вітрів
Повелитель Бурі
Призивач Тіней
Майстер Тіней
Оракул Шилен
Старійшина Шилен
Жрець Шилен
Орк Боєць
Орк Рейдер
Орк Монах
Великий Каватарі
Орк Містик
Орк Шаман
Верховний Шаман
Вісник Війни
Вісник Загибелі
Гном Боєць
Мисливець за Винагородою
Шукач Фортуни
Гном Містик
Мудрець Землі
Камаель Воїн (Ч)
Посланець Загибелі
Спустошувач Душ (Ч)
Душеїд (Ч)
Камаель Воїн (Ж)
Спустошувач Душ (Ж)
Душеїд (Ж)
...скоро здесь будет описание!
High Five
По рівням
Усі вміння
Season (Fire/Water)
Офіційні сервера
Gracia Final
High Five
Фізичні вміння
Stun Attack
Supplements the user's P. Atk. with 36 Power to stun the enemy for 9 seconds. Requires a blunt weapon. Over-hit is possible.
Hammer Crush
Attacks the enemy with 487 Power added to P. Atk. and inflicts Shock for 9 seconds. Requires a blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible.
Burning Chop
Attacks the enemy with 167 Power added to P. Atk., causes burns for 10 seconds, and makes him consume 43 HP every second. Cannot be used when a bow/crossbow is equipped. Over-hit and Critical are possible.
Магічні вміння
Life Drain
Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy with with 15 Power added to M. Atk. and re-absorbs 80% of the damage as HP.
Chill Flame
Strikes the target with magical cold flame, causing loss of 27 HP per second for 15 seconds.
Blaze Quake
Ignites nearby enemies, causing loss of 58 HP per second for 15 seconds.
Aura Sink
Consumes the enemy's MP with 16 Power added to M. Atk. and addtioanlly causes loss of 8 MP per second for 15 seconds.
Frost Flame
Strikes the target with magical cold flame, causing loss of 58 HP per second for 15 seconds.
Seal of Flame
Ignites mystical flames that causes loss of 60 HP per second for 15 seconds.
Seal of Gloom
Supplements M. Atk. with 29 Power to decrease target's MP by 9 per second for 15 seconds.
Seal of Mirage
Throws nearby enemies into chaos, causing them to attack anybody randomly.
Chant of Life
Recovers 12 HP per second for all party members for 15 seconds.
Steal Essence
Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy with 52 Power added to M. Atk. Absorbs 80% of the damage as HP.
The Heart of Pa'agrio
Restores a clan member's HP with 91 Power and recovers 31 HP per second for 15 seconds.
The Honor of Pa'agrio
Restores CP of nearby clan members by 616 Power.
Ritual of Life
Restores CP by 745 Power.
Chain Heal
Recovers the target and the 10 most injured allies around the target by 30% of their Max HP. The recovery amount decreases starting from the most injured person. Requires 4 Spirit Ore.
Посилюючі вміння
Flame Chant
Increases Casting Spd. of all party members by 15% for 20 minutes.
Pa'agrian Gift
Increases P. Atk. of nearby clan members by 8% for 20 minutes.
The Wisdom of Pa'agrio
Increases Casting Spd. of nearby clan members by 15% for 20 minutes.
Blessings of Pa'agrio
Increases P. Def. of nearby clan members by 8% for 20 minutes.
Chant of Fire
Increases M. Def. of all party members by 15% for 20 minutes.
Chant of Battle
Increases P. Atk. of all party members by 8% for 20 minutes.
The Glory of Pa'agrio
Increases M. Def. of nearby clan members by 15% for 20 minutes.
Chant of Shielding
Increases P. Def. of all party members by 8% for 20 minutes.
Soul Shield
Increases P. Def. by 8% for 20 minutes.
The Vision of Pa'agrio
Increases Accuracy of nearby clan members by 2 for 20 minutes.
Shield of Pa'agrio
Increases Shield Defense of nearby clan members by 30% for 20 minutes. Effect 1.
The Tact of Pa'agrio
Increases Evasion of nearby clan members by 2 for 20 minutes.
Rage of Pa'agrio
Decreases nearby clan members' P. Def. by 5%, M. Def. by 10%, and Evasion by 2, and increases P. Atk. by 5%, M. Atk. by 10%, Atk. Spd. by 5%, Casting Spd. by 5%, and Speed by 5 for 20 minutes.
Pa'agrian Haste
Increases Speed of nearby clan members by 20 for 20 minutes.
Eye of Pa'agrio
For 20 minutes, increases nearby clan members' Accuracy by 4 and decreases the rate of being hit by a critical attack by 30%.
Soul of Pa'agrio
For 20 minutes, increases nearby clan members' M. Atk. by 75% and M. Def. by 30%.
