Scorpion's Mass Exile Scorpion's Mass Exile Рів 11

Banishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and normal attacks, and lose 282 HP/second.

Type Активное (посилююче)
Споживає 0 MP
Час перезарядження 38 сек.
Время действия 10
Можна використовувати на олімпіаді? Так
Трейт trait_deport
Дальність застосування 600 (1100)
Scorpion's Mass Exile Scorpion's Mass Exile Рів 1 Banishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and normal attacks, and lose 282 HP/second.
Scorpion's Mass Exile Scorpion's Mass Exile Рів 2 Banishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and normal attacks, and lose 282 HP/second.
Scorpion's Mass Exile Scorpion's Mass Exile Рів 3 Banishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and normal attacks, and lose 282 HP/second.
Scorpion's Mass Exile Scorpion's Mass Exile Рів 4 Banishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and normal attacks, and lose 282 HP/second.
Scorpion's Mass Exile Scorpion's Mass Exile Рів 5 Banishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and normal attacks, and lose 282 HP/second.
Scorpion's Mass Exile Scorpion's Mass Exile Рів 6 Banishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and normal attacks, and lose 282 HP/second.
Scorpion's Mass Exile Scorpion's Mass Exile Рів 7 Banishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and normal attacks, and lose 282 HP/second.
Scorpion's Mass Exile Scorpion's Mass Exile Рів 8 Banishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and normal attacks, and lose 282 HP/second.
Scorpion's Mass Exile Scorpion's Mass Exile Рів 9 Banishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and normal attacks, and lose 282 HP/second.
Scorpion's Mass Exile Scorpion's Mass Exile Рів 10 Banishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and normal attacks, and lose 282 HP/second.
Scorpion's Mass Exile Scorpion's Mass Exile Рів 11 [selected] Banishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and normal attacks, and lose 282 HP/second.
Scorpion's Mass Exile Scorpion's Mass Exile Рів 12 Banishes enemies near target into another dimension. They become immobile and invincible against debuffs, skills, and normal attacks, and lose 282 HP/second.