National Representative Warrior's Tenacity National Representative Warrior's Tenacity Рів 1

When used, you can obtain at random one 3-, 7-, 10-, 30-day, or unlimited National Representative Warrior's accessory set. Upon skill use, 10 Proofs of Cheers are consumed, and it can be cancelled when attacked.

Type Активне (атакуюче)
Споживає 0 MP , Proof of Cheers Proof of Cheers, 10 шт.
Час перезарядження 2 сек.
Можна використовувати на олімпіаді? Так
Трейт trait_none
National Representative Warrior's Tenacity National Representative Warrior's Tenacity Рів 1 [selected] When used, you can obtain at random one 3-, 7-, 10-, 30-day, or unlimited National Representative Warrior's accessory set. Upon skill use, 10 Proofs of Cheers are consumed, and it can be cancelled when attacked.