Victory of Pa'agrio
For 5 minutes, a powerful spirit acts to increase nearby clan members' Max CP by 20%, CP recovery bonus by 20%, Max MP by 20%, Critical Rate by 20%, the power of Prominent Damage through magic damage by 20%, P. Atk. by 10%, P. Def. by 20%, Atk. Spd. by 20%, M. Atk. by 20%, M. Def. by 20%, Casting Spd. by 20%, and Resistance to de-buff by 10%. Decreases Speed by 20%. Consumes 40 Spirit Ore.
Pa'agrio's Emblem
For 5 minutes, increases nearby clan members' Resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 30% and Resistance to de-buff attacks by 20%.
Pa'agrio's Fist
Regenerates nearby clan members' CP by 800 and increases Max CP by 800 for 5 minutes. Consumes 20 Spirit Ore.
Flames of Invincibility
Calls down a blessing of flames on nearby clan members to make them invincible. Consumes 1 Magic Symbol.
Fury of Pa'agrio
Increases party or clan members' Atk. Spd. by 15% for 20 minutes.
Негативні вміння
Frightens the enemy into fleeing for 10 seconds.
Poisons the target, causing loss of 11 HP per second for 30 seconds.
Seal of Chaos
Decreases Accuracy of nearby enemies by 9 for 30 seconds.
Dreaming Spirit
Causes the enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Seal of Slow
Decreases Speed of nearby enemies by 20% for 1 minute.
Seal of Winter
Decreases Atk. Spd. of nearby enemies by 23% for 30 seconds.
Confuses the enemy into attacking random targets.
Seal of Binding
Holds nearby enemies for 30 seconds.
Seal of Poison
Poisons nearby enemies, causing loss of 14 HP per second for 30 seconds.
Seal of Silence
Blocks nearby enemies' use of magic for 1 minute.
Seal of Scourge
Blocks nearby enemies' natural HP recovery ability by 100% for 2 minutes.
Seal of Suspension
Decreases nearby enemies' physical/magic skill re-use time by 200% for 2 minutes.
Seal of Despair
For 30 seconds, decreases nearby enemies' Accuracy by 6, P. Atk. by 10%, Critical Rate by 30%, Critical Damage by 30%, Speed by 20%, M. Def. by 30%, and Atk. Spd. by 30%.
Seal of Disease
Decreases the effect of HP recovery magic received by the enemy clan member by 50% for 2 minutes.
Seal of Blockade
Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 80 Power added to user's M. Atk. and blocks ordinary attacks for 10 seconds.
Особливі вміння
Common Craft
Can read common recipe books.
Вміння що перемикаються
Arcane Power
Maximizes magic efficiency by increasing M. Atk. by 30% and MP consumption by 10%. Every second, 50 HP is consumed.
Soul Cry
Increases P. Atk. by 4.5.
Soul Guard
Increases P. Def. by 293.3. Continuously consumes MP.
Вміння екіпіровки
Expertise D
Increases expertise in using D-grade equipment.
Weapon Mastery
Increases P. Atk. by 1.5 and M. Atk. by 1.9. Has a chance to absorb 10% of standard melee damage inflicted on the enemy as HP.
Robe Mastery
Increases P. Def. by 11.6 when equipped with a robe.
Light Armor Mastery
When equipped with light armor, increases P. Def. by 12.6, Casting Spd. by 90%, Atk. Spd. by 25%, and MP Recovery Bonus by 20%.
Heavy Armor Mastery
When equipped with heavy armor, increases P. Def. by 11.6, Casting Spd. by 71%, and Atk. Spd. by 25%.
Sigil Mastery
When a Sigil is equipped, increases heal power by 30 and MP Recovery Bonus by 17%.
Create Common Item
Creates level 1 common items.
Magician's Movement
Increases Atk. Spd. when equipped with a robe jacket and robe pants.
Increases Resistance to Sleep, Hold, and Poison attacks by 20.
Anti Magic
Increases M. Def. by 10.
Increases Casting Spd. when equipped with a robe jacket and robe pants.
Quick Recycle
Decreases re-use time for magic by 10%.
At lv 9 or lower, the user will not experience loss of Exp. and Vitality points, and after-death effect upon death.
Boost HP
Increases Max HP by 60.
Fast HP Recovery
Increases HP Recovery Bonus by 1.1.
Boost Mana
Increases Max MP by 30.
Mana Recovery
Increases MP Recovery Bonus when equipped with a robe jacket and robe pants.
Fast Spell Casting
Increases Casting Spd. by 5%.
Fast Mana Recovery
Increases MP Recovery Bonus by 1.1.
Increases Resistance to Hold, Sleep and Mental attacks by 20.
Increases Resistance to poison and Bleed attacks by 20.
Skill Mastery
Depending on user's INT, the re-use time resets or the duration doubles.
Дод. вміння
Divine Lore
MP consumption for magical skills is decreased by 5%.
Divine Inspiration
Increases the number of buffs an individual can receive by 1.