Checkmate Checkmate Рів 3

Attacks the enemy bearing a Death Mark with 4275 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible.

Type Активне (атакуюче)
Споживає 94 MP
Час перезарядження 3 сек.
Можна використовувати на олімпіаді? Так
Трейт trait_none
Дальність застосування 40 (400)
Checkmate Checkmate Рів 1 Attacks the enemy bearing a Death Mark with 2388 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible.
Checkmate Checkmate Рів 2 Attacks the enemy bearing a Death Mark with 3408 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible.
Checkmate Checkmate Рів 3 [selected] Attacks the enemy bearing a Death Mark with 4275 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible.
Checkmate Checkmate Рів 4 Attacks the enemy bearing a Death Mark with 5180 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible.